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Chapter ch 76

It was a long time before Zack’s breathing returned to normal, but even though he fell asleep, he never stopped wrapping his arms around her. Andrea gently caressed his face and kissed him. Physically recovering from everything that was happening to her was the first step. The second was to get Zack back once and for all, but to do that she had to get the man she had met back, so if he didn’t let himself be helped, then she would have to force him. The Keller boys and girls passed by throughout the day. Mrs. Liana also came to take Adriana and Andrea snuggled up to her baby for a while, listening to all those comforting words that only a woman of Luana’s age and experience could give her. “The doctor says that maybe tomorrow afternoon I can take you home,” Zack murmured that night. “The rest of the treatment will be in pills, so you’ll be more comfortable at home.” Andrea smiled softly. “I’ll be comfortable anywhere that has a mattress. I feel… weak,” she murmured. —I know, but I promise you’re going to feel better, okay? —he replied, kissing her on the lips. You’re going to feel great and… we’re going to find a way to fix everything. You’ll see. Andrea nodded with a sigh. She could tell him everything she thought or she could act. And of the two things she preferred the latter, but she had to think very carefully about her next move, because the rest of her life depended on it. The next day in the afternoon the doctor gave them the good news. —You can go home now, Andrea, but in a week you have to come back for new tests and make sure everything is in order, okay? She nodded and allowed Zack to take her home. When she arrived, Andrea was surprised, because the whole family was there. The Kellers welcomed her with a small dinner to celebrate her recovery. Thank you for reading at LeeNovelas.com. —Welcome home, honey, Luana said with a hug. —We are very happy to see you back, getting better. They were all there to help her, and she was grateful to have them all together no matter what happened. A lot of bad things had happened, but that moment only brought her peace when she realized she was no longer alone. Zack held the baby while enjoying seeing the calm look on Andrea’s face. Shortly after nine, the Kellers retired to let them rest and Zack turned to her. “I’m going to put Adriana to sleep, give her her bottle and then I’ll be with you, okay?” he said, giving her a soft kiss. “Sure,” Andrea replied, but while he was taking care of the baby, she opened the closet doors and sighed, giving herself strength to do what she had to do. Half an hour later, when Zack entered the room, he felt as if Andrea had shot him in the chest. She was sitting on the edge of the bed and next to her were two large suitcases already ready. Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites.—Andrea… What is this…? —he whispered in a choked voice and she looked into his eyes. —I think you know very well what it is. —Zack’s eyes filled with tears and he shook his head as he knelt in front of her. —Nooo, no baby. You can’t do this, we… we can solve it together! Can’t we? We can solve it! —It’s just that we’ve never solved anything, Zack. You’re a runner —she replied. You solve things when they’re bad, but then it’s like you just… get saturated and disappear. —Andrea, I told you it would only be for a short time… —For whatever reason, you left —she murmured—. You chose to leave instead of staying to fight me and I understand you, I swear I understand you, it’s better for you to get away and digest things than to stay and do something that might hurt me but… I’m sorry, just because I understand you doesn’t mean I can accept it. —Andrea… —I want to run away too. I feel suffocated and desperate because of the circumstances, but I can’t run away because I have a daughter who depends on me… and you forgot that when you left, she murmured, and Zack tore at his hair, but he didn’t speak because she guessed what he was thinking first. It’s true that this time you didn’t leave us helpless… but your absence can’t be bought with two million dollars, Zack. He pressed his lips together as he wiped his face, down which numerous tears were falling. —Just tell me what I have to do… anything. Please, Andrea, just tell me what I have to do so that you don’t leave… —he begged, squeezing her hands and kissing them. —It’s just that I’m not going anywhere —said Andrea, and Zack looked at her with a look of incomprehension—. They’re your suitcases, what you had left here… the one who’s leaving is you. Zack’s lips opened and closed several times as he tried to digest the news. —Umm… are you… are you kicking me out? —he asked stunned. —I wouldn’t use that word, but yes, you’re not going to stay with Adriana and me anymore —she said. Zack stood up and put both hands on his head. His life really was a damn irony, just when he most wanted to stay she put his bags at the door! —Andrea, I love you… you at least know that, right? That I love you? —he murmured in desperation—. I don’t want this to end, Andrea. It’s true that I tend to run, but it’s because I feel that it’s better than a confrontation with someone I love… And I love you! You know I would do anything for you, I already have, but even if I’m willing to do it, I still have to deal with the consequences and in that…! In that my conscience doesn’t leave me in peace easily. —Yes, I know. And I love you too —she answered—. But we’ve tried to start this relationship twice, and each time it’s been under a lot of pressure… under other people’s eyes… under the worst possible circumstances. And I don’t want that anymore, Zack. “So what? We’re just going to break up?!” he snapped at her, because that was the last thing she wanted. “Well… I guess that’s up to you.”My daughter and I are going to be here, and if you want to be with us, then we’re going to have to start over with something that’s as close to a normal relationship as possible,” Andrea stated. “In the meantime, I think it’s best if you go to Luana’s.” Zack’s eyes widened. “Huh? Are you serious…?”He asked incredulously and Andrea crossed her arms impatiently. “Well yes, so go to your mother’s house and when you’re better behaved you can come back!” she snapped at him. Zack blinked slowly and despite how bad he felt he tried to hold back his smile because that “you’re coming back” was all the hope he needed. His parents were going to pull his ears every ten minutes but if he had to reform… well, he had to reform! He walked up to her and wrapped her in a hug that took the air out of her. “I’m so sorry,” he said softly. I really am making a lot of mistakes, but I’m going to figure it out. I swear I’m going to figure it out, and you’re right, it’s going to be better if we do this right once and for all. He lowered his head to find her lips and claimed a sweet, trusting kiss. Andrea felt herself melt in his arms, it was impossible not to, but she also knew she had to stand firm. “I’m going to sleep on the couch today,” he said to himself. “I’m not going to leave you two alone when you just got out of the hospital, but I’ll leave early tomorrow. Get some rest, okay?” He left the room and closed the door, taking a deep breath and trying to contain the sea of ​​pain he felt. Not everything was lost, at least not yet, but saving it depended entirely on him. The next day, when Andrea got up, the suitcases were gone and neither was Zack, but Adriana was clean and changed, and had gone back to sleep. On the counter was a note and a bunch of the ugliest flowers imaginable, but it was the only thing that grew in the garden in winter, so he had obviously picked them in a hurry before leaving. “I’m going to my mother’s house. If I don’t come to see you tonight, come save me, please. I love you with all my heart… Your runner.” Andrea took a deep breath, wondering if they could really make a relationship that had been a mess from the start work. And he had no idea that at that very moment Zack was taking the first step, entering his father’s room and sitting in front of him to end the first lie of all.

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