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Chapter ch 54

Andrea clenched her fists and tears began to fall silently down her cheeks. “Is this what you expected?” she asked Zack, who was looking at his phone with an expression that varied between rage and helplessness. “Honestly, no,” he replied. “I was expecting a threat, for him to spill his guts about his money or something… But I wasn’t expecting this.” “Well, I guess he gave you more than you bargained for,” she replied, going into the bathroom, wanting to break everything in front of her. Zack knew that what they had just heard was very hard, and he also knew that he had to let Andrea calm down, so he went out to talk to Mr. Gazca and bring him up to date on the situation. However, they didn’t have much time to drown in that helplessness, because in a few hours they would have to take another very important step. Andrea was afraid. It was useless to say otherwise. But that afternoon when the social worker arrived at the apartment to inspect it, she finished her review with a satisfied smile. “This is very good, Andrea. You’ve done an incredible job here.” —I didn’t go alone, but thank you —the girl smiled relieved knowing that everything would be fine, at least regarding the evaluation of an environment suitable for having Adriana. Her savings account was also fine. Ben had made his sworn statement about hiring Andrea, her clients, and her income, and those were enough to give his daughter a decent life. Even so, that night was again spent restless. Adriana fell asleep on Zack’s chest and Andrea tried to rest hugging him too, but Zack could feel every muscle tense under her skin. Thank you for reading at LeeNovelas.com. When the trial resumed the next day everyone was ready to say what they had come to do. The judge asked the social workers for their statements to start and the one in charge of Mason stated that he had better economic conditions than Andrea, therefore, he thought he would be the best option for Adriana. But as soon as they gave him the floor, Attorney Gazca stood up. —Your Honor. I understand that we all want the best for the baby, but please let us not try to convince this court that Mr. Lee’s wealth alone is enough to win custody. “Well…” the social worker did not defend himself, “but it is undeniable that with his money he could send her to the best schools, the child could receive the best education…” “The best education, allow me to correct you,” Gazca interrupted him, the child could receive the best education but the best education will hardly come from a man who abandoned her before she was born. Adriana Brand has only known her mother since she came into the world and her mother has the means to support her. She is not rich, but she has an honest job and the possibility of supporting her daughter. She may not send her to a private school, but the judge in this case did not go to one either and ended up in the Supreme Family Court.Isn’t that right? Perhaps few lawyers in the world dared to question a judge even indirectly, but everyone in that room saw him nod. Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. —To begin with, Mr. Lee can prove how much money he has, but if that is to be considered a strong argument, then we would like to request an audit of his finances, to explain to us how a man who until half a year ago was stealing from his wife and daughter to survive, managed to suddenly become rich! —Objection! —Basil Gagnon stood up. —Why? Excessive suspicion? —Gazca smiled at him, returning to his place. He can’t hide the sun with one finger. Mason Lee has no relationship with his daughter and is not a good example for her. He is not interested in her well-being, but only in what he gets by supporting her. —Objection! —Fine, fine, I’ll shut up! —Gazca agreed, but he already knew that he had planted the seed in the judge’s brain. Then it was the turn of the social worker assigned to Andrea, and she read her report: a detailed description of every step Andrea had taken to provide for her home. “So your conclusion?” the judge asked, and the woman looked at Andrea. “Your Honor, I think that if we put the needs of the child first, it is best for her to be with her mother. It is true that she does not have the financial means of the father, but Mrs. Brand has made a great effort to create a safe and stable environment in her home,” he said. “That is what we are looking for. If the father has so much money, the right thing to do would be to pay her the corresponding alimony, retroactively for everything he has not given her so far, and to abide by the visits granted to her by the court.” That statement was categorical, because in addition to everything, the social worker had reminded them of all the months of abandonment, not only physical but also economic, that the girl had suffered. It was too obvious who the balance was tipping in favor of, and there was no longer any reason for them to consider Andrea unfit to care for their daughter, so Basil Gagnon decided to play his next card. “We want to call Mrs. Brand to testify.” Andrea took a deep breath but knew she had to get up on the stand. She swore on the Bible and waited for the attack. “Mrs. Brand, isn’t it true that you are in a casual relationship with your boss and that you could be fired at any moment?” She didn’t answer immediately. “Are you sure? Because as far as we know, he is the one who is paying for her lawyer, and if they were to separate…,” Gagnon insisted. “I appreciate your concern, Counselor, but I think you are misinformed. My lawyer is paid for by my job and is covered by my company’s insurance. Zack is my formal partner, not just my lover,” Andrea answered firmly. Andrea saw Mason clench his fists but his lawyer did not seem to interest him.—So you are aware of the level of job vulnerability you have by being in a relationship with him? —Gagnon insisted. —I am also aware that there is a workers’ union that supports me and they can’t fire me just because I broke up with my boyfriend, Andrea replied.. You better not look for him around, because my employment contract is ironclad in that regard. But if what you’re trying to prove to the judge is whether I sleep with someone other than your client, I’ll answer you: yes, as much as I can. “You’re a bitch!” Mason snapped, standing up. “How can you say this to my face? I’m going to sue you for adultery!” Basil gave him a murderous look to sit down, but Gazca stood up. “We’ll be happy to accept your suit for adultery, Mr. Lee, if you can prove to us that you’re still married to Mrs. Brand.” “She was sleeping with him before the divorce!” Mason roared. “You left the country six hours before your daughter was born and didn’t come back until less than a month ago,” Gazca replied. “It’s not considered adultery when there was already a divorce suit for abandonment of the home. Are you sure you want to follow him around?” Mason took a step toward him and the judge’s gavel was heard immediately. “Order!” His Honor allowed Basil to continue with his questions, but it was obvious that they had nothing solid and since he knew that Andrea had the video of the attempted rape, he could no longer use the card that Zack Keller was violent to his advantage. Finally he stopped asking questions and Gazca asked to call Mason to testify. “I just wanted to ask you about a particular situation, Mr. Lee,” the lawyer approached. “When you were given temporary custody of your daughter, did they or did they not give you an official document with the child’s diet and ailments?” Mason nodded. “Yes, they did.” “So how is it that less than two weeks later your daughter ended up in the hospital with lactose poisoning?” Mason pursed his lips before answering. “That was the nurse’s negligence!” he testified. “She’s already fired!” “Are you telling me that the qualified nurse that this court approved, ignored the minor’s medical history and gave her whatever milk she wanted?” Mason clenched his fists on the arms of his chair. “Yes, that’s what I’m saying.” “So you didn’t know that the nurse was giving the girl a bad milk?” Gazca insisted. “I already told you no!” “And you didn’t use your daughter’s illness to force her mother to come back to you?” “Are you deaf or what’s wrong with you!? I would never do that and the last thing I want in the world is to get back with a woman like Andrea!” Mason shouted furiously. Attorney Gazca smiled and approached his table. He took his cell phone and placed it on the stand. “Then I’m sure you can explain this to us, Mr. Lee.” A light “beep” sounded through the cell phone speaker and then that voice message, shouted in the midst of the greatest fit of rage. “You’re a fucking bitch! Are you fucking him!? Are you fucking that bastard right now, Andrea!? Have you forgotten what happens when you provoke me, bitch!?” You want me to send the brat to the hospital again!? Huh!? Is that what you want!? Last time I only gave her bad milk,But who knows what I’ll come up with next! I told you, you can’t escape from me! You’re never going to escape from me, because if you try, your little brat is the one who’s going to suffer the consequences! Did you hear me!? Are you listening to me, bitch!?…”

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