A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 102

Chapter 102

Telly NOV

Felix 1

Sunlight speared through the gap in the curtains, painting stripes across Flora’s face. She woke up easily, so I was being quiet. Her feet were moving in rhythm even as she slept. I had learned that it was a symptom of anxiety. Her breaths were coming in gentle sighs that puffed against the mess of auburn hair fanned across the pillow, I watched her, the urge to trace the curve of her cheek with my finger almost overwhelming. But I didn’t touch her, so as not to wake her up..

Everything about her- the way her brow furrowed in concentration even in sleep, the smattering of freckles that dusted her nose like a constellation – filled me with a fierce tenderness. It was a need that went beyond the physical, a primal desire to shelter her, to be the fortress that kept the world from ever hurting her again.

She was naked under the covers. I liked making her sleep naked. I liked to feel her naked body against mine in the night, the supple skin, the curve of her waist. Her ass against me,

I had half a mind to wake her up and fuck her.

I stared and stared at her. She was gently holding my finger as she slept The thought of the world, the one that had inflicted its harsh touch on her when I wasn’t there, sent a now–familiar pang through my chest. The mensary of her tear–stained face, the tremor in her voice as she recounted the betrayal, the violation it was a brand seared into my soul.

The story she told. Her desperation to find me. And I hadn’t fucking answered my phone. Because I was at a party in my new college.

I hadn’t been there for her then. I hadn’t been strong enough, fast enough, to shield her from the damage. The guilt gnawed at me constantly, a dull ache that sharpened whenever I saw a flicker of fear in her eyes, a fear I knew I had instilled by my absence.

But she was here now, nestled against me; her hair scattered on the pillowcase, her scent in my sheets. Every soft smile she gave me, every brush of her hand against mine, was a victory we’d earned together. And I wouldn’t let anything, anything ever mar this peace again. She deserved a world painted in love and laughter, and I, would be the one to paint it for her.

She was mine. And I was a lucky bastard to have her.

The bed creaked softly as I stretched, the sound pulling a sleepy murmur from Flora. Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing a deep brown that always took my breath away. A slow smile spread across her face, a secret sunrise reserved only for me.

“Good morning, flower,” I rasped, my voice thick with sleep.

“Good morning, yourself, she mumbled, burrowing closer, her sleep warmed skin sending a delicious shiver down my spine. I wrapped an arm around her, the possessiveness a natural extension of the way 1 felt. She was mine, safe in my embrace.

The memory of her vulnerability, though, was a shadow lurking at the edges of my contentment. I traced a finger along the delicate curve of her jaw, the pad brushing over a faint scar- a physical reminder of a past I couldn’t erase.

Are you alright?” she mumbled, her voice laced with concern. She always knew, this woman who fit so perfectly against my side.

“Just thinking about you,” I admitted, my voice rough

She tilted her head up, searching my y eyes. “About…” she trailed off, a question hanging in the air.

About how you deserve the world,” I said fiercely, the protectiveness in my chest a roaring fire. And for a while, your world was…not the one you deserve.”

Flora’s brow furrowed slightly, a flicker of the past pain crossing her features. But then, as quickly as it appeared, it was gone, replaced by a soft understanding. She reached up, her fingers brushing against my cheek, against the guilt etched on my face.

“You’re here now,” she whispered, her voice husky with emotion. “That’s all that matters.”

I nodded grimly. But it would eat up on me. Forever. No matter what I did or what she did.

“Can we

go to the aquarium today?” she asked suddenly, her eyes soft and pleading. I would say yes to anything she asked. But today was an insportant day. I had something to do.

“I have some important things to do, baby. Why don’t you take Tilly? Or Tommy? I’ll join you for dinner.”


Chapter 102

She pouted, but nodded in understanding.

Flora left the bed, and went to the bathroom. I stayed in bed, and texted Nick, Blue, and my father.

The air in the living room of my parents‘ house hung thick with the scent of coffee and simmering tension. My jaw clenched tight, mimoring the lines etched deep around my father’s eyes. Nick, ever tapped his pen rhythmically against the mahogany table, while Blue, our resident tech whit, scrolled furiously on his tablet.

a monster in

It had been weeks since we discovered the truth about Flora’s father, weeks of gnawing worry punctuated by fruitless searches. The man my eyes – had vanished like smoke after his abuse came to light. There’d been no note, no trace, just a gaping hole in Flora’s life and a relentless fire in my gut.

I had rescued her. I was taking care of her. But it wasn’t enough. I had to avenge her. I had to teach him, what happens, when someone takes my girl away from me.

Blue slammed his tablet down, startling us all. “Got something,” he announced, his voice sharp with suppressed excitement. He spun the device towards me, the screen displaying a grainy security image of a man with a receding hairline and a haunted look in his eyes. “Facial recognition pinged off a casino security feed on the outskirts of the state. Time stamp’s from last night.”

A surge of adrenaline

se shot through me. Finally, a damn lead. My father cleared his throat, his voice gravelly. “Alright, let’s move.”

We gathered our things, a silent symphony of purpose. Nick outlined a quick strategy. “Blue, you pull up any additional intel you can find. Mr. Corsino, you take point with Felix. Blue and I will Bank.”

My father looked at me with silent pride. He was happy with the decisions 1 had made, choosing Nick and Blue to be my second at command.

There was no room for second thoughts. No time to waste. I grabbed my jacket, the familiar weight of it grounding me. This wasn’t just about bringing Flora’s father to justice; it was about proving to her that I could be the protector she deserved.

Maybe it was just about my selfish need for revenge. It was, yes. Just revenge. God, 1 had thought about this for weeks. I was gonna beat the shit out of him

As we piled into two different cars; with Dad and I in a truck and Nick and Blue trailing behind us, the engine roaring to life, I stole a glance at the rising sun bleeding orange across the horizon. A new day, a new chance to finally set things right. We were going to find that bastard, and when we did, he’d wish he’d stayed missing.

Chapter Comments

Valeri Burnet Lauletta

I’m wondering if she ever went to her mother’s grave since she clearly wasn’t there for the funeral


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