A Cowboy In Love

Chapter 32

Megan, you should have told me. I was very rude, I...

- Jack for God's sake, that's not the problem here.

Yeah, I know it's not, it's just that I, I don’t know... You should have told me everything, I would have taken precaution. - Well, I'm sorry!

50 that's my baby you're carrying in your belly? She smiled at him and knelt down to touch his belly.

She hadn't expected something like that, it wasn't going so badly after all.

- If it's your baby Jack.

- Did you plan to have him without saying a word to me? she demanded.

The moment she had been dreading had arrived, she knew he would tell her that she had been hiding her pregnancy for four months.

- Well, what did you want, I didn't know how you were going to take news like this. In your office you had told me things that I thought telling you I was pregnant wasn't going to change anything.

~ When you left here were you pregnant? He stood up and looked at her with a frown.

- Yes, I think I got pregnant the first time we made love.

- I don't blame you for hiding it from me, but I blame you for thinking about having him and not telling me. Were you thinking about having him on your own without him knowing about his father's existence?

- I don't know Jack, but now we have to think about how we're going to handle this situation.

- Wait a minute. He started to think and then looked her straight in the face. -You said you loved your son's father, but he didn't love you, so does that mean that you...?

- Does that matter now, Jack? he interrupted.

- Yes, it does matter.

- Oh yeah, why? If you don't feel anything for me. The best thing to do is to focus on the baby.

She was right, it was complicated enough knowing that she lived in Atlanta and he lived in Texas. I had to think of a solution, and the most logical one was to propose that she move to the ranch and that the baby be born in Texas, but I al had to hear her opinion on that, she was very stubborn. And the other question was what was going to happen between the two of them, she loved him and surely expected more than just moving into his house. The decision was more than clear.

~ Well, I know what we're going to do. She looked at him expectantly for him to continue. -We're going to get married, Megan. That answer was anything but romantic, it lacked sentiment.

- You don't want that Jack.

- But do it for you, for the baby. I want him to grow up in a family.

- We don't even get along, why do you want to marry a woman you argue with most of the time?

- Well we're not always arguing, things can get better.

~ I don't think we'll be a good example for him baby.

- Of course we will Megan. We need to change a little bit, both of us, and try to get along better. I promise to do my part. - Are you telling me this is going to be a marriage of convenience?

~ It won't be. We'll make this work, Megan.

She must have been out of her mind to even think about accepting his proposal, but she also didn’t want her son to have life of travel or away from one of his parents, she couldn't bear to see him suffer for being divided by being with his parents.

- What if I want to have more children Jack?

- We will, you will be my wife. Don't expect us to get married and not be intimate. We'll have whatever children you want. At least he was willing to want to have more family, maybe in time he would fall in love with her. So I would have to give him a hand to make it work.

- All right, Jack, let's get married. He came over and hugged her.

- It's going to be fine, tomorrow we'll announce the news to everyone so we can start planning the wedding.

- If that's okay with me. He took her by the chin and looked up at her, sealing the deal with a warm kiss.

~ Now that I know that baby is mine, I want to make love to you even more. He said between her lips, took her by the wai and led her into the bathroom. -Since I haven't showered, I invite you to join me. The bathtub is ready!

She didn't want to resist, if she wanted to put into action her plan to make him fall in love with her, she had to fulfill her role and give herself totally to him.

- Grisell just went into Megan's room but she wasn't there, do you know where she is?

- And how would I know, I'm thinking she was still asleep.

- It's strange, she didn't say anything about leaving early.

suddenly they heard noises coming from the stairs where both women watched as Jack came downstairs fully dressed for work and Megan in her nightgown. The two women stared at each other and then at the couple.

- Good morning everyone. Jack said, pulling out a chair for Megan to sit in.

- 50 are you going to explain to me what's going on here? Grisell asked totally confused.

- You will see grandmother. Megan told her grandmother the whole truth from her romance with Jack to the pregnancy to culminate with the marriage of both.

To her surprise her grandmother had taken it wonderfully, she was so happy that her great-grandson was Jack's son and even happier for the wedding. Immediately Grisell and Melisa started to organize everything about the wedding.

- Well, now that everything is settled, I'm going to work. I leave you to organise everything as you wish. She drank her coffee, took a couple of toasts with jam from the table and left.

- Okay, see you later. Megan said to him, they both looked at each other for a moment, then he took his hat, put it on anc waved.

- Remember to move your things to my room, if you want to take anything out or put anything in it you can do so. He walked out of the house to his car.

- S0 you two are in love?

- Well grandma, I don't think Jack feels the same way about me.

- But they're getting married!

That doesn't mean he has feelings for me.

- Butit's clear that you do, and now you're expecting his baby.

~ Yes, Grandma, but this marriage is more for the baby to be born in the bosom of the family. But in spite of it, I will see t it that he changes his feelings for me.

That's the way, my friend, go for it. Her friend encouraged her.

~ I hope this union goes very well. Megan gave a long sigh.

~ It'll be fine, we'll support you in every way we can.

They had to get on with the wedding instead of talking about how she would make Jack fall in love with her, of course it would be a simple wedding, nothing extravagant and it would have to be quick before her pregnancy became more noticeable.

- I'd like to g0 to San Antonio to buy a nice dress.

~ Yes, I'l talk to Rodrigo to take us there later.

- That's great. Grandma you could prepare the food that is going to be served, we are not going to invite many people.

- Sure girl, 'll take care of that, for now we can get going to move your belongings to your future husband's room.

~ Of course, Grandma. I hoped that the decision I had made was the right one.

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