A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 131

Chapter 131

e to know all of his nursery rhymes. I would engage

Leo is reciting a poem in the backseat of the car. This is his fourth poem Appttently, he wants me with him more if I was in a better mood. But Julian was suddenly in a sour mood, and now so was 1.

He’s a sweet kid, but I’m distracted by Julian’s cold demeanor. I know he’s probably mad that I was speaking with Nice. But he can’t expect me to give up my best friend. It’s buds before studs forever.

Leo stops speaking to take a water break. He fishes his sippy bottle from his hug and begins drinking from it.

Julian?” I say softly.

“Hm?” He grunts.

is something wrong.

“No.” The wont comes in a staccato.

Yes, something is fucking wrong.

1 give him a small smile and keep a hand on his knee. He doesn’t move. Doesn’t look at me. Doesn’t say anything. –

I’m driving, Ginevra.” He says, and lifts my hand with his, placing it back in my lap.

The rebuke, the action stings. But I don’t say anything. My eyes threaten to water for a moment, and then stop.

Julian pulls

Is up in front of a small ice cream place

“Come on,” He says, and gets down from the car. He opens up the back door and helps Les out. Quietly, I follow them inside.


takes his time choosing what he wants, and Julian and I stand

and awkwardly.

y, waiting, a a fire of unsaid words burning between us.

Le finally decides he wants black currant in a cone and tells that to julian. He looks at me. “And what do you want?”

“Nothing.” I mumble. “Thanks.“

Julian rolls his eyes.

That’s kind of hot. Or maybe I’m just down bad.

He gives in his and Leo’s order, and I wait, looking into my phone, texting Nico,

“Here,” Julian grunts. I look up, and sure as hell, he’s got ine ice cream cookies and cream and strawberry in a cup, my favorite. I don’t know how he knows this, or maybe it’s just a lucky guess, but something in my heart flutters.

“I don’t want any – I begin, because I’m an absolute moron.

“Ginevra.” Julian says lowly, “I’m pissed as it is. Just take it.”


“Thank you.” I whisper, and take the plastic cup from him, giving him a meek smile. “This is my favourite.”

He nods. I kno

“Ginny! Suddenly, Len is tugging at my jeans.

“Yes, bro?” I say, grinning widely.

“Into the best in the world?“”

I laugh, looking at Julian. “Yes, he is

Back in the cat, the three of us eat silently, the only sound being the soft hum of music on the radio. We are now listening to Leo’s choice – a surprising

ums out he loves metal? Strange child.

Julian finishes his banana split in seconds, and begins driving

We drop off Leo at Don’s house, then he begins to take us back to the tattoo shop. Tll come back tomorrow to get my tattoo. He informs.

I sigh deeply. Alright. Let’s do this.

“Tilian.” I say.

  1. s. Stop the car.

He looks over at me, cocking his eyebrow, still driving

Please Is

He shakes his head, then pulls over on the side of the road.

“What?” He says. His voice is cold, as has been since my call with Nico.

I tum down the music, and reach over to caress the back of his neck, then shift so I’m turned towards him. I reach out and take his hand.

Talk to me, please.” I whisper. “What’s wr

“I told you nothing is wrong. Ginevra,”


  • “Then kiss me.” 1 tell him. “If nothing is wrong, kiss me.”

His eyes narrow, “Don’t tell me what to do, Ginevra.”

Ugh. He is so difficult.

“Kiss me, Julian. Tell me were fine.” I say, pleading him with my eyes.

Julian’s jaw is set, his

is lips a hard line, the blue in his right eye shining in the sunlight.

“Are you fucking Nicola?”

“Huh?” I am dumbfounded. “Of course not, why would you think that?”

“You told him you were with Cassie. Why wouldn’t you tell him you’re with me? Because he’s your boyfriend and you shouldn’t be with another man?”

“Julian, 1 – “I begin.

The look on his face changes. “Are you ashamed of being with me?His lips twist on the word, as if he can’t believe he’s saying it, as if he can’t believe

I gasp. “No! Never in a thousand years. I’m not with Nico. And I’m not ashamed of you. I’m the one you should be ashamed of. Look at yourself, and look at me. If anything. Im the luckiest girl on the planet that you even remotely want me.”

“Then why, Ginevra?” He says, his smile sardonic

“Because I – I breathe deeply. “He told me not to be with you.” It’s a rush of words, because I know Julian will hate this.

Julips curl up into a wow. If you re not his, he is no one to tell you who to see.”

He reaches and grabs me by the neck, pulling my face closer to his. His head tilts, and his lips lightly graze my jawline. “You are mine, Ginevra.” He

asps. “Nim dont own you. I do. I claimed you when I touched you the first time.” Jesus fuck, something is happening in between my legs. “You told me you’re not a whore, and you’re not. If we are doing this, I want both of us to be part of this. That means Nico knows you’re off limits”

doesn’t matter, Julian.” I say, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. “He’s like my brother.”

“Nicola is in love with you.” Julian says, sourly. “You can’t see it, but everyone knows it. Do you get that? I dont want you around him, but I’m not going

to tell you to

give up your firind. I just want you to tell him abod in?

I’m aggravated. What is wrong with him? Why won the font me?

“And what should I tell him, Dante? What about us? Air we lovers! Aur you my boyfriend

Julian grits his teeth, be closes his eyes for a second, when he opens them there is a newfound fine in those orbs. “You are mine, darlin. That’s it. You

“Aist you?” I challenge. “Are you mine? Or are you going to go back and find some got to fuck and leave in the morning?”

He logs at nur interwoven hands and kisses me. A band kiss, his tonger invading my mondh with skill and finesse, and I’m kissing him back with equal

“My Ginevra,” he says against my lips, “Now that I have claimed you as mine, It does mean that I will be only with you for as long as this lasts, Infidelity

So, he won’t cheat past because infidelit

sin in the matia?

And of course, he sighn, “I haven’t been able to look at another woman since I tasted your sweet little pussy.”

Well, I’ll be damned.

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