A Gold Alpha For A Silver Alpha

Chapter 27

I saw his eyes close, and felt the strength leave his body. My fingers felt the bones in her neck begin to give way, but as I was about to take her life, a burning in my forearm made me remove my hand from her body.

Rae fell on top of the body of one of the guards assigned to protect Alexis and my puppy, he was unconscious. The mome of pain disappeared as quickly as it began, but it didn't make it any less true.

The haze of rage that had clouded my judgement was gone, and soon I was aware of everything around me, the frightene gaze of my wolves and my Beta, the blood that washed over my mate's body, the voice of my wolf screaming in my head, and the enraged prescience of at least 10 of Silver Moon's wolves approaching the entrance to the house.


Mack exclaimed in my head.

1,1 don't know what happened, I didn’t mean to.

Oh, 1 think you did, just look at her, she’s lying there, shes almost pulseless, her throat's purple because you almost brok her neck.

I didn’t f*****g do it, I just, I lost control, okay?

You won't have to convince me of that, but you will have to convince the pack of our beautiful mate, because from the lo they're giving you, it's not hard to guess what they're thinking.

said and done, Rae's wolves soon surrounded us, my warriors tensed up and moved into a defensive position in case we were attacked, but despite the hatred in their eyes, none of them showed any signs of starting a fight, they just stood there, outnumbering us.

My eyes roamed over each of their faces, admiring the fierce determination I found in their gazes, Rae was never exactly warm to me, but she had to be warm to the people she loved if she generated this kind of loyalty. The thought that she'd never made a loving gesture towards me made my heart ache, but hell, I had more important things to deal with than letting myself get depressed over silly things.

This whole finding my mate thing had definitely softened me up.

I watched as Logan and Dannia stepped out of the circle and approached their fallen Alpha, her eyes watching me with restrained violence while his looked curious. They both saw me for a split second before their attention was drawn to Ra health.

Dannia, her Beta, (1 still had trouble thinking of her and not Logan when I thought of that title), bent down and placed he right hand on Rae's chest, and a few seconds later she withdrew it to give Logan a relieved look.

she’s still alive.

was his verdict.

The air I didn't know I was holding left my lungs and a general relief mingled in the air.

Logan walked over and just like a few nights ago, he took my mate in his arms, carrying her as if she were a princess. something clicked in my mind at that moment and before he could take a step in the direction of the exit I stepped in hi way.

But surprisingly it wasn't him growling a warning at me.


He demanded with fangs out Dannia.

No. I answered with a firm voice.

-Look little wolf, since you came into our lives my Alpha has suffered more at your side in the last few weeks than she ha in all her centuries of existence, apart from the fact that seconds ago you almost murdered her, so don't play with our patience and step aside.

My brow furrowed more with each of her words, maybe in another time I would have gotten out of the way, but if let Rae 20 again, I was sure I would never get the chance to talk to her again. Besides, she was the only one who could shed any light on the unknown whereabouts of my puppy.

No, listen to me you little Beta, despite everything, I am still an Alpha, and you are my territory, 0 who you are going to obey is me, whether you like it or not, I will see to it that nothing happens to your Alpha, but she is not leaving here until say otherwise. I declared with my Alpha tone.

A smile danced on the Beta’s lips.

-0h yeah, and who's going to stop us from getting out of here?

At that moment the posture of her wolves changed to one of attack, but I was an Alpha, no matter who it weighed on me, and I hadn't ruled so well in the last few years simply because of my pretty face.

with a mental command from me quickly every wolf that was fit to fight arrived to back us up, and so Silver Moon was outnumbered.

The silver wolves shared a glance, surely debating what to do through the bond they shared. And before they could make up their minds, fearing their verdict, I spoke again.

You can't take her away from here, I need to talk to her and get her to tell me everything she knows about who took my puppy.

And as soon as the words left my lips I knew it was the last thing I should have said by the sudden murderous glare that flashed in the eyes of everyone present.

-Of course that's all you care about right now, but no, I won't Leave my friend in your hands just because you were stupid enough to lose your son.

I mentally counted to ten so I wouldn't lose control when the hurtful words left Logan's lips.

You have my word that nothing bad will happen to him while hes under my roof.

Asnort and a roll of Dannia's eyes was all I gained from my promise.

Please, why would we trust the word of such a cowardly Alpha who doesn't even have the trousers to confess to his pack that he's found another mate?

Gasps and cries of disbelief came from my wolves. But I was not intimidated.

1 wasn't trying to hide it from them as you think, I just didn't see the point in telling them yet, and that's not a point to discuss, it's something that only concerns the two of us, now leave my mate's body right now if you don’t want this to enc badly for you.

Thirty golden wolves against ten of our own, you will be disappointed to see the results. And with the Beta's words we al prepared to attack.

Damn it, fighting them was the last thing I wanted to do right now, and apparently I wasn't the only one thinking that, for from between Logan's arms, Rae began to cough desperately as she strained her eyes open.

All attention was diverted to her then, as, still with a sore throat, she pressed the words out of her.

-N-n, n-0, p-p-p, pee-p, pee-p, fight!

She said with a broken voice and we all looked at her in surprise, but not as surprised as her Beta and Delta saw her. -But Alpha. Danna tried to intervene.

E-€-5-5-5-5-5, L-N-N-N-N-N-N-8, 0-0-1-T-d-e-N-N-N-N-N-n-n-n-n.

Rae mutters before slipping back into unconsciousness.

The weight of my mate's last words caused, as always when he gave an order, a surge of power, (his power), to sweep through the entire room, and settle in our bones, I suppose the effect was even more intense for the wolves in his pack, they immediately relaxed.

Dannia and Logan shared a long stare, the Beta was the first to pull away as she folded her arms and twisted her lips in annoyance.

This is a terrible idea. I muttered as Logan approached me, and somewhat reluctantly stretched out his arms to hand me over to my mate.

with my heart hammering loudly in my chest, I took her into my arms, as angry and disappointed as I was with her for wanting to kill my puppy I couldn't help but let a warm feeling tug at my heart.

I was finally going to be able to make amends for all the mistakes I had made with her.

My golden eyes met blue ones, and the Delta of the girl in my arms gave me a nod before turning back to her companion who was still muttering curses between her teeth.

-If anything bad happens to her, you and your pack will pay for it with her blood.

Logan threatened before giving the order to stand down.

We're not going far, so rest assured we'll be watching your every move, be careful what you do Alpha. Dannia said before turning her back on me and disappearing out the door with Logan and the others.

I didn’t take my eyes off them in case they changed their minds until I saw them far away, a small gasp from the woman i my arms drew my attention to her, and all the air got stuck in my throat.

She is truly beautiful.

My eyes devoured every detail of her face, from her long, dark eyelashes to her small nose, and an incredible urge to kiss her appeared when I met her big, plump red lips.

Stop eating her out of your mind and help her stupid.

Mack scolded me in my head.

with all the regret in the world I knew he was right, and quickly gave the order to send for the doctor. All I wanted was to take my mate to my bed and be with her until she woke up and we could settle what was pending between us. But there was a lot of unfinished business with my pack.

So I spoke to Noel and Lissa to give them express and explicit orders as to what they were to do in my absence. Because wasn't going to leave Rae's side until she opened her eyes.

I took her to my room, laying her as gently as I could on the bed. I went to the bathroom to half-fill the bathtub with warr water, then returned to the bedroom and removed the clothes she was wearing because they were stained with blood. Ar my body heat suddenly went up when I realised I wasn't wearing any underwear. It was impossible for me not to growl when I saw her like that.

But I mentally scolded myself when I remembered her condition, and 1 took off all my clothes too, leaving only my boxers and took her in my arms again.

I walked over to the bathtub and carefully placed us both in it so that Rae was resting on my chest. One of my arms was around her to keep her from falling while the other washed away the blood stains that littered her white skin.

At some point she regained consciousness as her lips whispered my name.


He said heavily, and I kissed him on the temple.

-shhhh, rest beautiful, I'll take care of you.

She didn't speak again, so after I thought she was clean enough, I took her out of the tub and put her back to bed, just as was getting her settled some knocks on my door and Lissa's voice told me that the doctor was already here to check her, told them to wait a moment and I hurried to take a towel and dry her, I put her some new boxers of mine, and a t-shirt of mine that fit her huge, I also changed my wet underwear and put on some pajama trousers and opened the door.

The doctor greeted me but his attention went to the unconscious woman in the room, and he quickly gave her a general check-up.

I had to use all the self-control I had not to jump down his throat when he touched my mate, and don't blame me, after 2 I was not made of stone.

The doctor cooked and dressed some of her wounds, and put some ointment on her throat, and gave instructions not to her exert herself too much, not to talk more than was strictly necessary and to keep her well hydrated.

She tried to check me too but I objected, thanked her and left my room. A weight lifted off my back as soon as I knew I w going to be okay.

So the next thing I did was to lie down next to her and hug her.

-It's going to get better.

I told her as I gave her a brief kiss on the cheek and closed my eyes to sleep with her.

If she was with me, there was nothing that could go wrong.

After all, we were almost over everything.


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