A Gold Alpha For A Silver Alpha

Chapter 22


-'m happy to tell you that the head wound is now completely closed, and that you should have no problem doing your daily activities, just be careful not to exercise too much, if you feel any dizziness or headache take a breath and come wit me.

Thank you.

At your service Alpha.

The doctor closed the door to my room as he left and Noel went behind him to walk him to the door, I carefully got up fre my bed and got dressed, dark blue jeans and a t-shirt and that was it, no shoes or anything to cover my feet and arms.

I needed to stretch my body.

I came out of my room and as usual, my mansion was upside down, people coming and going, taking things, planning. But that didn't stop them from stopping and ducking their heads as they passed, I noticed that more than one saw my lef forearm, more specifically, the tattoo that is now there.

it didn't take long to see that all the members of my pack had one too, only it was smaller and on different parts of the body, one on the hand, one on the neck, and so on.

That is the tattoo of the damned, and no one who possesses it will be welcomed by any of our people...

Rae's words come back to me, and a deadly guilt threatens to tear me in two.

-Alpha. One of my warriors approaches, and I try hard not to grimace at the sight of the tattoo on his neck.

“How are all the preparations going?

The Beta has had us mobilised since last night, so we're well underway.

Have the children, teenagers and the elderly been relocated near the shelters?

Yes Alpha, they were transferred first thing this morning, but we have a problem.


Several of the cubs who are about to graduate are refusing not to be included in the battle squads, as are several female Tell me the number of cubs and females.

-17 cubs and 13 females.

-Do they both have the necessary training?

“Yes, but you're not thinking of letting them fight, are you?

I considered it for a minute.

Rae assured me that this was a fight unlike any other, we were facing one of the oldest vampires in the world, and he was definitely going to need all the help we could get.

But hell, those cubs were just that, brats, they were the next generation, our future, I couldn't let anything happen to ther and as for the women, I couldn't deny them the right to fight, not after everything I had seen in the Silver Moon pack, sometimes women could be more ruthless than men if they put their minds to it.

“The females that want to can join our ranks, those that dont must stay in the shelters protecting the little ones, and as f the cubs, they won't march in the front line, but they will be behind everyone, they will be our last line of defence, their mission is not to let anyone get close to the shelters, am I clear?

Yes Alpha.

With a nod the warrior disappeared from my sight and 1 was able to go to the entrance of the house, I went out and starte walking towards the forest.

My feet picked up the pace, I went from walking to jogging, and in a few seconds to running, I let my wolf out, and soon I was on all fours dodging the trees around me.

Noel, I'll be out for a few minutes, make sure everything is in order and don't stop patrolling the perimeter, I don't want u to be attacked by surprise.

I spoke through the mental link of my Beta and I waited for an affirmation from him before I closed my mind and quickened the pace of my paws.

It would take at least until noon to reach the place I wanted.

The boundaries of the pack territories, Red Night and Winter Fall.


Red Night had been our allies for some time, but the relationship with Winter Fall had always been strained to say the least.

As I reach the border between the two neighbouring territories, I stop and growl so that the sentries can hear me, they recognise me immediately and a howl soon follows, most likely to wa their respective Alphas of my arrival.

My body was begging me to sit down to catch my breath, but Mack was tense and couldn't stop fidgeting, after a few minutes four wolves came running and stopped before crossing their boundaries.

The four transformed and let me see the two Alphas I had shared so many meetings with and their respective Betas. -Alpha Jason, we didn’t expect to see you here.

Said Hunter, the Red Night Alpha, his reddish brown hair contrasting with his hazel eyes. Calum, the huge black-haired Alpha of Winter Fall let out a snort before glaring at me with contempt flashing in his dark brown eyes.

To say that is an understatement Hunter, you have no business here Jason, and if you don't get the hell out of here soon Ill kick your rouge a*s back to your pack.

My body detransformed and I used all my willpower not to hide my left arm behind my back.

Obviously the attention of the two Alphas went straight to my tattoo.

-I can’t believe it's true.

Hunter's eyes glittered, pity or sadness, I couldn't tell.

My voice came out hoarse when I finally spoke.

Please, I need you to help me.

Calum clicked his tongue.

“We don't have to do such a thing.

How about saving a lot of innocent people who are not to blame for anything.

Hunter and Calum shared a look.

50 it's true, my men informed me that you were mobilizing your warriors, but I didn't think you were so stupid, you'll ney be able to defeat Silver Moon, you're crazy just thinking about attacking her.

Hunter said to me very excited.

-What? No, I'm not going to attack Silver Moon.

50 you didn't come here to ask us to join this vendetta of yours?

The damned red-haired man asked me mockingly.

Yes, I came to ask for your help, but not to attack Silver Moon.

And I started to explain them a brief summary of the vampire Maurice, and his plan to attack my pack to find Rae.

-But the Alpha is no longer in your pack. Calum tries to understand.

-He'll kill everyone just for spite, please, no one in my pack should have to pay the price for my mistakes.


Hunter's curt refusal made us look at him with raised eyebrows.

The man let out a sigh as his hand wandered across his forehead.

Even if we decided to help you, we couldn't, our hands are tied and you know it.

He cast a meaningful glance at my tattoo.

My jaw clenched but I said nothing, they were right, they couldn't help me, so I let out the air I was holding and looked them in the eye.

-If my pack falls, could they accept the surviving members, they need a place to go?

After a moment of silence where they were most likely debating the matter over the mind-link, they both nodded.

Our borders will be open to anyone who manages to get here after the battle.

Calum's response made me relax a little and I thanked them and turned to leave.


Hunter called my name, his lips were pressed together and his look told me how sorry he was.

Good luck.

I nodded to transform and return to my pack.


It was late afternoon when I crossed the forest of my territory, and while I was on my way to the shelters to observe that everything was in order, I marveled to observe that despite everything that was happening, children were still playing happily in the streets, couples were still walking hugging each other, I could see the peace in their souls despite the chao of the bodies.

And again the guilt threatened to break my heart knowing that in one day our whole world would be turned upside down for the third time.

Keeping my feelings at bay I made sure to see that everything was in order in the shelters, and informed everyone of the evacuation plan in case things went wrong. Many just grimaced assuring me that they trusted me and our warriors to kee us safe, and others just thanked me.

My task done, I returned to my mansion, where Noel and Lissa’s shouts could be heard from outside.

You will not fight and that is my final word!

-I'm not asking for your permission!

Well, you're crazy if you think I'm going to let you risk your life and our baby’s life out there.

“Then I'm supposed to stay in the shelter like it's nothing while you're out there fighting bloodsucking bastards.


“No, I'm not going to stand by while you put yourself at risk for us!

-Oh yes you are, you're going to stay in that damn shelter, so that if things go wrong you can go back to your old pack anc give our son a chance to live.

- won't, have you forgotten how you met me Beta, I'm a warrior just like you and everyone else and I won't let you... -YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT I CAN'T LOSE YOU?


I know it's wrong to listen to other people's conversations, but if I opened the door they would both stop arguing and I fe that this was a conversation they shouldn't leave for later.Always visit FindNovel.net for more novels and updates

1,1 can't, I can't take it, I won't be able to concentrate on the fight if I know you're there too, that I have to take care of yo because I may be Beta of this pack, but you're my mate Lissa, I'll always look out for you first.


-1 don't care if that's treason, I can't, you are my life, you and our son or daughter, you are my reason to win tomorrow, don't jeopardize my reason to stay alive.

Swear to me that you will come back.


Swear to me or I won't let you go, Noel.

I swear Lissa, I'll come back, if it's the last thing I do.

1 love you.

-1 love you.

A few steps later I knew that they had both gone to their room, they both had their own house near mine, but we had decided that it would be best if they stayed with me in case of anything.

My hand opened the front door, and my legs carried me to my room, I took a cold shower, and in just boxers I opened on: of the windows.

I let the icy wind ruffle my hair, my gaze met the moon in the sky.

-'m sorry for what I said that night, no one is invincible and I better than anyone should know that, please protect my pack, they don't have to suffer for me, and if by any chance you take pity on me, let me look into your eyes one last time before I disappear forever.

And just like that night, I felt as if someone was really listening to me.

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