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Chapter ch 65

Zack ran after his brother and soon they reached where Loan was talking to two of the men he had hired. “We were watching the house, as you asked us to,” one of them told them. “Mr. Lee was with a guard of a couple of men, as always in the last few days. But about an hour ago a couple of trucks arrived. Black, tinted windows, no license plate… you know, drug-trafficking style.” “Uh-huh. And what happened?” Zack asked hurriedly. “We heard a commotion inside, then some shots and they took a body out of the house in a black bag…” “I say it wasn’t a body, I swear I saw it move,” said the other man. “Well, you understand, there was a man inside the bag. The thing is that they started up and left immediately. The mobile unit is following them, as soon as they reach their destination they will inform us.” Zack nodded slowly and his brothers looked at him as if waiting for him to give an order. “Did you search the house?” he asked. “We prefer to inform you first.” “Okay, then call the police, they won’t take long to see if there are any bodies and if one of them is Mason’s,” he said. Although if he was honest, he was convinced that he hadn’t been killed, that the person in that black bag was Mason and he also imagined where they were taking him. Thanks for reading LeeNovelas.com. Shortly after, in fact, his suspicions were confirmed. “Mason wasn’t in the house, his men are dead but they took him away,” Loan told him. “The trucks ended up in a private hangar at the airport, and there they got on a plane… including the black body bag.” Zack nodded impassively. He went back to his room and his heart beat very fast as he wrote a new note for Andrea. “My love: I feel that for the first time in a long time luck is on our side. If things are as I imagine, Mason will soon cease to be a threat to us.” I hope that one day you can forgive me for everything I’ve had to do, but that our daughter can forgive me too, but right now it would be sacrificing anything to keep them safe, and that includes my soul, so be it. I love you like I’ve never loved anyone. We’ll be together very soon. Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. I’m still here, loving you, waiting for you. There are only four days left until our freedom. Yours, Zack” Andrea hugged that letter to her chest when she finished reading it and coughed a little as she snuggled into her ugly blanket. She trusted him, and whatever he had to do to get her out of there she could accept, because all she wanted at that moment was to be in his arms and with her daughter. Any guilty conscience Zack might feel would be taken away from him when they were together. And in a way he did feel that way, burdened with the guilt of having ordered a man to be murdered, and with the awareness that perhaps Director Hopkins would not stop him.If Vito really did shoot Mason before they were all arrested, Zack would have that death on his shoulders forever. What didn’t even cross his mind was that shooting wasn’t Vito Rizzuto’s style. It was already dark in Montreal when Mason Lee opened his eyes. He remembered little, only that men he knew from the organization had come to his house on business and then started shooting. They must have hit him in the head, because it hurt horribly, and now he had no idea where he was. The darkness surrounded him, but when his eyes adjusted he could immediately recognize Vito Rizzuto’s library. “What am I doing here?! What…?” But he couldn’t continue speaking because as soon as he tried to sit up he realized that he was tied in something very similar to a hole. Terror took hold of him and he tried to free himself, but only succeeded in having the plastic ties tear the skin on his wrists. —I think you and I have a pending conversation, search heard a voice and suddenly the lights became clearer. Mason opened his eyes wide as he realized that Vito was in front of him and around him was his closest clique. —What’s going on? Why am I here? —he asked terrified while everyone looked at him from above. —You know very well why you’re here. —Vito came a little closer and Mason shuddered when he heard him say. You stole two kilos of cocaine from your assigned allowance. Mason immediately tried to apologize. —I don’t… I never… He knew that Vito was not the type of man he could play with, so he tried to explain his situation but it was impossible. —I’ll pay you, I have money for that! —I don’t care about money! You’ve exposed the organization for your personal problems! Mason felt his body begin to sweat cold and tremble. —Vito, I’m so sorry… I was desperate… I didn’t think… I thought your name was more important than some jerk who crossed my path! —Vito tried to explain while looking for a way to get out of this alive, but Vito only got angrier. —My name is mine! It’s not for you to use as a shield if you can’t even respect it! Vito stared at him without showing any sign of mercy. —That’s called “betrayal”, Mason, you’ve been betraying our family… —Nooooo… I would never… —Come on Mason, you have nothing to gain by lying now. All the proof is here and you know I can’t let this go, right? —Vito said. Mason seemed to go crazy then. —You can’t kill me! I’m one of yours! I’m one of your men…! I did everything you asked me to! I got you safe harbors for trafficking women all over the east coast! I got you a buyer’s market for the babies you kidnap! “How are you going to kill me?! You need me!” Vito shook his head condescendingly. “That’s your mistake. You still don’t understand that in this life, no one needs anyone,” he replied. “Do you even know where you are?” he asked. Mason looked around,Desperate, what had seemed like a hole in the ground looked more like a huge pot, but he soon realized that it was only half of it. “You’re in a mold,” Vito told him. “I have a special weakness for statues, and from time to time I like to put one in my garden… so I bring my material here, my men do the rough work and then… well, then I give it a little chisel to finish it.” Mason was livid with terror, he had made dozens of statues in Vito’s garden, and when the man leaned towards him, he understood how much of a ruthless killer the mobster was. “I don’t know why, but I feel that when my statues have a soul inside them they look more… realistic.” He smiled at him with an evil expression and a second later the first shovelful of soft cement fell on Mason’s body. For long minutes his screams, his pleas and finally the screams of a man sinking forever and drowning in the middle of the cement were heard. It was a horrible death, because at some point all of that went into his mouth, silencing him forever. Perhaps it was payment to all those women and children he had helped traffic. The truth was that the minutes passed and the cement began to harden as the men ofVito filled the mold and finished filling it. Mason Lee was left there, inside the statue of a gargoyle, the ugliest of the creatures that lurked in the darkness. However, not even fifteen minutes had passed when an explosion was heard near the perimeter fence and an avalanche of armed men in military uniforms entered the house. The CIA agents took the house by storm, and very soon the exchange of bullets began. However, the agents sent by John Hopkins were relentless and did not hesitate to subdue the property with violence. They engaged in a dangerous fight that ended with Rizzuto in handcuffs. While the officers handcuffed the mobster, other agents were busy seizing drug trafficking material, weapons and incriminating documents. —Vito Rizzuto, after so many years, I can finally say this: You are under arrest for the crimes of drug trafficking, illegal trafficking of people and murder. I’m sure the prosecutor will find a lot more charges to charge you with when we extradite you to the States. Vito glared at him. “You have no way to prove any of that!” he spat angrily. “Well, I think so!” Director Hopkins walked over to where the statue was and ordered his men to open the mold. Finally, after much work and effort, they managed to do so and Jhon leaned over him, sinking his hands into the cement that had already become the consistency of a paste. He searched through Mason’s clothes and pulled out something dirty with cement that he held in the palm of his hand in front of Vito. “It’s a shame you killed him when I had just made a deal with him,” he said pointing to the microphone. “But thanks to that I have every last word you said recorded and I know that you killed him.” Vito made a gesture of contempt when he saw the device, after all Keller was right: Mason was nothing more than a traitor rat. “Take him away!” exclaimed Jhon. The rest of the team, contact the Montreal coroner’s department, I think we have a lot of statues to open in the garden. Vito Rizzuto was taken to one of the armored vans and driven to the airport by the extraction team. “I didn’t know we had made a deal with Mason Lee,” said one of his subordinates. “It was a job I did personally,” Hopkins lied. He had never exchanged a word with Mason, all he had done was a magic trick to get that microphone out of the cement, but he had made Vito believe that his evidence came from Mason because it was the only way to clear Zack of all suspicion; so in the next few days he would reinforce that idea and in each report he would say that Zack Keller had betrayed the deal and he had reached an immunity agreement with Mason Lee. However, he was not going to risk anything happening, so half an hour later Zack received a call from Gazca. “They talked about correctional!” he said hurriedly. “You have to go find Andrea.”

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