A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 45

I walk quietly into the kitchen and prepare us a nice breakfast, trying to make as little noise as possible so as not to wake them. But that was without counting on their super sense of smell which makes them open their eyes as I start to cook pancakes. - It's been forever since I ate pancakes, Jason declares, jumping out of our makeshift bed. ~ It must be said that we have skipped breakfast a bit in recent days, Dorian continues, getting up in turn. - You know that I could very quickly get used to this love, Jason continues, coming to take me in his arms. ~ Hands off, I said, laughing, otherwise our new house might well catch fire. “And that's how you just broke my heart,” he said, falsely hurt. The boys sit at the counter and the three of us have breakfast, in the calm of this idyllic setting. - I think we're really going to be good here, I said, letting my gaze wander outside. - I'm sure of it, my dear, said Dorian, passing his hand over my cheek. We're going to have some work to get everything se up, but once we're properly set up, we'll be really good. ~ For security reasons, I would be in favor of fortifying our position. Let's place a few traps around our land, just to be sur ~ I quite agree, replies Dorian. You can never be too careful. - And if not, before talking about traps, wars, fights or anything else, couldn't we start by taking a tour of the property? - Of course my dear, sorry, we just want to be sure that no one will come and attack us, or you. Neither Jason nor I would stand for anything to happen to you. It may seem a little excessive to you, but we only want to protect you. - I know, sweetheart, I said, sighing. Okay then, you do your scouting to know where you put your traps while we tour the property, that seems like a good compromise to me, right? ~ Excellent compromise, love, declares Jason, getting up to come and kiss me. We finish eating peacefully and more than an hour later, we are all outside to discover this territory that is ours. POV Loic I managed to bring his sister back here without the slightest difficulty. These humans are so easily corruptible, they will d anything for money. I know I can't use her as bait, it won't work a second time, but she has enough information on her to be useful to me. She must know these friends, these weak points, these greatest fears, although I have an idea for that. Now that they have marked him, they are his priority, they are the most important thing in the world, losing them must b his worst nightmare. I sigh as I guide her into a room in the pack house. Humans aren't supposed to come here, but I'd rather have her on han and anyway, it's not like she's in any position to refuse. Ophélie left last night and she has already joined one of my teams with several of these Wolves. I would have preferred that she stayed at home. The pain and anger prevent her from thinking properly, prevent her from focusing on what she should be doing and not on this revenge she desires so much. I hope they will quickly find his trace because even if I called on all my contacts, I found no trace of them. They have to p for everything in cash and no longer have a cell phone, no GPS, I have no way of locating them. I walk towards my office, sighing. I would still have preferred an open war between our packs, that at least I know how to manage but the pain of my daughter and especially the prospect of confronting the former leader of my army, that is mu more difficult for me. My Luna enters shortly after me and sticks to my back, putting her arms around my waist. She's the only one who can rea approach me and has been for years. - You'll see, itll be okay, my Wolf, she said, resting her head against my back. ~ I would like to be as sure as you, my Wolf. I would really like. - You are stronger than Dorian, you always have been, you don't have to fear him. - In raw strength, I have no doubt, but he knows it as much as I do, in a battle, the mental is often more important than ti rest and Ophélie remains a disruptive element. A free electron, so immersed in her suffering that she risks putting hersel in danger as well as putting us in danger. - I can't imagine what she feels, I would rather die than have to live without you. ~ I know my Wolf and you can believe me, it's the same for me, but Ophélie rushes headlong, she doesn't realize how dangerous he can be, not to mention that her companion is a former Beta, he's almost as strong as him. ~ That doesn’t mean that everything is a foregone conclusion. You have been at the head of this pack for many years and you have always managed to get us out of any bad situation. You will succeed this time too my Wolf, I have confidence in you. I have always trusted you. She lets her hands caress my arms in a gesture that is meant to be comforting. Either way, the die is cast, I can no longer back and tell Ophélie that I'm abandoning her, however, I don't like it. The future will tell us if 1 was right to follow her, if I was right to give her my support when I could have done nothing to prevent her from going alone. POV Jason We arrived two weeks ago already and I must say that we worked really well. Dorian has gold at his fingertips. He creates and builds so quickly that it blows my mind. Little by little, he fills us up while Emma makes the atmosphere so much mo pleasant by adding her own touch. It's crazy how cold her apartment was while there, she manages to bring life to this house with only a few objects, or ever when she simmers small dishes that perfume everything around. I finished setting the traps two days ago. I feel safer this way, after all, Ophelia could seek revenge although I doubt she could find us here. Certainly, We're starting to find our little routine. The installation is quite spartan, but thanks to solar panels which were installed c the roof we have electricity and the water comes directly from the well connected to the installation. On the other hand, for the kitchen, it's a bit old-fashioned with an old gas stove that runs on wood. I understand the logic of the previous owners, it's not easy to bring gas bottles here and I suppose that in winter, energy is a rare commodity. We started fishing because even if we brought provisions, we might as well save them as much as possible and when it comes to meat, between Dorian and me, I don't worry, our Wolves will be happy to hunt. Besides, my Wolf is starting to want to stretch his legs, it must be said that the last time he showed up was at his cursed sister's house. I'm not in the habit of leaving him like this without giving him his freedom. I know Emma accepts us as we are, but since I marked her, my Wolf hasn't had the time to really get to know her and it's starting to weigh on him. I come home with my arms loaded with wood which I place next to the gas stove. Emma hangs laundry outside while Dorian is in the outbuilding working. I walk over to her and hug him before kissing his mark. She moaned softly, shivering as I told her. ~ My Wolf would like to meet you love. He's only been passing you since I marked you and I have to say I'm having more and more trouble keeping him in place. - With pleasure, darling, she said, turning towards me. - You don't have to worry, he won't hurt you. He just needs to meet you. I'm not afraid, I know very well that he will never hurt me, she replies, smiling. I kiss him tenderly before starting to undress. - I must say that this transformation story always starts very well, she says, smiling as her gaze passes over my naked bo - Nothing forces me to get dressed after love. - I take note of that. The next second I let my Wolf take over and he rushes at her to lick her face while she bursts out laughing, running her hands through my fur. He's a little too demonstrative, I know, but he's been waiting for it for so long that I'm having trout holding him back. He places his muzzle on her shoulder, inhaling her scent deeply. - I'm happy to meet you too, she said, hugging him a little closer to her. You are truly a magnificent Wolf, she continues, almost making him purr like a big cat. I can only have fun feeling him react like this to her. He only knows her through me and yet, if she asked him, he would li on his back so she could caress his stomach. She buries her face in his fur and gives him a hug that makes him the happiest of all. I turn my head slightly when I feel Dorian coming and immediately Emma looks at him before opening her arms a little wider and saying to him, - You should know that if there is room for one, there is room for two, my Wolf, she declares, smiling at him. And as I do, I see him undress before transforming and coming to join us. Immediately, our Wolves rub their heads togeth in an affectionate gesture before they turn their attention to her. Dorian’s Wolf gives her a big lick on the cheek, making smile a little more. - I missed you too, my Wolf, she said, resting her head against his. It's so good to see her like this with us, without any fear in her eyes, - What would you say about taking advantage of this beautiful sun to go and enjoy the forest for a bit? If 1 were in human form, I could burst out laughing seeing our Wolves wagging their tails, impatient to roam our lands alongside them. I feel that Dorian is as amused as I am by their reactions as she starts laughing when she sees us doing i We move towards the forest, it remains in our midst, a hand on each of us and for the first time, the predators that we ar make it known that they are there.


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