A Gold Alpha For A Silver Alpha

Chapter 14

To say that everything was a mess was an understatement, the camp was upside down, people going from one place to another, women taking care of the children, warriors training or sharpening knives, which, looking at them, were made of silver.

which surprised me, silver burns us, not only wolves, but every fantastic creature, being a material created by the archangels we can't touch it for not being “pure”.

I see Rae from afar, she's alone, just watching her pack, her family, she sees me, and walks away, I hurry my pace, this tim won't let her escape, but not before giving me answers.

Rae goes into her tent and closes the curtain that serves as a door, with one hand I throw it aside and rush inside, when I stand perfectly still and try to calm my breathing.

A half-moon knife is at my throat and just the slightest variation of my exhalation will make it cut me, it's a silver knife, li the ones they were sharpening, I turn my eyes and see Rae, looking at me with murderous eyes as she breathes agitated! she is the one who is making an attempt on my life in this instant.

But she wouldn't be able to kill me, would she?

“Why did you follow me here?

“1 have to talk to you.

-I think we've already said everything we should have said, Alpha.

He drags out the last word as a reminder that we're not confident enough to talk to each other normally.

-No, we haven't, you just assumed there was nothing more to say, but I do have a lot of questions, and this time I'm not leaving this tent until you answer me truthfully.

Rae presses the knife to my throat and a hiss leaves my lips, I feel a faint trail of my blood make its way down to my ches where my shirt is getting slightly dyed.

-Firstly, I don't allow you to speak to me in that tone, secondly, I don't think 'm in a position to demand anything, if I war to, ll slit your throat and save myself the trouble, so don't come macho with me, got it? -


I answer with difficulty.

Rae softens her gaze a little and removes the knife from my throat, I allow myself to take a big breath of air and bring my hands to the wound, very superficial to tell the truth, it slowly disappears because of the silver.

You are allowed to ask three questions, think very well what you are going to say, I will answer with total sincerity and I will not hide anything that has to do with it, but after this you will leave me and my pack alone.

-Fair enough.

Rae disappears and moments later returns with two crystal glasses filled with an amber liquid which I assume is alcohol, she approaches and hands me one, I thank her with a nod, take a sip and feel the whiskey burn down my throat.


Rae said nonchalantly, he took a seat in one of the armchairs he has in the “living room” and stared at me, his eyes seem to pierce my soul and that made me nervous in a way.

“Who are you at war with and why? -.

Aren't those two questions? -.


He's one of the oldest vampires in this world, his name is Maurice, he’s 994 years old.

She remained silent and made a grimace with her lips, looks at her hands, the glass between them, takes the contents in one gulp and looks at me intensely.

ll tell you only the essentials, years ago we met, we lived together, we fought, he murdered someone very important to me, I faked my death, he didn’t believe it, so he has spent the years of his existence looking for me, the attack a couple 0 days ago was the fault of his vampires, most likely they heard the rumour of my presence and attacked in the hope of finding my whereabouts.

There are a lot of gaps in the story, and the urge to want to interrogate her to find out more, but I stick to my main plan a ask the following question.

- know that what makes them different is their blood, they heal faster, they are stronger, more agile, my question is, why are they different, what is it that they were born different from the others?

There is no specific factor, every wolf in my pack is a transfer so to speak, we are born all over the world, in different packs, some are children of human and wolf, others of pure wolves, of two omegas, children of Alphas, etc. I only know th we feel different, and obviously we stand out from the others, at the moment of our first transformation we each feel wh; we say, “The Call’, a sixth sense warns us that one of us is out there, waiting for us to find him, maybe it will take us hour: days, even years, but we will not rest until we find him.

She tells me very seriously, the truth is that I feel a little disappointed, I was expecting her to tell me something surprisir and leave me with my mouth open.

“It's your last question Alpha, think about it very well.

I nod my head, biting my lips, concentrating on finding the right words.

“Who are you really? ~

Rae's head that was looking at the door turned sharply and her eyes looked at me menacingly.

“What kind of question is that? -.

-One like any other.

Rae presses her lips tightly together and throws knives at me with her eyes.

-Ask another question.



“No, that's my question Alpha.

She parts her lips and lets out a sigh, stands up and lifts her chin to look at me defiantly.

“Well then, I'm sorry to say I'm not going to answer it.

She starts to walk towards the door, but I'm quicker and step in and stop her.

“Why not?

-1 don't have to justify myself to you or anyone else.

He resumes his pace, and when he’s next to me, my arm reflexively moves and my fingers catch his wrist.

Immediately an electric current runs down my spine, as if a blindfold is covering my senses disappears, making everythin sharper, Rae's head turns and she sees me with wild eyes and a frightened expression on her face, I don't understand it f a second, until for the second time the delicious aroma of mint and wet earth reaches my nostrils.

And I know what Mack is about to say.

One word.

Two syllables.

Four letters.


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