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Chapter ch 62

Undercover people and spies have only one rule: “Be ready for anything.” Anytime, anywhere, make sure you’re ready. And Zack was. When one of the trucks passed them, cutting off his path, he was already very sure of what was coming. “Stay here,” he ordered Gazca as he got out of his truck. Two men got out of each car and he walked around his car to lean on the hood. He almost smiled when he saw the door opened for Mason and the guy got out like a feudal king, in a suit and tie and very sure of himself. “What do you want besides strutting around like a peacock and barking like the dog you are?” Zack snapped without restraining himself. Mason took the offense and raised his chin in a defiant gesture. “I wanted to know if your supposed love for Andy wasn’t enough to keep you. But they told me you ran away two days ago and I see you’re doing the same now,” Mason laughed. —Well… I have to do something to solve the shit you got us into. Andrea already told me that you were trying to frame me by putting that drug in my car, the problem is that your plan didn’t work out, and she was the one who ended up in jail —Zack replied. —But in the end I got what I wanted! —Mason snapped at him with contempt. —Don’t kid yourself, what you wanted was for me to go to jail so that Andrea would be unprotected, you even threatened me to incriminate myself. Isn’t that right? —Zack replied sarcastically—. And you didn’t even get that! Thanks for reading on LeeNovelas.com. —Well, I don’t care who went to jail, if it was her or you! I still managed to separate them! You shouldn’t have measured yourself against me! You don’t know what I’m capable of! Mason hissed arrogantly. Zack crossed his arms and shook his head while smiling. “I wonder if your boss, Mr. Rizzuto, will also be okay with you using two kilograms of his product for a personal vendetta,” she said, and immediately saw him turn pale. “Shut up, you don’t know what you’re talking about…” Mason shouted. “Oh! But I do!” Zack roared. “You’re a middle lieutenant in the organization! You’re good as long as you produce, and you stole two kilograms of coke to put in my truck and frame me. Do you think your boss will be amused?” Mason clenched his fists helplessly. Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. “This is not Mr. Rizzuto’s problem! I’ll pay for that drug! I’ll pay for everything or I’ll have someone in the police force take it out of Evidence for me!” he growled. “Yeah, you can do that, but it doesn’t change the fact that you screwed things up, mixed your personal business with business, and used your boss’s product to piss off the wrong guy, because trust me… I’m still the guy you shouldn’t have pissed off.” Zack turned his back and climbed into the truck, praying he wouldn’t have to use the gun he had in the glove compartment. But maybe the shock had been too much for Mason, because he didn’t move from his spot as he started the car and drove away.His heart was racing, he was almost shaking because every man with Mason was carrying a gun, but if he had decided to go all the way, then he really had to be willing to do it. “Are we okay?” Gazca asked when they parked at the airport. “More than okay,” Zack answered, breathing more calmly. “We have exactly what we want.” Gazca opened his eyes in surprise when he saw him remove a small square device from the windshield. “Is that…?” “Audio and video,” Zack confirmed, showing him the small camera. “That’s fantastic! With that confession we can get Andrea out of jail in less than eight hours!” the lawyer exclaimed, and was speechless when he saw Zack deny it. “No, we can’t do that now. My heart breaks to see her there, but if we use this video now and get her out of jail, you know nothing will change,” he replied, trying not to break down. It was the hardest decision of his life, leaving Andrea in jail, but he had to do it. Mason will find a way to stay free, and he will continue to pursue us. I have to put an end to that once and for all. “Zack… what are you going to do?” the lawyer worried. “Whatever I have to do, Gazca, whatever I have to do.” Getting back on that plane to leave the city was difficult for him, but he had a clear objective and by the time he arrived in Montreal, Director Hopkins was already waiting for him at a hotel. They put the microphones on him, explained the plan to him and went over it dozens of times. “Do you have any doubts?” Hopkins asked. “Andrea? When are you going to get her out?” Zack asked. “If something happens to you, she will be released immediately as a protected witness,” Jhon assured him. If nothing happens to you, we will complete the plan so that everything follows its course. Do you agree? Zack nodded and prepared to fall like the least wanted guest at the Rizzuto mansion. Getting there was not difficult, showing up and being investigated took an hour. A long hour in which he stood impassively in a security room until they verified that he really was the multi-champion and millionaire Zack Keller. “Follow me, Mr. Rizzuto will receive you in his office,” said one of the guards, armed to the teeth, and Zack followed him without making a sound. The Rizzuto mansion was enormous, full of corridors and galleries, and through all of them they took him until he ended up in a library. They searched him to see if he was not carrying weapons or microphones and then they let him in. Vito Rizzuto was a short, plump man of about sixty years old, with the kindest appearance a human being could imagine, but it was only a deception, because Zack knew from a reliable source that the mobster was a cold-blooded killer. “Mr. Keller, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” he greeted him with a firm handshake. Can I offer you something? “A glass of water would be nice,” Zack replied. “I’m not lying to you, I didn’t expect to see such a distinguished person as you in my humble home.” To what do I owe the honor? Zack smiled as he invited him to take a seat across from him. “Let’s be honest,Mr. Rizzuto, your home is not humble and I am not distinguished, but we both have certain interests in common, so I came because I want to do business with you,” Zack said. The man looked at him in silence for a few seconds. “Is the sports representation business going so badly?” he asked sarcastically and Zack shook his head, laughing. “Not at all! There is always plenty to eat in that cake, but as you know, where there is good food, there are always some bad flies,” he replied. So I am here for you to help me scare away a particularly annoying one. Zack could see in the old man’s eyes that he was piqued by curiosity. “And how could I do that?” he asked. “Very easy: tell me how much I have to pay you to kill one of your men.” That sentence hung in the air, swallowing every noise while Rizzuto accepted that request. Then he gestured to his guards to leave and leave them alone. “Is this a bad joke?” the old man growled. —Not at all, Mr. Rizzuto. I’m a millionaire, no.”You’re an idiot, and if I’m here it’s because you and I agree on two things: we both have money, and we both know how to use it to remove obstacles,” Zack declared firmly. “I have problems with a man within your organization, and when you find out why, I assure you that you’ll also have problems with him.” And since he was an intelligent man, anything that affected his organization or his business put the old man on immediate alert. “Then tell me,” he said. “Better not,” Zack smiled, taking a USB drive out of his jacket. “Better see for yourself.” He handed him the USB and Rizzuto looked at it for a moment before turning his desk around and sitting in front of his computer. He inserted the USB and watched the video attentively while Zack slowly walked around the room. Anyone would have said that he was more interested in the books and the huge animal heads that adorned the wall, but the truth was that out of the corner of his eye Zack observed the old man’s reactions to certain comments. “I wonder if your boss, Mr. Rizzuto, would also be okay with you using two kilograms of his product for a personal vendetta?” The look of tension was instantaneous. “…you stole two kilograms of coke to put in my truck to frame me. Do you think your boss would be happy?” “This is none of Mr. Rizzuto’s problem! I’ll pay for that drug! I’ll pay for it all or I’ll have someone in the police force take it out of Evidence for me!” “Yeah, you can do that, but it doesn’t change the fact that you screwed things up, mixed your personal affairs with business, and used your boss’s product to piss off the wrong guy, because believe me… I’m still the guy you shouldn’t have pissed off.” When the video ended Zack casually patted the poor reindeer’s head and walked over to the desk. “And is this true, Mr. Keller?” Rizzuto asked suspiciously. “Are you the wrong guy we shouldn’t have pissed off?” “No doubt, Mr. Rizzuto, because I happen to know the magic words,” Zack smiled. “Please?” the old man laughed. “No.” Zack stuck a finger in his mouth and pulled out a microphone embedded in his molar before pouring it into the glass of water. “John Hopkins.”

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