A Cowboy In Love

Chapter 34

Megan felt like she had slept for days, her body was so tense, but suddenly hands were caressing her, waking her up completely, it was still dark, when she turned around she noticed it was Jack touching her.

- I'm sorry I woke you up!

- It's all right. Where did you go?

- To the stables, to think.

- And what did you think?

- That I'm an idiot! That answer made Megan laugh.

- If it's about earlier, I've forgotten.

It's about everything, the way I've treated you.

- It's okay, Jack. Now that was a good start, she thought.

- Tonight is still our night, and I'm going to make love to you.

He turned her towards him kissing her sweetly to begin consummating their marriage, making Megan his wife. Soon thing were looking up between the married couple, and the news was starting to come in.

- Boss, you need to know something. One of his employees rushed up to him to inform him of the news he had been waiting for so long. -The mare Luna and her sorrel, last night, boss, I saw them at last, the mare accepted her horse.

- Did she really? Jack was thrilled, that would be one of the best crosses he would ever make.

~ Yes, boss, I saw it all, he was very calm with her, and she accepted him. We can leave them alone all these nights.

- Yes, that's fine.

Her horse had treated her wel, that's why Luna had accepted him. It was all a matter of kindness and affection.

- See, Midnight was such a gentleman with Luna, so she accepted. Pure romance and gallantry was what she wanted. Rodrigo told her from afar.

- Speak the voice of experience! He said without giving importance to her comment.

~ You should take advice from your own horse.

- And you should shut up!

After the wedding, months passed, until finally the long awaited day had arrived. Everyone was waiting in the waiting roo very nervous and anxious. Megan had started having pains early in the morning, so Jack and the rest of the household ha headed straight to the clinic. By the time the doctor came out of the delivery room, the group of people went to meet hin ~ Everything went very well, mother and child are in good health, and soon you will be able to see them!

- Thank goodness! And Jack, the doctor?

~ He will be in Megan's room waiting for her.

Two days after the birth Megan was discharged, Jack couldn't wait for them to arrive at the ranch, he was very happy with the birth of his son, they had named him Javier Manson. They had given a nice welcome to mother and son, but Megan w: still feeling exhausted so she left before the welcome was over.

Everything was going well at the ranch, and Jack was very supportive of her and the baby’s needs, even though he had a I of work to do around the house. Of course her grandmother and her friend helped her in any way they could and Rodrigo was not far behind, he also did his bit. It had been two months since Megan had given birth, she was starting to schedule her trip to Atlanta to keep up to date with her business, she had only been receiving information by mail for many month and she knew very well that her presence was essential.

The problem with all that was that she didn’t know how to confront Jack on the subject, he hadn't changed since they hac gotten married, for Megan it was still the same even though she had put all her effort into getting Jack to look at her ina different way. It was taking a lot of work to achieve it, and there were days when she just wanted to give up that idea, she was starting to get tired of not seeing results from him.

The only thing she couldn't complain about was how he treated her in bed, he was a formidable, ardent man, she couldn’ get bored of his endless ideas of making love. But lately he hadn't touched her, she could understand that in the last few months he hadn't touched her, but the doctor at her last check-up told her that she could continue with her normal intimate life. Maybe she needed a little more time.

She was in Jack's office checking some emails when she was interrupted by the same character who was stealing space in her thoughts, completely dirty and muddy.

- What are you doing here Megan?

- What happened to you?

~ Midnight threw me in the mud, why aren’t you with him baby?

- Didn't you hurt yourself? she asked very worried, approaching him.

- I'm fine! I'm fine! Don’t come near me, I smell so bad.

- It's all right,” she said with a touch of disappointment. She said with a touch of disappointment. -The baby is with my grandmother.

~ You should be with him, he’s still too little.

- He'll be fine, besides I had to check some mail.

~ I know you have business to deal with in Atlanta, but right now your priority is the baby. He told her in a solemn tone. - Don't be paranoid, my grandmother knows how to take good care of him. You should know that I have to attend a meeting, and my presence is indispensable.

- What do you mean?

~ That I must go, and since the baby still depends on me I will take him. You must understand that it is many months tha have not been present.

- On no account will you travel! I affirmed very seriously.

But what the hell was wrong with him, he knew very well that he had business to attend to, why did he have to behave lik that.

- I don't think that's up for discussion Jack, ll travel with or without you, with or without your approval.

- Of course it's up for discussion, I don't agree with my wife and son taking such a long trip.

- Your wife? I happen to be your wife now!

She was fed up, she was doing everything she could to make him take her as a real wife, and he only did it when it was convenient for him, she couldn't tolerate his selfish and macho behaviour.

- And aren't you?

~ I'm only your wife when you want to sleep with me.

- 1s that what you think? I shout at him.

- It's not what I think, it's how you make me feel. She shouted back.

- I've treated you well Megan, like the mistress of this house, what more do you want with a demon? I'm loyal to you, and I'm always by your side. He said running his hands through his dusty hair.

- And you think that's all that makes up a marriage?

He knew where his wife was going, but how to broach that subject.

- So we're not good as we are?

- You know something Jack Manson, I'm going on that trip with my son next month whether you like it or not. I've got business to attend too, I'm sorry. And in case you're forgetting, that estate belongs to my son.

- He has an estate here too.

~ Well, I think when he's older and makes his own decisions he'll decide where he wants to live, Jack. Neither of us will force him to do anything he doesn't want to do.

~ I would never do anything like that, but I would want him to love this land as much as all my generations.

- Only he will make that decision.

- Megan listen, come to your senses. It is not necessary for you to make that trip, you're fine here and...

- Jack, don't insist. I will make that trip. She told him with tears in her eyes, he didn't understand. He was not even able t tell her that he was accompanying her to give her support.

- I'm sorry, I don’t want to make you feel bad.

Let it go, nothing I say or do seems to do much good.

- What do you mean by that?

I don't want to talk to you anymore, I'm done, everything here is yours.

He reached her at the door and took her by the arm.

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