A Lethal Lady

Chapter 4

“Who are you? Tom raises the tip of his hat, and although there was not much light, the shadow of his face could be seer considerably.

Ym the one asking the questions here, miss.

-Vll pay for the horse.

That's not what I thought I saw at first,” he answers, taking a step closer to her.

“Who's the owner? I'll make a deal with him.

-It's met And that horse is not ridden by anyone, let alone for sale.

Rouse felt cornered, she had been caught trying to steal a horse. And by the way, she was in front of the owner himself. 5 was an outsider, she could easily pass for a thief in that place.

They would hang her if that man gave her away...

-1 didn’t want to steal it, just borrow it.

-And where is the lady going? Or rather, where is she coming from?

She swallows saliva, the interrogation was not something to be expected. Or well, maybe it was, she was an outsider afte; all.

-And who's asking? The blonde hugs herself, the cold was beginning to take its toll on her.

Tom Wesley -The man pushes aside the overcoat, revealing his gold badge badge hanging from his belt, despite the low light, you could see the shine of it. -I'm the sheriff of this town, miss.

Rouse’s whole body petrified, she was going to steal a horse that turned out to be the sheriff's and by the way the man who had caught her about to escape was the same man. It could be said that she was in serious trouble.

“You have a lot of things to explain, and seeing you standing up on your own trying to steal my horse, I am sure you are ready to answer all my questions.

“No,” she answers arrogantly, which surprises Tom, “I don't intend to answer anything at all, I haven't done anything wron in this town, I'm well within my rights to leave.

“You think so?

“Yes, sheriff. I know my rights, and you can't interrogate me, if I choose to leave, I can.

She was very haughty, not like any other lady in town. This woman was quite different, even though she appeared to be a innocent young woman. Anyway, I could not let her go. Especially not in that condition, she could hardly stand up. How h planned to ride his horse, who was so unruly.

-I regret to inform you that being in that condition I will not be able to let you go, Miss...” He kept silent when he realized that he did not even know the name of that woman. What was her name?

Rouse couldn't trust anyone, even if he was a sheriff and was being nice to her. She needed to get out of that town before dawn, but with that man's imposing presence it would be difficult enough. With just one squeeze from that guy, he would break her bones.

suddenly, the blonde narrowed her eyes, Rouse felt a kind of dizziness that made her lose her balance. Something wasn’ right with her, but what, out of nowhere, she felt something warm run across the skin of her body. Immediately, she squeezes her waist, the fabric of her nightgown moistened, but she didn’t know with what.

-Damn! -She says at the same time as her body loses strength and balance completely and goes straight to the ground. Tom's reflexes acted immediately, he arrived at the blonde’s side in seconds to take her in his arms. The woman had fainted.

-After all, it seems that she is not very willing to be questioned.

The sheriff walks with her in his arms back to the doctor's house, from now on he would guard that house. He did not intend to let that woman try to escape, but not before answering her questions.


-But what has happened?

What happened? -exclaims the doctor, welcoming Tom at the door of his house.

She has left home, I found her trying to escape on my horse.

But why is she bleeding? Did you argue with her?

he just fainted while we were talking.

Take her to the room, I'll check her out.

Tom stood waiting to hear from the doctor, hoping the lady would make it through the rest of the morning. She looked a little pale as he laid her down on the bed...

As he waited for the doctor, he remembered when he observed her prowling about on her horse. He found it strange that lady would be walking in the street at that time of night, but as he moved closer to the woman he noticed that she was n one of the women of the village, but rather the stranger.

At that moment he thought that the doctor's theory was quite wrong, that lady was quite tough. Look at wanting to steal her horse under those conditions, she would have died a few miles from town. It was obvious that she was not in her righ mind when she chose to run away from Jesey’s house.

He was lucky that he always retired to the hotel late, if he had not been at the police station at that time, surely, that blonde would have left. Although he doubted that with his horse, no one would ride Belze, unless it was himself.

Rousa couldn't trust anyone, even if he had been a shariff and had been able to find a way to be friendly with her. He did want to get out of this place before dawn, but with the imposing shadow it would be difficult enough. With only one push of the subject handle, it would consecrate to break it the huasos.

suddenly, as the blonde’s eyes narrowed, Rousa felt a sudden sudden aspacity that made her stop to balance. Something was not going well with her, but what, she felt something warm running down the side of her body. Immediately, she tightened her waist, the waistband of her nightgown became wet, but she didn't know with what.

-Damonios! -He said at the same time that his body was getting stronger and more balanced and he went straight to the bathroom.

Tom's eyes acted immediately, he came to the blonde’s side and grabbed her in his arms. The woman had fainted.

-After all, it seems that it is not too much of a challenge to be incarcerated.

The shariff walks with her in his arms to the doctor's house, where he would now be guarding the house. He did not want to allow that woman to try to climb the stairs, but not without scratching his questions.


But what has happened?

has happened?! -He exclaims to the doctor, racibiando to Tom at the door of his house.

she’s gone out of the house, he found her trying to climb on my horse.

“Why are you bleeding? Did you have an argument with her?

She just got upset while we were talking.

Take her to the room, I'll warn her.

Tom was waiting for news from the doctor, hoping the little lady would make it through the early morning. She looked a little pale when he put her to bed...

While he was looking for the doctor, he remembered when he saw her riding her horse. She found it strange that a lady w walking in the street at this time of the night, but when she approached the woman she noticed that she was not one of the women of the village, but rather the forastress.

At that moment he thought that the majority of the doctor was quite close, and that the young lady was quite distant. He saw that if he had stolen his horse in such conditions, he would have died a few kilometers away from the village. It was obvious that he was not up to his tricks when he opted to climb up to Jasay’s house.

He was sure that if he had not gone back to the hotel late, if he had not arrived at the police station at that time, the blonde would have left. Even though he doubted that with his horse, Balza nadia rode him, at the hands of his own.

Tom recalled her delicate face in the darkness, then her haughty way of answering, those indexes told him many things. She might be a lady, but she was to be feared.

it would not be an easy case... and he still did not know the name of this woman.

At that moment, the door of the room where the unknown woman was opened. The doctor came out.

He said, “she'll be fine, her stitches are gone. She fainted because she is so weak.

Will she survive?

she’s standing up on her own, I think she'll make it through the night.

Vl stay to keep an eye on her.

As you wish, sheriff. I'll have my wife fix you a chest of drawers.

-Jesey, I'll pay for the lady's care.

-All right. ~The man nods.

He would not run away again, if he saw her go out that door, he would put her back to bed and if necessary tie her to the bed to keep her still.


As soon as the sun began to warm up, its rays filtered through the window of Rose's room. Seconds later, she opened he eyes and realized she was in a room. It was the same as the night before.

“What the hell happened? Why did I come back here?

She sits up a little and immediately feels a twinge in her rib that makes her lie down again. She pulls up her nightgown a notices that she has a new bandage. She didn't remember anything that happened last night after that sheriff interrogate her.

She looked out the window, noticing that it had thick bars. It looked like that room was made for no one to escape. Rouse lets out her breath, how the hell was she going to sneak out of that town? But most of all, how was he planning to dodge that sheriff's questions.

Just then, as he was trying to find answers to his questions, the door opens and a slightly older man enters.

Ym glad you woke up, miss. What you did yesterday wasn't right, you've hurt yourself a lot more. But you're looking bets today.

“Who are you?

I'm Jesey Webb, the village doctor. What's your name?

Rouse turned his face away; if he didn't trust the sheriff, he wouldn't trust the town doctor. She didn't want to say anythir about her life to these people, even if they were being nice to her.

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