A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 38

Emma's POV I got behind the wheel but I wouldn't leave until they told me to. It's impressive, I had never seen so many Wolves and above all, I had never seen my Wolves fight. The way Dorian has just sent his enemy flying with disconcerting ease makes me tremble from head to toe, this situation is surreal and yet, they have my sister. Logan rushes forward in turn, majestic, imposing. I see him closing his huge mouth on everyone who tries to approach hi Their growls shake the car windows. I feel the hairs on my arms stand up as I can't take my eyes off the scene, can't look away from my two Wolves fighting to get my sister back. Because if he is there, there is no doubt that she must not be far away. I imagine how terrified she must be, she must understand absolutely nothing. For me, things were different. Dorian showed me what I was only feeling but for her, she had to believe just like me that these creatures only existed in fairy tales or even in TV series. Part of me wants to leave the car to go get her, but I know I can’t do that, I can’t afford to distract them now while they're the middle of a fight, while they're risking their lives. right in front of me. A howl of pain is heard, Dorian has just literally broken the Wolf in front of him in two by smashing him against a tree. I doubt he'll be able to get up given the force of th impact. One less, that's still it. I almost blame myself for thinking that, I feel almost as cruel as them in wishing them dea but honestly, I prefer it to be them, rather than one of the two men in my life, or even both . I think this Alpha is starting to lose his patience because he steps forward to face Dorian and starts growling louder than the others, much louder. Jason is next to them, but he's already busy. I start to panic, this Wolf doesn’t look like mine, he seems much worse, as if he doesn't feel anything about the idea of taking a life, or even several. But Dorian doesn’t back down, on the contrary, and when he growls in turn, I tremble, it's so powerful. For a second, I thir I detect something in this Alpha's gaze, but it's too short for me to be really sure and in the end, it's Dorian who attacks first. I'm so focused on what's going on that I can't see or hear anything else, not the car door opening in the back, not the person getting out. slides behind me. Everything is happening quickly, too quickly for me to have time to react. Someone places a cloth over my nose and mouth and holds me against my seat. I struggle, for a second then two, but every time I breathe in, I feel my strength leaving me. I just have time to see Dorian violently bite this Alpha as well as Jason who tum towards me before my eyes close without me managing to fight any further. Eléa’s POV I blame myself for reaching such an end but she left me no choice. I admit that I didn't expect to get help from this Steev but I must say that it suits me well. When 1 think that she didn’t talk to me about anything. Two little friends. Seriously 7 And what's more, monsters. Is that why she left everything? That's why she abandoned me when I gave everything for her I take advantage of this battle, which I don't care about at all, to get out of the forest and get closer to the car. She is so focused on them that she doesn't even see me coming, she doesn't even hear me when I slip up behind her. I planned everything. This time 'm bringing her back and she’s the one who will save our business and our future. I hold this tissue soaked in chloroform in my hand. The method may not be the most elegant but at least I'm sure it won't give me any problems until I can explain everything to him. I slap it on her face, holding her as firmly as possible, the product quickly takes effect and her body stops struggling after just a minute. I quickly get out to push her into the passenger seat and g behind the wheel. The deal was clear between us, he gets these guys while I take her with me. I don't even bother to turn around, their fights don't interest me. I don't care who comes out on top and starts off with a bang. I don't have much time left. rush at full speed, I have to put as much distance between them and us as possible, j in case this Steeven can't stop them. We have a long way to go and I hope she doesn’t wake up before we get there. The hours pass far too slowly for my taste, that she had the idea of going that far. It takes us almost three hours to get ba to my place. I park quickly before taking her out of the car. I should have brought reinforcements, it's heavier than I thought. It takes me more than five minutes to drag her inside. When I arrive in the living room, I am sweating. If only she hadn't left, I wouldn't be here. I make one last effort to take her into the guest room and place her on the bed before leaving the room. A good thing done. I head into the kitchen to pour myself a large glass of water before taking my cell phone and tapping out a quick message. Just another 24 hours and everything will be sorted. Just 24 hours. jason’s POV. I knew it, I was sure there was something going on with his sister, because she was the one who just took him away after I attacked her. She was not injured, nor was she a prisoner. To think that we risked everything for her and that we find ourselves facing the Wolves of my old pack. Dorian is fighting fiercely, if I wasn't busy myself, I think I would remain in aw of his fighting strength but for the moment, we have to get rid of them as quickly as possible to go get her. Dorian has not yet noticed anything, he is so caught up in this confrontation. Steeven will realize his mistake in a second, when I make him understand that she was kidnapped. Because I know that then the beast will truly wake up. He will reve himself in all his splendor, he will once again become this merciless Wolf who has already fought so many battles. I focus on him to convey the message. Out of the corner of my eye, I see his fur fluff up, those muscles tense as he begins to growl ferociously. Steeven positions himself, he knows it will hurt, very hurt. I also have to finish off my opponents. Although I have already killed several, there are still more. It seems like they alrea forgot that I was their Beta just a few days ago, like they forgot everything I did to rebuild the pack. He attacks me, again and again, but I don't flinch. There's no question of leaving her with her crazy sister. I don’t know what she's looking for, b I know it doesn't bode well. Dorian’s POV I can't believe it, they teamed up to trap us, to separate us, to keep him away from us. I was so focused on this Alpha that didn't see anything, but now I do. Nothing will be able to stop me anymore, we will find her and I won't give much for this traitorous sister's skin. I throw myself at him, my claws sink into these flesh while he tries to bite me without me letting him succeed. I hear a grunt of pain from Jason before I feel the pain in my shoulder. And what's more, he definitely hurts my other half, they ha just signed their death warrants. I put more strength into my paws to destabilize my enemy who staggers enough for me 1 step back slightly before jumping again putting all my strength, all my rage. Because of them, she is no longer here and he is hurt. They went after the wrong people. This Alpha falls under my weigh his Wolf does not want to give up, although he knows that I am superior to him. My paws thus positioned on his rib cage crush him little by little. He's trying to bite me. Hurting me too, but as his mouth brushes against me, I dive into his neck, letting my fangs sink into it. I don't have time for this battle, Emma is in danger and for her sake, we have to finish them ¢ The cracking sound is significant and when I release it, it falls imply to the ground. I turn around to help Jason. Blood ru down his paw but that doesn't stop him from tearing his opponents apart. He growls as he in turn releases his enemy. There are still survivors, but the body of their lifeless Alpha and those of their friends pushes them back, further and further before cowardly fleeing. My Wolf hows in victory, quickly joined by Jason's. The next second, I'm licking his wound as he rubs his head against mir I should have been more vigilant, I should have protected him more. So he gives me a light headbutt to make me understand that he’s fine and that it's just a simple injury. Now that we are finally rid of them, we will be able to focus on our main objective, finding her, bringing her back to us. Emma's POV Before I even open my eyes, I know something is wrong. I feel like I have a jackhammer in my head and above all, I don't feel anyone around me, neither Jason nor Dorian. I open my eyes and try to get up but my stomach contracts and refuses me to make the slightest movement. I try to control my breathing, calm down by closing my eyes and after a minute or tw I try again with more success this time. It takes me a few moments before I recognize the room, this room in which I have slept many times. How did I get here? I force on my memory, the fight, my Wolves, then nothing. I walk towards the door and leave the room slowly. My body struggles to keep up with me and the buzzing in my head makes me wince as I bring a hand to my temple. What the f**k happened? Why don’t I remember anything? I call out to Jason and Dorian weakly but no response, except that as I enter the living room, my sister appears before me smile appears on my lips, I take her in my arms, squeezing her with the little strength I have. She is safe and sound and that is already a very good thing.

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