A Lethal Lady

Chapter 31

She was about to fall asleep, when there was a loud knock on the bedroom door. Only one person in the house could kno like that.

“This idiot pretends to wake up the old man,” she whispers, getting to her feet. What do you want? -He asks from the othe side of the door.

-Open up! -he orders.

-No, you're not coming in here.

“1 tell you to open the door, Rouse.

Go away, if you've seen the old man, you needn't be here any longer. I'l take care of him.

She stuck her ear to the door at the sheriff's silence, it looked like he was gone, but she couldn't be trusted... she looked the closed door and bit her lips, suddenly a noise at the window made her turn around.

Rouse’s eyes widened as she saw the sheriff climbing through the window, who would have thought it, such a huge man slipping through a window like a burglar.

“What is he doing? Has he lost his mind?

How did you manage to shoot all those men out there? -Tom approaches her quickly, his entire presence filling the tiny room.

“What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything.

I'd never get shot like that,” the sheriff grabs Rouse by the shoulders. Was it you?

He was between a rock and a hard place, he knew he couldn't keep it from her any longer. With Joy's wound, there was no way she could have killed three guys. And she was the only one on that ranch.

If that's what you wanted to know, then don’t bother me anymore.

“Tell me who you are, Rouse, you must tell me” She purses her lips, her heart pounding.

-'m nobody! Tom clenches his jaw.

She was still being harsh, she just didn't realise that if she told him the truth he might be able to help her with whatever was she was going through.

“Why is she so insistent on me? I'm just an outsider, I don’t come from anywhere, and I'm not going anywhere specific. I'm nobody, Tom.

“You're somebody to me, Rouse.” He moves closer to her until he's quite close.

Rouse’s lip began to tremble, as she wondered why the hell it had to be a sheriff who cared about her, the blonde lowere her gaze.

Don't harbour feelings for me, sheriff. You're wasting your time, I'm not a woman to be loved the way you're thinking” To lifts her cheek and makes her look at him.

I'll decide that for myself.

He closes the little space between the two of them and ends up kissing Rouse’s lips in a very different way than he did outside. He wraps his arms around the blonde's waist, pressing her body to his.

Since Rouse was wearing only a nightgown, Tom wasted no time in pulling it up her thighs to reveal the intimacy of her body. Then, carrying the blonde as she wrapped her legs around his waist, the sheriff confidently walked over to the bed and with his partner fell onto the mattress.

That's when they started kissing fiercely, as if they urgently needed to be inside each other... Rouse began to quickly strip off the sheriffs clothes, while he continued kissing her, urging her not to stop.

When he was halfway undressed, she stops and tenses her whole body.

-No, no, we're not doing this again,” Rouse tries to shake him off, but Tom's weight was insane.

~Your body proves to me that you're lying” he says, kissing her lips, but she bites them, and Tom pulls away as he frowns. I'm not lying, get away from me.

“No” She answers firmly.

He kisses her again without giving her a chance, but she resists and struggles against him. She hits him on the arms and tries her best to push him away; but she can't, she even includes her legs to hit him on his nether parts, but Tom locks he thighs together and prevents her from hurting him.

It was a complete struggle that they both had on the bed, yet Rouse responded to the kiss in the same fierce manner witl which he was kissing her.

Let go of me, get away from me....

-l won't..." The sheriff insisted.

“You don't respect me, I don't want this,” she said, but she kept kissing him and clinging to him. Please...” At that moment she moaned, as Tom pressed into the crook of her neck.

She was demanding something from him, but at this point, she didn’t know what she was demanding... to be released, or be made love to, whatever it was, he was ready to make her his once more....

As best he could, he managed to strip down to his jeans and before the woman could get away from him, he entered her a single thrust.

-Ahhhh! No... -He groaned.

But immediately, she reached for Tom's lips, and he gladly offers them to kiss her as he penetrates her without any gentleness whatsoever.

Rouse bites her lips and sucks them eventually. The s*x act was rough, aggressive, but passionate and desired.

-No, get off... get off me, you idiot, I don’t want us to do this," Rouse demanded of Tom, but at the same time tried not to push him away.

He had no choice but to tie the blondes hands to the back of the bed, that would stop her from hitting him. He grabbed both of Rouse’s wrists and pulled them over her head, and when she realised what he was going to do, she used force to free herself

She jerks her body to get the sheriff off of her, but he drops his body on her like dead weight.

You bastard, what are you trying to do? She shakes her body, but it only makes it hotter.

“Moving like this only makes me want to make you mine.

You're doing this against my will.

Really? -He kisses her, and she responds, “Don’t you want to? -He whispers against her lips without taking his eyes off he ~You son of a bitch, sheriff," she grows, then slaps his arms.

Tom leans up a little, and with the same hand, he grabs Rouse’s hands. He quickly ties them to the bed, and that takes away that punching problem.

“You're an animal. That's no way to treat a woman.

“You're a woman when it suits you to be one, aren't you?

He leans towards her and kisses her again, Rouse pulls at the restraints on her hands, but to no avail. And her legs were trapped by the man's thighs, suddenly she feels Tom thrust hard into her, causing her lower belly to churn.

Again, she felt the same sensation as earlier. She was about to explode into a thousand pieces, because if he touched her just a little, everything in her was vibrating.

Without being able to help it, she bites her lips, allowing Tom to help her reach the end of that wonderful sensation that was tormenting her, but of desire.

Her body relaxes and she consents to let herself be carried away by this daring Sheriff...

Considering that she had stopped fighting him, Tom clutched at the blonde’s hips and rammed her body again and again. From her lips escaped choked moans, which incited him not to stop all night long...


As a few rays of sunlight rose, both Rouse and Tom frowned. The two were lying in bed, intimately embraced, as if they we a couple of years.

The blonde stirs slightly and feels a weight on top of her... opening her eyes, she notices a strong tanned arm draped ove her hip.

She makes an attempt to get out of bed as quickly as possible, but the sheriff locks his arms around her waist, pulls her down to the bed, and pulls her back up, but this time underneath him.

“Why are you in such a hurry? Where are you going? Are you trying to escape?

I'm going to see the old man, besides; what the hell are you doing in my bed?

“Making sure you didn’t sneak out in the middle of the night.

S0 you intend to sleep here every night? -She glares at him.

-If I have to, I will....

She clenches her jaw, she was making it very difficult for herself. She wouldn't get away if Tom kept hanging around the ranch.

“I need to get up, I didn't clean my wounds last night” she looks away, as she can't bear to see the sheriff.

Without a word, the sheriff stands up and she does the same... they both got dressed, but Tom ended up cleaning the blonde's feet, and even the wound on her side. One that was already pretty much closed.

ll go see if Joy needs anything.

I'll get the doctor to check him out, he needs attention.

-All right...

Ill go now, I hope you're still here when I get back. If you're not, I swear I'll look for you in the darkest cave, Rouse.

She looks at him and remains silent, Tom puts his hat on and approaches her, which makes her frown.

The sheriff places a kiss on her lips, looks at her, then turns away... she remains silent, well, not that she had anything to say either. She didn't doubt the man's word, if he said he'd look for her, he would.

She denies, she couldn't be thinking about that. The important thing that morning was for her to see how the old man we getting on, and then find a bloody way to get away from Tom. She suspected things were going to end very badly, both for her and for him.


Entering the old man’s chamber, she notices that he is standing up and trying to dress. Rouse runs to meet him to preven him from hurting himself.

“What the hell is he doing standing up? -She tries to lay him down on the bed.

-'m fine, I need to be on my feet to go to work. My employees should be here soon, I remind you that they can't see you this land.

“That's not necessary, the sheriff knows I'm here. He has seen me.

“You must go! Now! ~The old man orders him.

Rouse senses a certain fear in Joy's eyes, which makes her wonder, why was he protecting her? He had no reason to, or ws it because of that story he told her about his daughter?

Was that why he was doing it?

Was he looking at her that way?

Why did the people in that town behave that way?

They confused her so much, first; Lauren, then; Tom and now Joy... What the hell was going on? She was a bloody outlaw, she wasn't important, and to be honest, she should be dead and not being helped by anyone.

Rouse, take my best horse and go. -Rouse, take my best horse and go. Please go. Tom won't rest till he gets to know all about you. You had better go away from here.

-And what do you know about me? Why are you doing this? -If 1 go, you'll get in a lot of trouble with the sheriff. You could 0 to jail because of me. You don't mind?

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