A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 33

POV Steeven

The alert was given to the change of post. The guards are dead and Jason is missing. There is only one Wolf who could ha done this, the marks on the bodies are unmistakable. I'm sure it's him, his companion. They therefore do not think about the consequences of their actions. It's a declaration of war, a Wolf from another pack coming to kill my people on my territory, how do they want me to react to that?

I can't let this go. Jason has just lost his rank, he has just gone from Beta to number one enemy of the pack. A deep growl leaves my throat. He should have told me about it before, he should have known that I couldn't accept him into the pack My guard is arriving, powerful Wolves who have proven themselves well in the past. They stand in front of me waiting for my orders.

- Our Beta betrayed us. He marked a human and a Wolf who fled from our Luna's former pack. They managed to get in he and killed the guards watching Jason. They became our enemies, all three of them. I want you to find them all

- Shall we bring them all back here, asks one of them.

I know very well what he means. I didn't want to come to that. I didn't want it to happen like this but he gave me no choi ~ No need to bring them back. Find them and kill them.

They bow before leaving. My own Beta responsible for the death of our Wolves. This should never have happened. I no longer have a choice, I have to call him. I take my cell phone, closing my eyes. He can't imagine the shit he’s just put us in ~ We have a problem, I say by way of hello as he answers.

~" We have a problem ?

- Well if you consider that one of your Wolves has just entered my territory to attack mine, then yes, WE have a problem. - Impossible, none of my Wolves would do that.

If I understand correctly, this one left your ranks a while ago and he marked my Beta.

~ What ?

- He came to get my Beta before killing two guards to get there. As far as I know, this Wolf in question lost his mate a few years ago during a battle between our packs. He left your pack afterwards.

- Impossible, he is dead.

- 50 you know who itis.

Dorian. It's the only one that matches and it's not just any Wolf. He is a warrior, an outstanding and merciless fighter. He will kill anyone who gets in his way, especially if it is to protect his companion.

- And his companion, they took a human with them.

1 assume you have already ordered their executions?

~The hunt is on.

- 50 you plan to kill one of mine.

~ 1 have no choice, you know that. He came to my land and shed blood. He must die.

- Do you know what that means?

~ We don't have to come to that. This event is beyond our control. We can work this out between us.

~ Impossible. You know our laws as well as I do. If you kill him, you start the war.

- And if 1 don't do it, I will be seen as weak among my pack, my place will be called into question. I do not have a choice. - Me neither. Good luck tracking him down, you don't know who you're dealing with, he said as he hung up.

So here we are. Everything we have built risks collapsing once again. The war, all because he was not able to think before acting. A dull anger rumbles inside me. I trusted him and he betrayed me.

Jason's POV

We've been driving for over two hours. Dorian follows us on a motorbike. A second means of transportation is not a luxur I look at Emma who is focused on the road. She's really surprising, just like Dorian, they finished everything in a fraction ¢ seconds for me. I didn't expect this, not for them to act this way, but I can't hide how proud I am of them. They will do anything to protect what is between us.

In the end, it was Emma who found where to go. A vacation home where she went as a child. Isolated and free right away. She called the owner and organized everything, making sure we could pay in cash so as to leave as little trace as possible behind us. She thinks of everything and quickly. I know it's going to be a while before we get there. She made sure to take us as far as possible.

- Another hour and we'll take a break. I need to stretch my legs and a coffee and I sense that Dorian does too.

~1 can drive love.

- Certainly not. You received a violent blow to the head. You may heal quickly but that doesn’t mean you're invincible. I drive and you do nothing. You focus on yourself.

- I'm fine, I assure you, I said, placing my fingers on his cheek.

~1 just want to be sure. That's all.

She worries about me which really makes me happy, her way of caring about my well-being makes me smile without bein able to hold back. I know it's stupid, but its really good to feel like she’s ready to do anything for me.

She continues driving and an hour later, stops in front of a bar in a small village. She preferred not to take the highway, t! road is longer but safer. As soon as she gets off, she stretches for a long time while Dorian does the same thing after parking next to us.

- How much longer, he asks.

“At least two hours, two and a half hours,” she replies, sighing. But we should be quiet there. It's lost in the middle of nowhere, a house on the edge of a lake, far from everything, no neighbors, no shops, nothing at all’ she said, smiling. In the meantime, I need coffee, lots of coffee, before hitting the road again.

- 1 don’t think we all need it, my dear, he said, putting his arm around her.

We enter the establishment and sit a little apart before placing our order. We all needed this break, the kilometers we ha already covered give us a feeling of security as if the danger was far away. The pressure is less, even if we all know that w haven't arrived yet.

Dorian tenses at the same time as me. Their smells hit us hard. Wolves, Wolves from my pack. They found us much too quickly. It's impossible, we've traveled more than two hundred kilometers and yet they are so ready. I grab Emma's hand Dorian looks at me. The brilliance of his Wolf shines in the green of these eyes. He is ready to fight if necessary.

- How much, she asks when she felt everything through us.

- Six, I said under my breath, the private guard of the Alpha. They'll be here in a few minutes, I'd say less than ten.

- So if we leave now, they'll follow us, one way or another.

- How do you feel, Dorian asks me.

- I'm fine, you know as well as I that we heal quickly.

- Enough to fight?

- Of course. I won't let you face them alone.

- Emma, go ahead. You take the car and go, Jason and I will take care of the rest.

- Out of questions, I'm not leaving.

- If you stay, we won't be focused on our enemies. It could be fatal for us. Do what I tell you, my dear. They don't know wt they're dealing with, he said in a much deeper voice.

I know exactly what he was like in his pack before he left it. The role he played there and above all the reputation he had never had the opportunity to fight against him, I admit that I prefer to know that I am in his camp.

Take care of yourself, she said. I don't want to lose either of you.

- Leave now my dear, we'll see you later.

She kisses us in turn and rushes to her car before speeding off.

Ym sorry you have to face members of your pack.

1 have the impression that this is no longer my pack Dorian.

At the same time, their grunts are heard, they know that we have smelled them. We cross the small road to reach this thir barrier of trees far from our forests before letting our Wolves take over. It's the first time since we marked each other tha they've crossed paths and their reaction is most surprising. They rub against each other, mixing their scents like a pair of Wolves would do. Neither of them seeks to gain the upper hand over the other.

our howls mix before we Wolves rush forward. There is no question of waiting for them without doing anything. They are looking for us and they will find us. We run at a single stride until they appear as we continue to charge.

When they understand that we won't stop, some try to dodge but not all of them succeed and the impact is so powerful that their bodies fly before falling heavily to the ground. They may be the guard of the Alpha but I was his Beta, they mus have forgotten that, forgotten that I already fought against each of them for the right to be in this place .

One of them tries to attack my side but Dorian jumps over me to land on him and crush his neck while he crushes his mouth with his paw. He is as formidable as I was told and saying he is mine only makes me prouder. I turn around at the moment when one of them tries to attack me and gives him a big blow with his paw which tears his mouth and gouges ot one of his eyes. He grunts in pain as I grunt back even louder. I throw myself at him, dodging another Wolf in passing. His body falls heavily as my paws land on his ribcage which I crush in the process. None of them will follow us, none of them will survive.

The bodies fall, Dorian puts all his strength, all his rage into it. He will do anything to protect us, to never relive what almost killed him years ago. The ground becomes covered in blood as our fangs tear their skin to shreds, as our claws sin into them as they realize that we are much stronger than they had anticipated.

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