A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 47

He is proud of himself and he can be. He did a good job, a great job. I estimate that they will lose at least a quarter of the troops in these traps but the rest will pass. They will go over the bodies if necessary just to make sure there are no furthe hazards.

~ Then you can double. I'm not a beginner. I doubled the protection. A classic.

- Impressive.

_ I wasn't Beta for nothing. Defense is my field.

- Well done, really well done, I said while it was me who was proud of him.

Which means fewer enemies, but there will till be some. I take Emma in my arms before kissing her, surprising her. It was she who brought us together, it was thanks to her that for a few weeks, I finally experienced true happiness.

~ Thank you my dear, thank you for everything.

- But there's really no such thing as beautiful brown. Thank you for bringing me back to life when I needed it most.

I quickly grab Jason to pull him against us before kissing him too.

- And thank you for everything else. For everything you introduced me to.

~ twas with a pleasure that I never suspected that I discovered this with you. Thank you for allowing me to be there, tha you for letting me approach you. I didn't think I could love you as much as Emma but I do. I love you as much as she does You are the most remarkable Wolf I have ever encountered.

I close my eyes as I hear him say these words. Between us, there is always a certain reserve and yet, finally, he says what feels.

- And I love you too. As much as I can love Emma.

“I was too stupid,” he said, turning towards her. I should have given up on everything a year ago, I should have put you fir I should have understood at that moment that you were more important than everything else.

~ If you hadn't done it, Dorian wouldn't be here and I think you can say as much as I do that that would be a real shame. was really hurt, but that's all in the past. The most important thing is that I finally found you, and I have never been happier than since I was with you two.

This all sounds like goodbye, I know it and yet, I don't want to leave, I don't want to get away from them.

Another howl of pain is heard, then another. The traps work but for how long because a growl sounds, a growl that means one of them has passed. It is now that everything will be decided. I close my eyes as Emma tells us,

- Maybe it's time to let my Wolves take over.

Of course it's time, I know it as much as she does, as much as he does, but before I even do it, he takes her in his arms to kiss her. When he leaves these lips, I capture them in my turn and when I leave it, it is only to find my Wolf. One last kiss. Like a last link before death takes us away. Then our Wolves finally take over and stick to Emma, rubbing their heads together. We surround her, we will protect her as much as we can.

It's strange, I know that there are many more of them than us and yet, I'm not afraid, it's as if 'm where I should be, wher should always have been. Emma doesn't even tremble, she is as determined as us. She knows what she wants.

We stay close together until the first Wolf appears in front of us. He growls to make the others understand that he found but before he can even try to do anything, Jason rushes towards him and jumps, hitting him head on.

There may be more of them, but we won't give up without a fight. We won't make their job easy. His enemy tries to get up but I quickly join Jason and attack his throat which I pierce with my fangs. He tries to call the others, but only a strange sound manages to come out of his mouth as I put a little more pressure into my bite and a significant crack is heard. I let him fall imply to the ground as Jason rubs his head against mine.

If only they arrived one by one, but already, I can hear others approaching.

Ophélie's POV

I knew it wouldn't be easy but I didn't think they would have set so many traps. It must be said that they had time to prepare everything. They have been there for weeks and they obviously suspected that they would not be left in peace sc easily. How could it be otherwise when my Alpha is no longer because of them.

I don’t care how many Wolves die, as long as I eventually get to them, as long as I succeed in getting revenge. I managed t get through to enter their territory. Although they may have fled, it almost seems as if they have bred their own pack here With this security perimeter, with this house at its center.

I accelerate while remaining on my guard, who knows what else they have in store for us. I hear Wolves howling in pain. B I don't look back. Nothing will distract me from my one goal.

I run through the trees, moving ever faster and avoid at the last moment, a hole hidden by branches. One of my Wolves contacts me,

“Be careful Luna, We have to attack in groups. One against one we have no chance. »

I know it, I know it better than anyone. I've seen Dorian at work before, I know what he's capable of. This Wolf is formidab in close combat, he is made to fight, to kill but he knows as much as I do that strength is not everything.

I slow down enough to give the others time to join me. My blood boils, feeling them so close while I'm forced to wait eats me from the inside, but I can't leave anything to chance. I can't attack without thinking.

Little by little, they arrive and I find myself surrounded by those I was ready to abandon without even turning around. My father should be there, ready to punish this traitor who left his pack without permission. Yet he isn't, and it's up to me to fix that. We run at the same pace, the sound of our running echoes in a constant dull noise. And before we go through the last trees, I tell them all,

“Humans first. She is the one who should be attacked first. As soon as we have it, the others will fall without even struggling. »

They will obey, I know it, I am the highest ranking here. Although I know that title will soon be taken away from me. Some still fall into traps but there are enough of us. At least I hope so and finally, after a few more minutes, we pass the last barrier of trees at the foot of this hill.

There are only a few meters left and finally, they will be ours. The Wolves disperse to surround them before we rush forward together. And then, I finally see them, all three, the ones because of whom I lost everything.

They recognize me immediately, in fact they must have already known I was there just by my smell. There is no mystery about my Wolf's position, she wants to fight and she is ready to do anything to achieve these ends.

She growls as her gaze passes over this human, the one who is the key to all of this, she is the one who brought them together. Dorian shifts to block my field of vision, he intends to protect her and when I see Jason join him by rubbing his head against hers, I know they won't let it happen. They also intend to fight until the end.

They opted for the best position. It is higher up, just a few steps from their house, so if anyone wants to reach it, they hay to go through them.

Dorian howls and I see around me, the Wolves from my old pack trembling slightly. He has his reputation, everyone know what he is capable of. Everyone knows that he has never hesitated to shed blood and that in many ways he is more formidable than their Alpha. I always wondered how my father could have such a strong Wolf at his side, but the latter never showed the slightest desire to dominate, to take his place, although he would have been more than capable of doi so...

I move forward slightly, growling a little louder and this time, it's Jason who turns towards me, yelling in turn. His gaze loc on mine, I can read there to what extent he is ready to do anything for them, just as I am ready to do anything to avenge him. I continue to move forward while he in turn takes a step towards me. I was his Luna, but now I'm nothing more than Wolf who will make him pay for the loss of his Wolf.

Our steps, which were slow, become faster and turn into a race as we rush towards each other. He was his f****g Beta, he should have chosen us.

The earth flies under these paws, all the Wolves spring into action while Dorian stays close to his human. He doesn't ever try to accompany Jason, he doesn't even follow him with his gaze. Something is wrong.

The distance between us shortens, yet he slows down. I then know that there is a problem and immediately, I turn off, seeing the traces of a new trap. He has always been a specialist in this field. Each has its own domain, it seems that they complement each other much more than I had imagined. But I'm not a beginner. That's all I've known about war since I w a kid.

He deviates his course in turn without any more reaction than that. My Wolf is starting to get angry. They are within reach and yet they have largely done what was necessary to stay safe at least for a while. Because it can't last, they both know i all three of them even know it.

Dorian still doesn’t move, which tends to only increase my rage, my hatred. I growl a little louder but at the same time, I hear new howls of pain. Screams of agony that come closer to each other.

My father had told me to be careful, but if he were here, things would have already been resolved. I manage to find a passage although my Wolf remains on guard and she does well because a huge tree trunk is rushing towards us and she barely has time to dodge it. This territory is nothing but a huge giant trap that seeks to crush anyone who approaches it. keep moving and when I think it's finally good, I suddenly realize that Jason is right in front of me. He throws a big paw at me which hits me square in the face. I find myself thrown backwards ready to fall into one of these traps when one of my Wolves hits me to push me away from my path.

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