A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 42

- Do you know how sexy you are when you're like that, he said in my ear. When you tremble as soon as I touch you. When you reach out to me almost imperceptibly but making me understand that you want me as much as I want you.

Damn what I love when he talks to me like that. When he manages to raise the temperature with just a few words. I tremb a little more as he continues to move against me.

~ If you knew how much I want you, he said, biting my shoulder. How much I want to melt into you.

I don't think he realizes how much of an effect he has on me. I close my eyes as I feel my c**k throb in response. His hanc grips me firmly, making me moan without being able to hold back. Emma stirs gently without waking up.

“She needs to rest,” he said, biting my earlobe. But you seem to be wide awake, my Wolf, he said, moving his hand.

I bite my lip to keep from moaning. It's been a long night and I know she needs to rest.

“Wait,” I said under my breath.

But, he doesn't stop and on the contrary, pushes a little more on those hips.

“Tell me you want it as much as I do” he said, growling softly. Tell me my heart.

My whole body reacts to this name, to this nickname that he gives me for the first time. I could almost enjoy it right then and there. I feel it, it's crazy how he's the only one who can do this to me, who can give me such desire.

These fingers slide between our bodies before sinking into me. I bite my lip a little harder as my body tenses. My breathir quickens, my body responds to him. He's right, I want him as much as he wants me. My hips undulate of their own accord which makes him smile a little more.

- If you tell me, I could give you even more, he said before tightening his grip on my c**k.

I bite my lip a little more until a drop of blood beads up on my tongue.

- Tell me, my heart, he whispers in my ear.

He knows that I can't resist this, the way he talks to me, the way he whispers it to me as if it were a sweet secret only shared between the two of us. Then the words pass my lips and I tell him what he wants to hear, what I really want. What desire deep in my heart.

- Of course I want it my Wolf, I want it so much. So much more than you think.

He bites my mark before removing his fingers and replacing them, slowly sinking into me. Its crazy how every time he do it, 1 just feel like I'm finally complete, as if Emma wasn't enough for me, as if there had to be two of them to finally complete me. I bring my hand to my lips so as not to cry out as I feel him completely inside me.

“It feels so good” he growls against my ear as I feel him pulse inside me. Tell me it's as good for you as itis for me, he say as his hand settles on my waist and he doesn't move.

It's almost torture to feel him like this without him moving. I try to move, but he pins me against him before continuing. - Tell me my Wolf. Tell me that you too like feeling me inside you.

I try to control my groaning but I know I can't stifle it. His hand works a little more on my p***s. I want so much more, I wz him to move, to give me this pleasure that only he can offer me.

- Yes, 1 like feeling you, I said out of breath. Please move.

I barely recognize my voice, but I know that's all he wanted because those hips spring into action as he clamps one of those hands over my mouth. I quickly understand why, he manages to reach an area in me that I didn't know before him. Each of these movements is precise and makes me tremble a little more. Each of these moans makes me melt more.

- You're s0 hot, he says, accelerating slightly, so tight, he continues, letting go of my c**k to lightly slap my buttocks.

I like it when he talks to me but it's almost too much. Too much for me, just too good. That's when he pulls away before telling me.

- I don't want you to hold back. I want to really feel you my Wolf, come with me and I will give you everything you want. Id like to say I'm hesitant for a moment, but my body wants me to. He gets off the bed and walks out of the room. My eye can only follow the curve of those hips, the way those buttocks undulate with each step. However, Emma is still in my arn but before I ask any questions, she rolls to the side freeing my arm. So, I get up to follow him to the bathroom.

I've barely closed the door behind me when he already presses me against it before kissing me passionately. Automatical I put my arms around his neck so his arm comes around my waist. Our sexes rub against each other as he nibbles my lips reach out a little more towards him, trying to accentuate this contact between us. I love the way he smiles as he continue to kiss me.

- Tell me what you want, my magnificent Wolf, he said between two kisses. I want to hear you say it.

I tremble a little more when he grabs our sexes to apply a slow back and forth movement. My head hits the door as I thro it back and he takes the opportunity to attack my mark. One of my hands goes up through his hair to encourage him to continue. It feels so good that this time I don't hold back a moan.

- I want you, I said panting, I want you so much.

He growls against my skin before abruptly turning me around and taking his place inside me again. Immediately, I groan i turn. With my hands thus pressed against the door, I am more than offered to him but ultimately, feeling him in me erase everything else. These hips undulate at the same rhythm as his hand which continues to work on my member.

I can only arch my back a little more, unable to suppress the pleasure that is rising within me.

- If you knew how much I ike seeing you like that,

What if he knew how I like it when he talks to me like that. He has what it takes to raise the temperature ever higher, he knows how to ignite me so that I give of myself without any restraint. His free hand caresses me without giving me the slightest respite. I get lost between grunts and moans and the more he speeds up, the less I can hold back. I let myself gc between these fingers while he continues to move his hips.

He doesn't intend to end it like this and turns me around again before lifting me up to resume these movements. Those lips catch mine as he speeds up, grunting. Its crazy, it's as if the pleasure he had just given me was only a taste because already, this wave of heat is coming back. It's almost too much and at the same time it's just too good for me to try to figt against. I cling to his back with the strength of desperation and let him give me what he promised me.

I feel him tremble before spilling into me and in turn, I let myself go between our bodies. My head rests on his shoulder, breathing is erratic and at the same time, there's no, it's one of the best ways to wake up.

He smiled kissing my neck.

- I'll wake you up like that as much as you want, he said.

~ I have nothing against it, I said sincerely.

When I leave those arms, we return to the bedroom to find Emma, her cheeks flushed as she breathes rapidly. She obviously felt everything and yet she let us do it, she didn't intervene, she knows that it doesn't change anything betwee the three of us.

- I swear it's crazy when it's just the two of you, she said, getting up to come and kiss us. You two are so sexy together.

~ You're not bad either, said Jason, taking her in his arms. Not bad at all.

She laughs softly and that simple sound makes me realize that I finally have everything I wanted. I think I'm the happiest Wolf there is.

Ophélie's POV

Its already been two days since I lost the great love of my life and today, I have a meeting with my father outside the pac Might as well meet on neutral ground. I told my people so they wouldn't worry about my absence. In an hour I am at the meeting point. He's already there and just seeing me, I can see a flicker of pain cross his eyes.

~ I'm sorry, my daughter, he said sincerely. I didn’t want you to feel such pain.

~ twas Dorian who killed him.

~ How do you know, it might as well be Jason.

- You can believe me, I know, it was Dorian who took it from me.

- What do you want from me ?

- I demand revenge and I have the right to do so. He's from your pack and he killed my Alpha. I want his head and those these companions. I want to kill them in front of him so that he remembers what it feels like and when I see all traces of hope disappear from his eyes, I will kill him in turn, taking all my time so that he suffers as much as I do... He didn't kill a simple guard like last time and today my pack demands revenge for the death of its Alpha.

- I understand but.

~ There is no but who counts, I would throw my pack on him if necessary or then you can help me. I'm asking you this as your daughter and not as Luna. I want to kill him, I said firmly.

- Very g00d, he breathes, but it won't be easy. Dorian has always been the best and that's not for nothing.

~ I know, but I know that if we get our hands on the human, we will do what we want with her.

~ Alright. Let me see what I can do. I'll call you by tomorrow.


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