A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 122

Chapter 122

Nico is big on traditions. We have traditions of all kinds – birthday traditions, Christmas traditions, Thanksgiving traditions, even fictitious traditions we will follow after our weddings. I think he likes them more than I do. But I love him, so I follow suit.

My birthday is usually very simple. We always eat waffles for breakfast, Earlier, iny mom used to make them for the two of us. Once she passed away when I was 15, his mom look over. Now, we usually just go to this diner we both love and have a hearty meal of chicken and waffles for brunch. After, we usually go for a drive, or howling or something. Something simple, Then, we cut a cake with my family, go out for dinner, and then watch Harry Potter at his place.

Its simple and lowkey, which I love. I’m not a big party person. So we leave that for his birthday. Those usually end in massive hangovers

As I’m stuffing my face with the crispy chicken doused in maple syrup, Nico stares at me. “So,” he says, “What’s with you

“Me and Capo Bastoor?” I say, “Nothing. Same old, sime üld,”

and Dante?

Nico and Dante have… weird dynamic. They used to be really close when they were younger, given how close they are in age. But since Nico chose not to join the mafia, things have been off between them.

The Rivers have controlled the mafia for generations. They are the strongest matia family in the world. Nico’s uncle, Mariana, is the Don, and his brother, Emilia is his Consigliere. Emilio is Nico’s father. It was expected that Nico would follow in his father’s footsteps and eventually end up as Consigliere himself. But he had never wanted it. He did face some resistance when he made his decision, but I am glad he stuck by what he wanted. I’m proud of him for it.

Niçn shrugs. “I don’t know, Girmy. He looked at you like he wanted to fuck you.”

“Did he?” I perk up, I would so let Julian fuck me, I would let him do anything to me.

Nico mills his eyes. “A little bit.”

A gidly feeling rises up my chest. I’ve always wanted Julian, but I never imagined he would want nie. Just the thought of such a possibility makes my spirit light up.

“Oh.” I can feel a blush rise up my face, and I bite the inside of my checks harl

“I’ve been thinking of getting a tattoo. Nico says, changing the subject.

1 nod. “Il do it for you. What would you like?”

Nico doesn’t have any tattoos, except a black rose on his shoulder, signifying his allegiance to the Casa Nostra. Even though Nico isn’t involved in the dirty work of the mafia, he is still part of the family, and everyone in the mafia gets that tattoo,

“I don’t know.” He admits. “I saw this Greek symbol. Maybe that,”

“Okay. Let me know when you decide what you want.” I say: “So, what are we doing next?”

“Hot air balloon ride.” He says casually, taking a huge mouthful of waffles. My eyes widen, and he smiles, his face still stuffed. “Booked it two months

“I love you so much.”

After hanging out for a while, and riding the hot air balloon at the carnival, Nico decides it’s time to visit his family. I’m close with Bethany, his mother, and his little brother Matteo, because we’re always at each other’s houses. He tells me Bethany is really excited to see me, and I agree. Since my mom died, Bethany has been like a mom to me. She helped me so much in processing the grief of losing her, has been a pillar of strength beside me. Helped me out so much with so many things. I’m really very grateful to her.

Nico drives us to his parents‘ house while I blast Taylor Swift on the car speakers. Nico isn’t very fond of that kind of music. He’s more a punk rock kind of guy, but unlike most days, he doesn’t protest, quietly putting up with me.

Aberto, the man who guards Nico’s parents house wishes me a happy birthday, and I wonder how he knows about that.

I walk inside nonchalantly, and am shocked when I take in the sight before me. Nico has thrown me a surprise party. Everyone I know is there my friends from the mafia, a few of our friends from high school, his parents, Don and Donna, my family.

“You threw me a party? I exclaim, bathing toward N

and pooping to his arms. He laughs and bangs me back. “Happy butliday. He says, then kisses the top of my head. “Thave a gift for you, but that will have to wait until the end.

I nod, then proceed to meet everyone else while Nice gets us champagne

Cam and Luxy are the only people Uway chose to dining high school, so they me who he noted. They both get me a gift, but Lalon’t open it

“Would you two get manied alreach “Ligy asks, giggling. She might be a little chunk

“Were Bens, Lucy” 1 stess, rolling my eyes. “We never getting

Cam exes. Nico, who is at the bar “Yeah, you are

I laugh internally. We debately arent getting matted. I mean, Niat has had a serious guffisenst all his life. Tabout think he has the capability to have à serious relationships. The only gut he’s stick it with is me the bist capable of having a real relationship, but then I guess so is the case with me. 1 haven’t ever had a boxtuend. Im a 22 year old women who has never hala bowtiend, but its abusivut like we never had the coue. Nico used to get. hit on all through high school, and then when he went to Finversity, Same los me, but people have abis becis taiscomfortable with the dynamic we share. It would be nice to had somevine who wasn’t uncontestable with one being sochvor to Nics Still This also means that Talon’t have a lot of dating. experience. I would definitely be a virgins if it wasnt for that one dunk night in mm 15th birthday when I let Niers best friend Tyler fuck me is his slom too. I been oating Nov at his so. When he boast and what had happened, he d alusest killed the poor gay. Nice was, to say the least, protective. That had been one disastrous visit. Nice and Tyler are still tricods, though. And alls well that ends well.

Nico comes anoush with our shrinks, alerting me of his presence with a hand on the small at my back. I realise why people think were a couple, it because were always together, and were both very touchy feel. At least with each other, we are. We’re almost always touching sometimes he has his arm around mix shoulder, or his hand in the small of my back, other times, who have tate, I in balding his hund

just how it’s always been. Both Nice and I know that we are strictly platonic, but it’s not like everyone else does.

Nico hands me my champagne, and we clink ou gloves together before taking a sip together.

“Ginny, Moni wants to meet you.” İbe says.

“Oh, alright. Let’s go.”

Nico’s Mom Bethany isn’t his birth mother, but she has bought him up since he was seven years old, and they re very close. Nobody knows what really happened to Nico’s real mother, and nobody is brave enough to ask Consiglese Emilio, his father.

“Hi, Ginny,” Bethany pulls me into a hug when we get to her, Consigliere Emilia is standing beside her silently with some scotch in his hand. “Happy birthday.” She tells me.

I pull away from her. “Thank you, Bethany. And thanks for having my party at your place. I love it ”

She smiles. “It was

ex Emilio’s idea. Nicos penthouse isn’t exactly ideal for all these matosis to gather at.”

I laugh, and out of the corner of me eye I can see Consigliere Emilio scowling at his wife.

“Great, Bethy, way to nuke the Consiglicie seem manly,” He says sarcastically,

Thank you, Consigliere.” I say, “You’re too kind.“))

Nico rolls his eyes and looks at me. “Yeah, yeah. Wanna dance?”

I’m beginning g to say yes, but Bethany interrupts me, ‘Oh wait, I bought Goomy a dress. It’s her parte, I thought she’d want to look good.”

I look down at my attire. I’m wearing jeans and a black top. It is halt bad, but a dress would look graal.

“Bethany, you didn’t have to

“Oh, save the formalities,meelaya.” She takes my hand and leads me upstairs, “Come on, let’s get yon dolled up.”

(Meelaya Russian for sweetheart)

His Little Flower

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