A Lethal Lady

Chapter 13

Rouse didn't intend to stick around to see the sheriff's reaction, so she left the bathroom immediately, and ran into the bedroom, locking the door. The blonde let out her breath as she leaned her back against the door. That was pretty embarrassing and humiliating, but at least it got the annoying sheriff off her back. “What an irritating guy. The blonde looks down at her dirty feet, she didn't get to take that bath after all. She would have to wait much later to d so, at least until that sheriff retired to his room. And then, out of nowhere, she relived that moment she experienced with him, his hand on her waist, that squeeze and that damn arrogance with which he spoke to her. He was very demanding, that Tom, well, most men were. But he possessed something that made him different from the rest. She bit her own lips, thinking of Tom's lips. They were so strong, and... “What the F**k am I saying? -She denies, as she straightens her body. That sheriff can get me in a lot of trouble, and I'm thinking about his stupid features. He had better things to worry about and think about, and Tom wasn’t his priority. [.] That woman was too strong for her build, the blow she received to her groin was quite similar to a blow made by a man. maintained his theory that she was no lady. Tom sits up a little, it was the first time someone had played dirty with him. On the other hand, Rouse was ahead of him, she had tried to seduce him, and by trickery had managed to entangle him so that he was unaware of her true intentions she wanted to get out of the interrogation,” Tom clenches his jaw. But there'll be no more trickery next time, his trickery won't work on me. He would find a way to make this woman confess what she was hiding, and if he couldn't, then he'd find out for himself. But Rouse LeRoy would not get away with it. [.] The next day came rather quickly for Rouse’s liking, as she had to get up very early to start work. Lauren came for her ver early, while she thought she had hardly had any rest at all. Her feet ached like hell, not to mention her rib, the throbbing of it kept her awake most of the night. Maybe she should stop by the doctor's house to have it checked out, if she had the chance to escape in that condition it would be impossib Once she was dressed, she felt much better about the cleanliness aspect. Lauren was waiting for her outside while she picked up her clothes, the blonde approached her to help her. -1 need to stop by the doctor's house,” she said to the young woman as she folded a sheet. “What's wrong with her? Was she bitten by an animal at night? -It's my wounds, I think they need attention,” Lauren looked at her seriously. -If she says that to my mother, 'm sure she'll throw her out of the hotel. She thinks she can work. Damn, and she’s in all that pain. She was going to have to put up with them until she got some time off. I had more things to occupy and worry about, and Tom was not her priority. -My mother didn't tell you what day off she was going to give you? We didn’t talk about that. ~You should ask her, miss. He was definitely going to ask her, he hoped she wasn't that far away. However, she was just starting to work, so she couldn't hope for much... While Lauren prepared breakfast, she finished picking up the sheets. By the time she made her way inside the hotel, through the same door, the sheriff came out, stopping just inside the entrance and standing in her way. -Good morning, Miss LeRoy,” he greets her with a nod of his hat. Sheriff? The blonde keeps her eyes on him. “Will you have breakfast? He asks her matter-of-factly. -First you and 1 need to talk,” Rouse stood up. Ym busy, so I'm very sorry. Ym sure Hilary will understand. So please don't make another theatre like last night. Theatre? -She smiles. I was defending my honour, you were holding me down while I was naked. You were disrespecting me, what did you want me to do? Her way of speaking impressed Tom a little, it was so loose. He wasn't going to deny it, he found the woman somewhat interesting, her arrogance was unmatched. -Don't think I'll let what she did last night go," Tom takes a step down, to which she takes a step back. She deserved it. Tell me something, did you do it to escape my interrogation or because it really bothered you to be naked in front of me but what kind of question is that? this guy always has a complicated question to ask. it is so annoying “You know perfectly well that I wasn't comfortable in my condition, and you were kind of uncooperative in letting me go’ he lifts his chin. -0h, yeah? -Tom finishes walking down the remaining steps, as she recoils with his every step. I can sense you're lying to me, Miss Rouse. She tries to walk past him, but the sheriff grabs her arm and pulls her close. Rouse looks at him dumbfounded, what was he up to? she wonders. She looks at the man’s huge hand on her arm and th looks up, focusing on Tom's big blue eyes. “You have information I want, and whatever it is, you're going to tell me. -Do you want a repeat of last night, Mr. Wesley? -He warns without batting an eyelid. -Are you threatening me? -Driven by the game Rouse was pushing him into, Tom brings his face close to hers. Answer me; he insists at the blonde’s silence. Take it as you will, 1 will not allow you to treat me like a whore. I am a lady who deserves the same respect as any womai in society. Really? The sheriff was already inches away from Rouse’s lips, she was dead nervous, but there was also a spark inside her callec anger. A feeling that grew with every second that the sheriff kept her subdued by the arm, she hated it when a man tried impose his authority over a woman. Everyone thought that because she was a woman she had to be obedient, but that wasn't the case with her. Of course sh wasn't, even if she had to break the guy's nose she would do it, if it would make him understand that she was not submissive. -1 don't recommend you to make me angry, sheriff. -I try to be nice to you, but you make things difficult for me” Tom looked at Rouse’s half-open lips and then focused on h eyes, she seemed nervous, but also expectant of any movement. -She hasn't been nice to me for a minute,” she managed to violently wiggle out of his grip. And I'm asking her to let me work. But her mood swings were quite special, her gestures showed one thing, but suddenly she changed and it was as if she became someone else. This woman was hiding something very big, and every day she spent in the village she became mc and more curious about herself. -All right, I'll Leave her, just for today. 1 won't thank you, if that's what you expected,” she strides past him. Tom looks at her over the edge of her shoulders and frowns at something I notice on her dress. Then he denies and continues on his way. That night Harry was supposed to be arriving in town with the new outlaw files. And if Miss LeRoy’s face was on any of them, it was going to be very bad for him.... Arriving at the police station, he noticed that Harry was feeding his horse. He had arrived earlier than he thought. Sheriff, good morning” he greeted him, taking off his hat. “You got here pretty quick, didn't anything happen on the way? -I ran into a couple of wagon robbers, but I was able to handle it. Besides, the train was just in time, so I got back as fast : I could. “Well, did you bring the parcel? Yes, sir. I have all the newest posters here. They both entered the station, and immediately Harry pulled a bundle of papers out of his leather saddlebag. He laid the on Tom's desk and then sat down in front of him. -Do you want me to help you check? “No, I'll do this myself. He checked sheet by sheet, paying no attention to any of the outlaws. He just wanted to see a woman in that pile of ads.. but he was getting to the end, and he still hadn't come across her. He was getting impatient. -Are you looking for someone special, sir? Yes, a woman. -A woman?! There aren't many bandits in the city or in the villages. I can't remember if I've ever arrested one. They do exist, Harry. Believe me, they exist. -But it's a woman, how can it be? Tom looked up as he realised he had checked every last piece of paper, and she wasn't among the bandits. If she wasn't thief wanted by the law, then what was she? A lady, as she claimed to be? But... the sheriff looks at the pile of posters, how could she possibly be a lady with the attitude she had? Who the hell ha she been raised by?

PEE i)

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