A Cowboy In Love

Chapter 21

-Good morning boss, I'm going to take Megan to her office.

-Good morning! Yes, when you're done, go back to work, Rodrigo. He said seriously, slipped on his hat, twirled on his boo and left with long strides.

Rodrigo gave a derisive whistle.

He sure is in a bad mood today! he said as he walked down the corridor to the stairs.

Why is he in such a bad mood? asked Melissa, looking at her friend suspiciously.

“What do I know! Rodrigo knows him better than anyone.

It seems to me that he’s jealous!

“That's the silliest thing I've ever heard. Said Megan.

“The boss is very possessive.

“What do you mean by that? Asked Megan, was Jack possessive of her?

“Nothing! But I might get a bruise on my face when I go back to work. She laughed out loud.

Well, that won't happen again, Melissa will help me from now on.

She really amuses me a lot, she must be furious.

“You cowboys sure are strange.

Rodrigo left her in the office and immediately started phoning the bank, then his lawyer and finally his house. Apparently everything was going well in his absence, as Jack had a state-of-the-art computer and fax machine to receive any information.

How's it going? You've been here for over two hours. asked her friend.

“I've already finished and I'm exhausted, my foot is starting to bother me. You'll have to help me up.

Yes, I think I'l have to do it myself. Rodrigo told me that Jack has put a lot of work on him, 1 won't see him all day. Said h friend saddened.

Well it's your fault, if you had helped me yourself none of this would have happened.

Well, it's not our fault that Jack is all jealous over there. I demand.

-Don't start, he's not jealous at all.

Well then why if he couldn't work Rodrigo so hard, when he saw them he frowned, that just means he was dead jealous. “That doesn't mean anything. Maybe they have a backlog of work.

Yeah, right! He admits he was jealous.

How the hell should I know if he was?! You're impossible!

“You're impossible... -Let's get you up!

The women went as best they could until they reached the stairs, Megan was having a hard time walking with Mel's help, her foot was protesting more and more, and they were only on the third step.

Shall I help you up? That voice startled her and her pulse quickened.

-Oh Jack! We're really having trouble getting up. Melissa said with great relief to see him.

-Good morning, Master, I'm going to take Magan to his office.

-Good morning! Yes, when you get back to work, Rodrigo. He said to her, put his hat on his boots and walked off with grez strides.

Rodrigo gave a derisive whistle.

Yes, he's in a very bad mood today! said Miantras as he walked down the corridor to the stairs.

“Why was he in such a bad mood? asked Malisa, looking at her friend suspiciously.

“What am I going to know! Rodrigo knows him better than anyone else.

-Ma paraca qua asa caloso!

That's the biggest nonsense he's ever heard. Said Magan.

“The boss is very posasive.

What do you mean by that? Magan asked her, “Is Jack going to be posasive with her?

-Nothing! But I might get a bruise on my face when I go to work. He laughed out loud.

Malisa will help me now and I'll go back to work.

-Raalmanta will have a lot of fun, she would be furious.

“The cowboys are really strange.

Rodrigo took her down to the office and immediately began to talk to the bank, then to his lawyer and finally to his houss When he stopped everything was going well in his absence, Jack had a computer and faxed any information he needed. How's it going? You've been here for over two hours. asked her friend.

It's over and I'm exhausted, I'm starting to get tired. You'll have to help me up.

Yes, I think I'l have to do it myself. Rodrigo ma ha dicho qua Jack la ha puasto mucho trabajo, no lo varé an todo al dia. Said her anxious friend.

-Buano, it's your fault, if you had helped me yourself nothing would have happened.

“It's not our fault that Jack is all hot and bothered over there. I call out to her.

-Don’t worry, he's not hot at all.

-Buano antoncas porqua si no la pudo tanto trabajo a Rodrigo, cuando los vio fruncio la cara, aso solo significa qua astat muarto da calos.

That doesn't mean anything. Maybe they have a backlog of work.

“Yes, of course! He said that if it was hot.

How the hell would I know if it was hot?! -You couldn't have!

“You were impossible... Let's go upstairs!

The women went as they could until they reached the stairs, Magan was having a hard enough time walking with the help of Mal, his father's feet were getting harder and harder, and they were almost at the top of the stairs.

shall I help her up? That voice, I took her by the pulse.

Oh Jack! Raalmanta so difficult to climb. Malisa said with great relief.

-But we can do it ourselves.

“Megan, you're pale, it's better if Jack pulls you up at once so you don’t strain so much.

jack took her in his arms and began to lift her up without any problems.

Don't you want me to pull you up? But if you let someone else get you down and help you. I demanded.

Melisa asked Rodrigo for the favor, I told her not to do it.

-I told her not to do it.

~You know what? -You can believe whatever you want. I don't have to explain myself to you.

-All right, I'll think whatever I want!

“Why the hell are you upset? -Why the hell are you upset?

jack left her on the bed, turned and left the room without answering her question. Upset? He was furious with himself as well as with her. Having given Rodrigo so much work to do had been foolish, he was not to blame, he knew he wasn't interested in Megan but he couldn't help but feel jealous, even though he knew his friend was amused by what he was going through it wasn't right to take his temper out on him.

After two weeks Megan's ankle was almost perfect, with the crutches Grisell had gotten her she no longer needed everyone's help. Her foot was no longer bandaged and the doctor had given her the go-ahead to go home soon.

It had been a frustrating few weeks for Jack, he had to watch Rodrigo carry Megan on a few occasions and to top it all off she spent most of her time stuck in his office answering calls and receiving loads of faxes, when he had to go and check some things he always found her in his chair and what provoked him was to lay her down on his desk and make love to h That night they were all sitting at the dining table, even Rodrigo was joining them since he started going out with Melisa, frequented the house every day.

-Dinner is great, Grisell, as always. Rodrigo exclaimed satisfied.

“It's that your appetite is tremendous, boy.

“If lived here in this house, the cupboard would be empty. Said Jack taking a sip of coffee.

-1 don't exaggerate, what happens is that Grisell cooks very well, no one could resist to taste his food.

-Yes, how convenient!

Jack, you've been in a really bad mood lately. Grisell laughed at him.

“That's how I am, you should know that! He said looking sideways at Megan who was also watching him slyly.

Why was he looking at her like that? He blamed her for his bad mood. Suddenly Megan began to feel a little dizzy, the foo hadn't been good for her, and even less so under Jack's gaze, she didn't take her eyes off him.

~Girl, are you feeling all right? You've gone pale out of nowhere. Her grandmother put a hand on her shoulder.

I'm fine, Grandma, but I think dinner didn't agree with me, I'm sorry.

-Don’t apologise, you can leave if you want to.

Yes, I think I will, Grandma, excuse me, everyone.

“Megan, I'll show you to your room. Her friend said.

Yes, thank you, Mel.

When they entered the room Megan rushed into the bathroom and collapsed on the toilet. Her concerned friend came in with her and patted her on the back.

I'm sure it's because of all that medicine you took.

-My stomach is upset, I just want to lie down.

“If you come, I'l help you get up and put you to bed. Tomorrow you'll feel better.

1 don’t want you to say anything to grandma about this, please, I don't want to worry her over something silly.

-All right, whatever you say!

That night was very cold, and Jack was having a hard time falling asleep, he kept tossing and turning in bed, he finally gay up on sleeping, he got up and went out into the hallway noticing that the light in Megan's room was on, of course he ignored it and went down to his office and poured himself a drink at his mini bar to help him relax so he could get some sleep. He had two more drinks and went back upstairs to his room but not before he heard a groan coming from Megan's room.

He got worried because earlier she seemed to be unwell, so he went into her room but to his surprise she wasn't in her bed, he looked around and noticed that the bathroom light was on and the door was open.

“Megan, are you okay?

Jack? What are you doing here? Get out of my room please.

You feel bad and you tell me to leave you alone, you think I'm a demon!

Go away I'l be fine!

Not caring about her protests, I £0 into the bathroom and help her up and walk her to the bed.

“It looks like you've had a bad dinner.

1 just want to sleep, you can go now!

-All right, but if you need help, yell at me, I'm just a step away.

“Thank you!

Several days had passed since Megan and Jack's late night encounter but Jack was not getting any better from her ailmen she had hardly eaten a bite and was sleeping more than she was outside with her grandmother and her friend. Everyone was starting to worry about her, maybe she had caught a virus. So her grandmother had told her that Jack had called the doctor to check her out.

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