9.5ft full of scars, A Yautja fantasy story

Chapter 24

After the ship had landed itself close to the little compound, Orgrim ordered Iris to stay inside until he’d checked their surroundings. She did as he ordered her, and walked up to the medical unit were Kyr'nac was fighting for his life once again, looking at his sleeping face. What was it that made her feeling attracted to him? It surely wasn’t his strange mouth full of razor sharp teeth, his large crab like mandibles or his sloping head. Again she looked at his face closely. Everything looked so foreign and yet or maybe because of it she felt oddly attracted to it, from his beautiful scaly skin to the long ornamented tube like dreads.

Iris sighed deeply. Ohhh, how she hoped to find some answers here, here were the ship brought them, maybe even something that would help him heal, but a cold hand clamped itself around her chest. Orgrim told her Yautja were very difficult to kill and their bodies had excellent healing abilities, well, then why wasn't Kyr'nac healing properly in the med unit?

Iris looked at the entrance of the ship and saw the great Orc beckoning her. Carefully she walked out of the hold and was greeted by the bright sunlight. The sweet smell of flowers and fruits carried by the wind and the warm rays of the sun, which she never thought she would see or feel on her skin again, caused tears to burn in her eyes. She blinked quickly, she didn't want to cry again, she'd done that enough.

Slowly Iris scanned the surroundings. A glint in front of the largest building caught her attention, and walked toward it. Behind her she heard Orgrim calling out to her but the glittering object had caught her attention. The shape of the fragment looked familiar to her and when she bent down to pick it up she immediately recognised the piece for what it was and slumped to her knees.

This was his whereabouts, this was Kyr'nac's house... The fragment in her hand was a piece of his facial prosthesis... and the tears she'd tried to hold back streamed down her cheeks.

A large hand clammed her shoulder firmly and she looked up at the only friend she had right now.

"What’s that?" The Orc looked curiously at the piece of metal in her hand.

"This is from his prosthesis... We're at his hideout, it has to be…” Iris sniffed.

"But how could that Yautja's ship have led us here? I know what he said about his father, but, having the coordinates inserted in the ship's computer at forehand... it's all to coincidental, don't you think?" With tear stained cheeks she looked up at him.

She looked back at the piece of prosthesis and opened her mouth to speak when a sudden movement to her side caught Iris's attention.

Her eyes immediately flew in the direction of the movement and at first she didn’t see anything , until the air seemed to quiver a few feet in front of her and a figure appeared, not just any figure, but the figure of an human woman and Iris's eyes almost protruding from their sockets.


Orgrim turned to see what she was looking at and immediately jumped up. What the helll…? It was impossible for the woman to be here alone, so there had to be a companion, but where?

"Where's your partner?"

He stood menacingly between Iris and the woman. There was no doubt that she was a real woman and not a hologram, she had a strong smell about her, but before he realized why she had this distinctive scent, he was grabbed by the neck and thrown face forward to the floor.

"Stay down!"

Though the rough, dark clicking voice seemed unfamiliar to him, Orgrim knew immediately that he was in some serious shit. Yautja! If he hadn't been lying on his stomach he might have had another chance against this Yautja, then he might have a chance to grab him by the throat with his massive hands, but now..., now he had no chance.

"Valk! No!" The strange female called out to the creature on his back.

As for Iris, to her surprise, she saw her friend suddenly flying through the air and land back on the ground with a hard thud and an invisible..., yes..., an invisible force held him to the ground by the neck. The voice of the invisible person gave her goosebumps all over, especially the click in his speech did something to her... Kyr'nac...

She turned to the woman, who, to her great surprise, called the invisible being to order.

"Who are you?"

The woman walked up to her, she had a small round belly and it vaguely occurred to Iris that she could be pregnant.

"I'm Kenzi and that...camouflaged jerk is Valk. Valk shows yourself..."

An irritated growl and click was all she heard at first, but after a few seconds the air above Orgrim also started to vibrate and a huge Yautja appeared.

As if she had received a huge blow to her chest, the breath was forced out of her lungs, this couldn't be possible...

"...this..., this...is...impossible..."

The giant looked at her intently with his yellow eyes and his mandibles spread in agitation.

Iris looked from the Yautja to the woman and back again.

"How is this possible?"

"What do you mean?" The woman was standing very close now.

But before she was able to speak.

"Iris shut up!" Orgrim bit her.

Without taking her eyes off the giant, Iris stood up carefully and quickly glanced at her floored friend.

"I don't think we have a choice, Orgrim... We need help..."

"Why do you need help?" Iris turned back to face the woman.

"Our friend is badly injured and we have no idea what to do..."

"Why would we care?"

The giants voice sounded hostile, this male was so completely different compared to Kyr'nac and his aggressive demeanor made her snap.

"You're the one that attacked us! Not the other way around!" She bit.

"You're the one that's been holding my friend down, when all we did was to land here without even having a say in it as that fucking ship had already been preprogrammed..."

"Iris!" Orgrim tried to silence her, but to no avail.

"THE MAN I LOVE IS DYING IN THERE..." pointing her finger at the ship.

"...AND THE ONLY REASON WHY I ASKED YOU FOR HELP, IS BECAUSE YOU FUCKING LOOK EXACTLY LIKE HIM! ASSHOLE!!" Iris was shouting and again, tears ran down her face, this time they weren't because she was sad, but she was so livid with the giants rude behaviour.

This caught the giant's attention and for a moment he lost his focus on Orgrim, who immediately acted by throwing the hulk off his back, turned and jumped to his feet, and immediately assumed a fighting stance.

“No! Stop, both of you!” Both woman yelled at the males simultaneously.

“Please, stop…, please…” Iris looked at the males. She was so damn tired, she just wanted her giant to wake up and cuddle up to him.

A slender arm was wrapped around her shoulders, the woman pulled Iris against her.

"Valk, please, stop this... He may be the one we're looking for..." Iris' head shot up suddenly, was she mistaken? But the woman's eyes were warm and her smile was friendly.

"We are looking for the one who lives here..."


"We suspect that he and Valk are related and we hope that he can give us answers or clarification about, well... a number of things... We think his name is Kyr’nac…”

Iris nodded.

“Come…” She took te woman by the hand and walked with her to the ship.

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