A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 81

And yet, the shadow of doubt hangs over our hearts and minds. If something were to happen to one of us, our entire fam would suffer beyond belief. We both come out of the bathroom to find Emma reading a story to the little ones in the livin room. When we enter the room, his gaze slides over us quickly. Of course she knows what has just happened and like eve time it happens, she let us do it, offering us this break so that we can get together again.

The rest of the day passes peacefully, as if this union really allowed us to reduce the pressure. In the evening, I take the first shift while Emma sits at one end of the chair and Jason does the same thing on the opposite side. We can't afford to have all three of us fall asleep at the same time and this time, there's no way he's going to watch us with impunity.

The snow started falling again, with more and more force, pushed by an icy wind. The layer on the ground is getting thick and thicker which is to our advantage, Jason's tracks around the traps are completely covered while we won't be able to miss his if he comes back.

Emma and Jason's deep breaths tell me that they have both fallen asleep. They need it, the tension between them will pass, it's in their character and that doesn't stop me from loving them both. I stay focused facing the window. There's no way I'm going to miss it this time. If necessary, I would attack him myself but he won't come in here.

The dagger I repaired is under Emma, she kept it close to her as I asked her. I felt it this afternoon. She is ready, more tha ready for what comes next. I see an owl flying away, it’s probably going hunting. Everything seems quiet outside but I kno from experience that that means absolutely nothing.

I stay like that, without moving, just observing, almost expecting to see this Wolf appear at any moment.

jason’s POV.

I open one eye after a good three hours of sleep. Immediately I look at the end of the chair to see that Emma is wrapped a blanket, sleeping soundly. I get up with a sigh and pull the blanket over her a little more before walking away to join Dorian who is standing facing the window.

“Nothing to report,” 1 said, slipping behind him.

- Absolutely nothing.

- Alright. Go rest a little, I'll take over.

- OK, wake me up in three hours.

- No problem, I said before kissing him.

He goes to join Emma and presses himself against her while she clutches his arms in her sleep. My heart sinks slightly, It should have been in this place a few minutes ago, but she remains focused on me and refuses any rapprochement. I sigh again before pouring myself the coffee we made earlier. I must stay awake, focused and above all, I must not miss anythi that is happening outside.

The minutes pass, slowly. But I'm not letting up. I move regularly so as not to get numb and do some flexibility exercises t stay awake. After an hour, still nothing to report, yet my Wolf is on the lookout. He warns me. He shifts nervously.

I turn my head towards Dorian and Emma, both asleep, before heading towards the door to leave. I trust my Wolf, if he ac like this it means there is something. Something that disturbs him. I take a deep breath, looking around. I don't see anything, but I smell an odor, an odor that I immediately recognize, that of blood. It's Antoine, I'm sure of it. Which is mor than surprising given that he left more than two days ago, then a howl arises. A how that shakes the forest. A warning, ar alert.

In less than thirty seconds, Dorian is near me.

~ What the hell is he doing here, he said, as surprised as I was.

- No idea but he is injured and seriously.

Another smell then comes to me, lighter but very present. Its him. He is there and he did not hesitate to attack a Wolf.

~ We can't let him die when he came to our aid, he said, clenching his fists.

~ He had nothing to do here, if we separate, we put ourselves in danger.

And if we don't, we won't be any better than this bounty hunter. He's a kid. A F*****g kid.

He is right. I know that, but I also feel that it is not a good idea and that the other person could take advantage of it to ge closer. If I let Dorian go, I'm afraid he'll get attacked, but if I'm the one who leaves, then he might come here.

~ Hey, I'm not sugary and I'm more than capable of fighting. My Wolf doesn't suffer, unlike me. I guarantee you that if I killed an Alpha, I can get rid of him. You are not alone Jason. You haven't been for a long time. Let us act too, trust us.

I sigh a little more, he's right, I can't be on all fronts. I have to focus on one goal to make sure I get there.

- Go ahead but I advise you to bring your pretty little a*s back in one piece.

He kisses me quickly and leaves without me holding him back. Divide and rule. We both know it. He used Antoine to separate us. Dorian is the greatest warrior I have ever seen. I trust him, my love for him just makes me fear the worst.

I quickly go back inside. Emma is no longer in the chair. Immediately, I panic. I don't see her but she reestablishes our lin to reassure me. So I walk forward and find her in front of the children’s room, checking that they are not afraid of anythin She closes the door and retraces her steps. this time I don't give her the chance to escape, I take her in my arms to hold her for a few seconds.

- For some reason, Antoine didn't leave. He is injured, Dorian left to bring him back here.

- I'm going to prepare something to treat him, she said without trying to break away from this embrace.

We return to the living room. I reposition myself in my place. He may not be far away and now the safety of our family res on me.

POV Emma

jason is on the war footing and Dorian is gone. This bounty hunter is no longer far away. I prepare some dressings and pu them in the kitchen before heading over to Jason to tell him.

~ All right. Watch over them, he said without turning around.

I smile quickly and place a kiss on his cheek before retrieving the dagger and stakes to go guard the children’s room. I pu everything in Melissa's room while I carefully pick up Julien to put him back down next to his sister. I position myself at tr end of their bed while observing the door.

There are only two entrances to this room, the door and the window, the latter being closed, I concentrate on an objectiv while knowing that he would already have to manage to get past Jason and survive this confrontation.

A sound catches my attention behind me. I turn around quickly, sure I heard footsteps. It's like someone's out there, like someone's lurking. I approach the window whose shutters are more modest than I would like. I can see through the gaps the boards, the moon is still almost full tonight. I barely see anything but I don't want to open them so I sigh while stayin like that. My dagger in one hand while I have a stake in the other.

I could almost laugh seeing myself like this, it’s like a scene out of a horror film when the heroine thinks she can cope before the monster appears.

~ Except that I would really be up to it, I say in a low voice as I look at my children.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a shadow move. This time I'm sure, I'm sure, there is someone out there and that perso is way too close to us. I let Jason know right away. I hear his growl from here. His Wolf is already ready to fight. The front door opens and closes quickly. He will go straight to get it. I know it, I feel it. He's not the type to wait patiently for the inevitable.

I tighten the hilt of my dagger a little tighter. There will still be my sister but before her, we will make sure that this Wolf never threatens anyone again. A howl arises, it's Jason, his Wolf makes the other understand that he has spotted his presence. My man is not going to do anything fancy, that's for sure.

The sound of a race i heard. He gave way to his Wolf. Nothing will be able to stop him. Melissa starts to move, I hold my breath without even realizing it. Hopefully she doesn't wake up. As long as it doesn't make any noise. She turns around a doesn't move, much to my relief, but a new howl arises, a howl of pain that sends shivers down my spine. This time, she wakes up for real, panicked. I quickly take her in my arms and get her out of bed, reassuring her.

~ Don't make any noise, sweetie, it's going to be fine. Trust me, I said quietly.

She clings to me with all the strength she has. She is afraid, she trembles as a new howl is heard. The front door slams ar Dorian's voice rises powerfully.

- Emma, Jason, I need help.

I put Melissa on the floor before telling her.

- You have to stay there, sweetie. I will come back very soon. Go back to your brother. You're the big sister, it's up to you t take care of it when I'm not here.

I use a reassuring voice as I smile at her and it seems to work because I see her wipe away those tears before joining her little brother. I hurry out and find Dorian who is holding Antoine as best he can while the latter is covered in blood. I rush to help him and when he meets my gaze, I don't need to say a single word for him to understand.

“F**k,” he said through his teeth. I've got to go. I have to go get him.

- Impossible. The children are panicking, I can't take care of them and treat Antoine, I say, grimacing as he puts all his weight on me.

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