A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 112

Chapter 112

The drive home was a blur of comfortable silence punctuated by the occasional sleepy yawn from Felix. The weight of the day settled on us, a pleasant exhaustion that tugged at our limbs. Pulling into the driveway, Felix helped me out of the car, our Laughter echoing softly in the stillness of the night.

Inside, the remnants of the days adventure were scattered around the bouquet of wildflowers on the counter, a stray fairy light clinging to the banister. It was perfect, this messy aftermath of our perfect day.

Reaching for me. Felix pulled me close, his familiar scent wrapping around me like a warm embrace. The kiss that followed was slow and languid, a tired sigh of contentment escaping my lips. It wasnt the fiery passion of newlyweds, but something deeper, a quiet promise whispered against the skin.

With a final, lingering kiss, we stumbled towards the bedroom, the weight of the silver necklace a comforting reminder against my chest. Collapsing onto the bed, tangled in limbs and wedding dress lace, a contented sigh escaped me. Felix nuzzled closer, his hand finding mine. His eyes fluttered closed, a sleepy smile gracing his lips.

“We have to exchange rings.” he murmured. His eyes were hooded over, sleepiness clear on his face.

I nodded. “We have to tell people.”

He hummed in response, his eyes closing on

on their o

own. I guess we’d have our wedding night tomorrow.

In the quiet darkness, surrounded by the echoes

echoes of our vows and the gentle hum of the city, we drifted off to sleep.

I woke up much before him. I guess he was super tired after last night. Sunlight dappled across Felix’s face; I watched him sleep, a slow smile spreading across my lips. His brow furrowed momentarily before smoothing out, replaced by a contented sigh. The weight of the silver necklace against my chest, the memory of whispered vows, and the reality of being his wife filled me with a warmth that chased away any lingering sleep.

Tentatively, I reached out, tracing the outline of his jaw with my finger. His eyes fluttered open, a slow smile blooming across his face as they met mine. A shared secret nestled comfortable between us.

“Good morning, Mrs. Corsino,” he murmured, his voice husky with sleep.

God. I loved hearing those words. Especially when he said it. It felt so familiar. Like my name had never been Flora

ora White. Like I had always only been Flora Corsino. Our names had always been one.

The sound sent a shiver down my spine. “Mrs. Corsino,” I echoed, testing the name on my tongue. “Flora Corsino.”

He leaned in, his lips brushing against my ear. “I’m sorry I slept last night.”

I smiled happily, a soft, contended sigh escaping my lips. “You were tired.”

He nodded. “I have an amazing wedding night to give you. Tonight, baby.”

The morning stretched before us. Felix had to go to work.

“Its your first day as the boss.”

He nodded silently. “Yeah, I’ll leave, soon.”

As the sun climbed higher, painting the room in a warm glow, we finally disentangled ourselves, a comfortable silence settling between us. Felix stretched, a playful grin on his face.

“So, Mrs. Corsino,” he teased, “what do you have planned for today?”

I smiled, a mischievous glint in my eye. “Well, Mr. Corsino,” I countered, “I think a celebratory brunch is in order. Pancakes, maybe some bacon…”

His eyes lit up. “Now you’re talking my language.

Felix, still drowsy, mumbled something about coffee as I slipped out of bed. The silence of the house felt light. I felt hopeful about the day, about my life.

I pulled out the ingredients for heart–shaped pancakes – a little cheesy, maybe, but undeniably cute. As the batter sizzled on the griddle, a smile played on my lips. Mrs. Consina. God, I was Flora Corsino, now. I had dreamt of this many times. But I wasn’t just his wife now, I was more. He was the head of

the Corsion family. The nña. And I was the wife of the mafia head. It still felt strange, but in a good way, like a new title waiting to be filled with

That aroma of coffee and maple syrup soon coated Felix out of our room. He walked in, all dressed up now in a dapper suit. He was wearing a gun hubster, Seeing him, my heart did a little Hip–flop. This was my husband.

Wow,” he harathed, his voice thick be took in the sight of the heart–shaped pancakes. “You didn’t have to do all this, flower.”

“I wanted to, I said, spooning a dollop of whipped cream onto his plate. “Celebrate our first day as a married couple, even if it is a little unorthodox.

We devoured the breakfast, laughing and stealing kisses between bites. It was simple, a little messy, but it felt perfect.

As the morning wote on, the reality of the world outside our cozy kitchen nudged in. Felix had a meeting he couldn’t miss. He leaned in for a lingering klas, his hand lingering on my cheek.

(gotta get going, flower,” he murmured, the playful glint back in his eyes. “But I’ll see you tonight. We have a real honeymoon to plan,” He paused, kid I have your ass to fuck

A thrill shoot through me. “I’ll be waiting”

He winbest, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Gand. I’m going to fuck you till you can’t remember your own name.”

With one last Liss, he was out the door, leaving me with a lingering smile and the warmth of our new beginning filling the air.

Exhaustion, sweet and heavy, washed over me after Felix left. I drifted off on the couch; the sunlight harsh on my face, which I blocked with an arm across my face. The afternoons wore on, and I woke willi a start, from a bad dream I couldn’t remember once I woke up. My throat was parched. Padding to the kitchen, 1 tracted for a glass, the silence of the house unsettling for some reason.

– Suddenly, the back door creaked open, and Liam stood there, a strange look on his face. “Flora? Hey!”

“Hey, Liam,” I said, surprised, “What brings you by?” We hadn’t spoken much since the whole thing after he had driven me that day, but I figured we weir still friends. He stepped closer, his hands shoved deep in his pockets.

“I, uh,” he stammered, glancing around the kitchen. “Just wanted to see how you were doing.” His eyes flickered to the ring on my finger, a flicker of something dark crossing his face.

I clencheil my fist.

“What’s that?” ifis eyes were zeroed in on the rock.

I thought of a million ways to lie to him. I settled on a half lie. “I got engaged,

“To Mr. Corsino?” His voice fell a little.

I nodded. “Yeah.”

“Jesus Christ, Flora. That’s…” he smiled, but his eyes were blank, “Congrats.”

We made small talk for a while, the tension thickening with every passing moment. My unease grew, fueled by Liam’s unusual demeanor. He kept glancing at the window, as if waiting for something. Suddenly, he reached into his pocket, his hand emerging with a folded cloth..

“Here,” he said, his voice strained, “you look tired. Have some of this.”

Confused, I began to speak. Before I could react, he lunged forward, smothering the cloth over my mouth and nose. The smell on it was acrid, something medical, and my vision began to blur. Panic clawed at me, but it was too late. My limbs grew heavy, my last coherent thought a horrifying betrayal “Dam? The name escaped my lips in a weak gasp, and then darkness claimed me.

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