A Lethal Lady

Chapter 33

An irritating shiver runs through Tom's whole body, he looks at Lauren without saying a word. And there was no need to a who he was talking about, since it was Rouse herself.

How dare she leave town, especially on her terms. And after what they shared, the blood in his veins began to boil, and h eyes grew dark.

He picked up his hat and without a word to Lauren headed for the exit, but there, just then, he bumped into Jesey, who getting off his horse.

Tom, old Joy is fine. But she is" the doctor denies. She's not at the ranch.

The sheriff's fury was rising, first Lauren, and now the doctor confirms the blonde’s words... that woman was going to hea him.

Tom strides over to his horse, and mounts him...

Sheriff, don't you think it's better this way?

“No, it isn't! -He answers forcefully. Tell Harry to meet me at Joy's ranch as soon as possible.

He encourages Belze to ride quickly in the direction of Joy's ranch, he would follow in her footsteps from there. It would r be difficult for him to find her. And if he had to imprison her in the cell to keep her from escaping again, he would do it. As Tom drove out of town, Lauren watched him walk away from the police station. The blonde half smiled, she might be ts young to understand some things, but she wasn't blind to realise that the sheriff cared deeply for Rouse.

Lauren denies, and makes her way back to the hotel. It was already very late, and if she took any longer than she should, her mother would beat her up for sure. She had been in a very bad mood lately, especially since the sheriff was no longe sleeping at the hotel.

It was obvious that she was furious that the sheriff wasn't giving her the attention she wanted, but instead was giving it 2 to the stranger.

Somewhat distracted, and immersed in her thoughts, Lauren walks down the street without noticing what was going on around her... when out of nowhere, someone emerges from the darkness covering her mouth violently. The young woman struggles, but it was useless, her captor was strong and big.

At that, they cover her face with a sack and she ends up being dragged into the shadows...


She rode so fast, that it didn't take her long to reach Joy's ranch. Quickly, he runs inside the house, and found the old may sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee and holding something in his hand that Tom himself recognized.

The anger went down a little when he saw that necklace, it was the one Victoria used to wear... looking at it, after so man years, stirred things up inside him. It made him remember everything he lived in her company; she was a good woman, kind, brave and very stubborn.

She was also a very beautiful woman, he never got to kiss her. Out of respect for her father, and for herself; Victoria was t be his wife, she was the woman he loved and had been taken from him prematurely.

1 miss her very much, but at least I know she will no longer suffer in these lands.

~You know she never suffered for helping you, for staying with you. You were her father, and she was defending what was hers.

-At what cost? They took her from me, she was just a helpless woman.

Joy.” Tom takes a step towards him.

That's why I let her go, I offered her a chance to get away from here. Those vermin are going to come back for her, and I couldn't let them.

joy was interfering with the law, and that was a crime. He could be hanged for doing so, and he himself would end up on the gallows if it was proved that Rouse was a thief.

1 must look for her, tell me where she has gone.

They'll hang her, or prosecute if you find her. I'd rather she stayed at large.

Joy, she’s wounded. In her condition, she won't last long...

she’s strong enough to handle herself, my boy.

Tom positions himself in front of him and looks at him, the old man does the same.

“1 need to find her and bring her back,” joy looks into Tom's eyes.

she matters to you, doesn't she? The look in your eyes is almost the same as the one you had when you were talking about my daughter.

“This is different, I loved Victoria.

And Rouse too.

joy stands up leaving her daughter's necklace on the table, Tom looks at the jewel and closes his eyes.

“You're not betraying my daughter, Tom. You're not disappointing me either, on the contrary, it makes me happy that you’ finally noticing someone after all this time. I'm sure my daughter will be very happy.

No, this...

-But I think you've noticed the most complicated one of all. She's like that rare fruit that grows on cacti,” the old man smiles. The truth is, I think she’s your level. She's not just any woman.

“Where did she go?

Ym sorry, sheriff. But that I don't know, she took a horse and left... and the money I offered her, she didn't even want to receive it. I hope that wherever she is, she’s all right.

The sheriff let out his breath, if Joy knew anything he wouldn't say a word to her... annoyed, he goes to the door, and ther he notices the presence of Harry who was approaching the ranch at high speed.

-Tom, what's wrong? -he asks, dismounting.

1 want you to keep an eye on this house, watch out for Joy's safety.

“Where are you going? -What about the village? You know he can't stay alone for long.

-Vll be back soon.

He mounts his horse and gallops to the shed where the horses sleep, there he inspects all possible footprints, and spots one in particular. They were small boots, and the tread was not that deep.

Follow that trail, and it leads up into the mountains...

I've got you!


She had been riding for many hours, she was exhausted, and so was the horse. Rouse slowed down, it was necessary for her to give the animal a rest or she would die before he would take her anywhere.

-Quiet, pretty girl, let's take a break.

The blonde dismounted, and as best she could tied the horse to a pile of rocks. She checked the whole area and the trutt is that she could see almost nothing, it was already very dark. The best thing to do was to wait for the sun to come up an continue on her way.

Nobody was following her, and that was a point in her favour, since the morning she left at that time of the night, she should already have a great advantage on her journey. But remember something important, Tom's bloody horse was a beast, that animal could run very fast.

However, it was unlikely that Tom would catch up with it. And that was reassuring... Rouse sat down on a rock, she was freezing to death, but if she took away the mares blanket she would be the one who would die from the cold and she needed it to move forward.

Her decision to leave was a hasty one, but it was now or never...

She laid her body down and did not feel comforted, however, she needed to sleep for at least an hour. And in view of the fact that the horse was already roaring, she would do the same.

She looked up at the starless sky, more like heavy grey clouds. That made her frown, it looked like it was going to rain; an with those thoughts, the blonde closed her eyes and surrendered to sleep.


something was falling on her face, what was it, water, was she dreaming, Rouse blinked when she felt that she was gettin wet, when she opened her eyes, she noticed that it was starting to rain heavily.

She didn't know how long she had been asleep, and she couldn't tell the time either, since the sky was covered by black clouds. She blinks her eyes at the gust of water falling on her and her cabin....

The blonde looks around for her mare and is nowhere to be seen. She climbs down from the rock and her boots sink into puddle of muddy water.

“Where the hell is she?

“Your mare almost died,” she gasps at the sound of that voice, and as she turns around her heart starts pounding. How careless you are, she could have drowned. This rain looks like it's going to last a long time.

-Sheriffl -She takes two steps back, and he takes two steps towards her. How did...2 How did I get here..?

-Belze is the best horse in town, and I dare say in the town of Tombstone. Your mare is no match for him.

-And what do you intend to do? In what capacity do you stand before me?

-I told you not to leave the ranch, didn't 17

-Don't give me orders, you know very well that I don't take orders from anyone.

-Really? -He questions.

Rouse’s eyes widened, what did that question mean? She wonders to herself. She takes another step back, seeing that th man seemed bigger and more reckless at the moment.

“You know that.

“Who are you running from? Who are you afraid of? Me? Or who?

-1 don't know what you're talking about.

Yes you do, who do you take orders from? -Who do you take orders from?

Tom ended up closing the little space between the two of them, and ended up cornering Rouse against a rock wall.

The rain was insane, covering them both from head to toe. But that didn't matter to the sheriff, as he was ready to get the truth out of the blonde on the spot.

S50, you're in the capacity of sheriff?

That's right, and you're going to answer me what I want to know.

And if I refuse?

ll put you in prison, Rouse.” She purses her lips, looking quite sincere and confident.

-In that case, you'll have to drag me to your police station. Because I'm not going to go quietly.

-I thought so!

And with the same, Tom took Rouse by the hands and turned her around. His intention was to tie her up and put her on k horse. But what this sheriff hadn't counted on was that this lady would fight back to save her life.

Rouse, seeing herself taken by Tom in such a violent manner, fought back in the same way she was being restrained. Before the sheriff could tie the ropes around her wrists, the blonde ducked, and with that she freed herself from Tom's hands. She slipped down the centre of his thighs and decided to run away from him.

But Tom caught up with her only a couple of steps away, and at that moment, they both fell into the water. The sheriff wa on top of her, holding her wrists above her head.

“You won't get away again.

She looked at his expression all wet and enraged, he had lost his hat allowing hundreds of drops of water to drip from th ends of his hair and fall on his own face.

That glint in his eyes was fearful, really, he was furious...

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