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Chapter ch 97

Loan looked at her, dazed. She looked tired and small. She had lost a lot of weight, and she was already thin, but it was clear that the last year had been hard on her. He hugged her tightly for a moment and took her face in his hands. “Listen to me very well, Danna. We will get through this, you have to trust me.” “You just don’t know who the Winstons are… the power they have…” Loan smiled condescendingly and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Oh, girl, you don’t know who I am either! Do you?” Danna looked at him without understanding and Loan sighed. “Please, I want to see my son,” she asked, her heart racing. “Can I?” Danna looked at him for a moment, then nodded, her eyes shining. “Yes, yes, of course you can. Let’s go look for him in the living room.” Loan felt the excitement grow inside him when Danna left the room to go look for the baby. He followed her with his eyes as she walked down the hall and it felt like his heart could burst from the love he felt at that moment. He couldn’t describe the excitement of knowing that he was finally going to see the baby after so long. He stood still for a moment until she returned with the child in her arms. The little boy was a bundle covered by a white blanket and Loan felt his heartbeat in her throat as she gently picked him up. He was as light as a feather and his hair was so silky that it glided through her fingers like fine sand. Thank you for reading at LeeNovelas.com. Loan held him carefully and felt that everything in her little world finally made sense. “You should… If you want you can do a paternity test so you can be sure that he is yours,” Danna murmured and Loan raised his eyes to look at her. “I wasn’t with anyone else but… I understand if you want to do it. I’m fine with that.” Loan pressed his lips together and nodded. “Are you sure?” He saw her nod and did the same. — Okay, in that case… —He laid the baby down on the bed and Danna frowned when she saw him pull down the diaper to look at him. Remember. Read this novel only on LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. —What does he have? —he asked. —The Keller boys’ mark —said Loan with a triumphant smile pointing at that small birthmark. My god Danna, you literally swallowed it hundreds of times! How could you forget? Loan saw her cover her mouth with one hand, she didn’t know if she was holding back her laughter or remembering what she had done; and he shook her hand again. —There, paternity test completed —she murmured—. Now let me enjoy this prince because I missed him too much even without knowing he existed. Loan sat on the bed with her little one in her arms and began to gently rock him with a song. The baby listened attentively with a small smile on his lips that made Loan melt with love and never want to stop singing. Just a few minutes later the baby began to close his eyes and Loan noticed how the little one relaxed more and more until he fell asleep.She laid him carefully on the bed and stared at him for a moment before getting up to meet Danna again. He looked up at her and gestured for her to sit next to him. “Now, can you tell me everything that happened and why they call you Leda in this house?” Loan asked softly. Danna took a deep breath before beginning. She knew this was the time to tell her the whole truth. “It’s a long story,” she said, “and I don’t have the heart to tell you the whole thing right now, just know that I had to run away. My mother wanted to make her choose, my career or my child, but I wasn’t willing to lose him.” Loan clenched his fists, from what little he knew about her and how dedicated she was to her career, he too had hoped she wouldn’t decide in favor of the baby, but evidently he had been wrong too. “So what happened?” “My mother made an appointment for an abortion and I was forced to continue training in the meantime.”Maybe it was lucky that I had an accident, but the doctor who treated me at the hospital took pity on me,” Danna murmured, staring into space. I heard him talking to my mother, she only cared that without my career I wouldn’t get back a single euro of what she had invested in me… And that’s when I understood everything. Tears ran down her cheeks and Loan squeezed her hand. Even if she had the baby, she would find a way to take it away from me. “Is that why you faked your death?” Loan asked. “Yes… we waited for the doctor’s appointment and he arranged everything. I was very afraid of making the right decision, because I didn’t know if I would be able to raise him alone, but I guess my heart didn’t let me do anything else,” she sighed. “The doctor also got me false papers to start over…” “That’s why they know you as Leda,” Loan understood. “Yes, that’s why… but it didn’t turn out the way I expected,” the girl murmured sadly. “Why?” —Because Olivia Winston recognized me as soon as she saw me. Apparently she is a faithful follower of figure skating and she immediately realized that I had false papers. She gave me a hard time without saying anything to me and she investigated me, when she realized that there was a death certificate in my name… Danna held back her sobs and shook her head. —That’s why I can’t leave. She not only knows everything but… Danna didn’t even dare to speak. —What, baby, do you have to tell me…? ——I owe her a lot of money, for the birth of our child, for all the time I’ve been here without being able to work. —I can pay that! It doesn’t matter how big your debt is, Danna, there’s nothing I can’t pay. —It’s not just the money! —she exclaimed and then lowered her gaze in shame—. I’ve helped her, Loan. That woman is not only capricious, that woman is really evil. The things she made me do to keep me out of jail…’ Danna covered her face with her hands and Loan felt her heart break. ‘Olivia Winston won’t let me go because of what she knows about me, Loan, but because of what I know about her.’ Loan felt helpless not to know the truth. ‘Why won’t you tell me?’ she asked, her voice calm. ‘You have to trust me, Danna.’ As the whole story unfolded, Loan felt a deep anger towards this woman grow inside her. Her role in the Winston family had been irrelevant since her father had remarried, but since the disappearance of her stepmother, the Countess, with her last lover, her father had once again entrusted her with the most important matters of the house. ‘The problem is that I know the truth: that the Countess didn’t run away with anyone,’ Danna whispered. ‘Olivia Winston’s greatest secret lies at the bottom of the South Esk River… tied to a concrete block so that no one will find it.’ Loan felt his heart stop when he heard Danna say that. “It can’t be… you didn’t… Tell me you didn’t do that, Danna, for God’s sake,” he almost begged. “No, of course not,” she denied.But I did drive the car the lady took the body to… and I’ve known all this time without saying anything. That makes me an accomplice, doesn’t it? Loan squeezed her hand because he couldn’t lie to her and tell her it would be easy to get out of this, but he wasn’t ready to give up either. “Just give me tonight, Danna,” he asked her. “Give me tonight to think about what I’m going to do and tomorrow I’ll find a way to get them out of here.” They sat on the bed, holding hands for a long moment, until Loan felt her rest her cheek on his shoulder and his breathing became heavier. He settled her on the small bed with the baby at her side and for a long moment he stared at them. They were his greatest treasure, and if things were as Danna had told him, then they were both in danger.

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