A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 35

Jason pulls away kissing Dorian’s mark as he does the same to me. I believe we have just achieved complete harmony. Th point where everyone is in their place. Our lips brush against each other, touch, without me really knowing who 'm kissin it's so strong between us.

They help me get up while my legs are shaking It's been a long day and 1 feel like all the pressure is off, but I have to say I've never felt so good even though I'm feeling completely exhausted. I collect my clothes to get dressed, Jason comes behind me and takes me in his arms before placing his lips on my mark.

I close my eyes under this caress before resting my head on his shoulder. To think that everything could be perfect if only we didn't have to flee to survive. Dorian heads into the kitchen before telling us,

- I'm going to prepare us something to eat. We all need to regain our strength.

jason smiles against my skin, he's happy, as much as I am, I can feel it. I turn around to kiss him quickly before going to s on the armchair where I collapse, exhausted.

Dorian’s POV

I start to prepare everything before seeing that Emma has fallen asleep on the armchair. Jason places a blanket over her before kissing her forehead. I like to see him so tender with her, so protective, ready to do anything for her well-being. He comes to join me and just watches me do it before telling me,

~ They found us too quickly earlier. We had already put enough distance between us to have a little head start.

- 1 know. I told myself the same thing. But at least we just saved a little time by getting rid of his guard.

- Yeah, but he will send others and I'm afraid he won't be the only one to do so.

~1 hope not, my old Alpha is not the type to give up, if he sends Wolves after us, he will not stop, not until he finds us an am afraid that unlike yours, he doesn't want to kill us, on the contrary, he would surely like me to bring you back as a so of trophy.

“I thought about it too,” he said, sighing.

- Don't worry, we're stronger than he thinks. Especially now, I said without really looking at him. You surely felt it too, the bond that unites all three of us.

- Ended, I felt it.

~ Which implies that our Wolves will only be stronger. You know how it goes as much as I do.

~ 1 know, but even if we gain strength, there are only two of us while there are many more of them.

- Maybe, but we have a good reason to fight and do everything to survive. Never underestimate willpower in a battle. The will always be a very big difference between the one who fights because he blindly obeys and the one who fights out of conviction. At times, true strength does not always lie where it seems obvious.

- Philosopher too, he said, smiling at me.

~ Not really, I have seen enough battles to have drawn my own conclusions.

- Do you think one of us should keep watch just in case?

- I'm not sure it's necessary, you and 1 will sense the danger before it's there.

He kisses me quickly as I hand him a plate. We're going to let her sleep, she needs it, the day has been exhausting especially for her. We both eat, as strange as he is, his gentleness towards me is quite similar to the way he acts with Emn and with each gesture, with each caress my heart beats a little faster. My Wolf was ready for him before me but now I understand that I couldn't do without him, just as I couldn't live without her.

Jason's POV

We've been here for two days already. No one has managed to reach us which I must say is quite relieving for me. They st sleep in my arms, tightly bound around me as if I were serving as an anchor for them, which is not to displease me.

The setting is truly magnificent. I know we can't stay here forever but it's in a place like that that I would like to live with them, that I would like to spend the rest of our days. Having them all mine, just mine, without ever having to share them with anyone. I could spend my days loving them, getting lost in contemplating them, being happy simply because it woul be the three of us, just the three of us.

Emma slowly moves against me before sliding up to my lips to kiss me.

~1 find you very romantic in the morning, she said, stretching against me.

~ What do you want, this setting makes me want to dream, to imagine our future.

- And how do you see our future?

~ In a house like this, a little bigger so that our children can have their own room but just as isolated, lost in the middle ¢ nowhere. It would just be us and nothing else. We would be self-sufficient, we would no longer need to leave our home a we could live in peace without worrying about the rest of the world.

1 see that you have already thought about the question carefully, she said, smiling.

it must be said that you both have the gift of inspiring me, I said, holding her a little closer to me.

~1 like your vision of things, but for the children you're going to wait a little longer, treasure.

- We have all our time, we have the rest of our lives ahead of us, but one day, when we are ready, I would like to know th: life is growing in you, that you will offer us the most beautiful of all adventures, the one to start a family, our family. “Children,” she said thoughtfully. I don’t think I ever even thought about that, about starting my family, about having children.

- That's because no one else could come close to us, no reason to look into a subject before we really want to tackle it.

- 1 admit that at this level, you are not wrong. No one can come close to you. But, if we really were to have children, wouldn't that be a problem between the two of you? I mean, I can't get pregnant with both of you at the same time, it's physically impossible.

1 never said we would only have one child. I can imagine us with two, or three who knows and even if it were to be Dori: the genetic father of each of them, I would still be their father, just as much as him. It won't change anything, on the contrary, I can't wait to see a perfect mix of you two, a little being in which would find you both.

-1 quite like the idea, said Dorian, stretching in his turn, but I must say that I would quite like to see this same mixture between you, he said, coming to kiss me.

~ This is all crazy stuff, Emma said, breathing. Until a few days ago I had a normal life and a job and now I find myself in t most delicious escape ever talking about our future and having children. There are times I'm afraid I'l wake up and reali: it's all a dream, the best dream I've ever had, but a simple dream that will eventually fade before it disappears forever frc my memory.

Dorian walks over to me to come and kiss her passionately,

- I'm going to show you that you're not sleeping, my dear, he says while his body is already on fire.

I know the situation is crazy and yet, they make me live the best days of my life.

POV Steeven

All the Wolves are in place. I know he might attack at any moment. And yet, right now, that's not what bothers me the mo I don't feel it anymore, at all. Jason completely disappeared from my radar. So he no longer considers me his Alpha and I longer have any control over him, I never will again. He definitely chose his side without thinking that it would only fuel r anger a little more. Especially since they massacred my guard. Trained Wolves, among the most powerful in the pack. Rea carnage. I had the bodies repatriated, at least what was left of them. I'm starting to understand why he warned me. Why I was so sure I wouldn't catch him anytime soon.

This Dorian corrupted my Beta, pushed him to kill my Wolves, to kill these former comrades as if they had never existed i his eyes. I must act now.

- All Wolves have a weakness, my love, my Wolf said to me as she approached me.

~ 1 know, but here we are talking about warriors, formidable warriors. They won't be caught without a fight.

- You think like an Alpha my love and not like a man. They may be formidable and very strong, nevertheless, they are no less in love and between them, there is their greatest weakness. A human, incapable of defending herself against Wolves, fragile human who could change everything.

- What do you suggest?

- She's a human, she had a life, a family, friends before all that and I doubt she left without keeping in touch with them. You have to separate her from the others, enough to capture her so they will surrender without even fighting, they will dc anything to save her, especially Dorian. I was there when he lost his wife, I saw him waste away, suffering to such an exter that he would have preferred to die rather than spend one more day on earth. He won't take the risk of anything happening to him.

- For that, I have to find who will make her leave them, for whom she would be ready to leave.

- And it seems to me that you have his sister's number? She is indeed her boss and we have a big contract with her, a contract jeopardized by the actions of her sister.

- You are formidable, I said, pulling him into my arms.

I'l take that as a compliment, she said, smiling.

- You can, I said, kissing him.

Since she came into my life, she has changed everything, shaken everything up. I could understand how he feels if only it didn't jeopardize the balance of the pack. When 1 leave those lips, she smiles at me before walking out of my office. It's u to me to play and this time, I don't plan to lose the game.

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