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Chapter ch 48

That was true. So true that Zack felt a knot in his stomach. “What do you suggest?” he asked, turning to Milo. His brother walked in front of the property with a frown. “It has a high gate, not a fence; typical mistake of the nouveau riche, they value the display of what they have more than privacy,” Milo said. “Luckily that gives us an advantage, because we have two houses to choose from.” He pointed to the houses next to Mason’s. “Either one is a good option,” Loan said. “If you look down the halls you’ll notice that they have huge backyards. Andrea wouldn’t have to be locked up all day and we’d have a way to keep a better eye on her. You just have to get one of them to want to rent it to you for the next two weeks.” Zack nodded, but he wasn’t as sure as his brother about the possibilities of negotiating with the owners of the houses. —I’m going to check out the owners to test the possibilities —he muttered, but Officer O’Grady approached him. —No need, remember that this is our usual area, I know the owners —said the policeman and everyone’s attention focused on him. —The one on the right is not bad, Mr. and Mrs. Stocker are very traditional but greedy, if you offer them a good sum, they will almost certainly accept. But the one they really want is the one on the left, because Mrs. Brand’s room faces there —O’Grady explained—. And luck is on their side because that house is being prepared to be sold, the former owner died recently and her daughter lives in another state, she asked us to take care of it when she was here. I guarantee that she will rent it to you right away. —Do you have contact with her? Thanks for reading on LeeNovelas.com. The lieutenant nodded. —Sure, I can call her first thing tomorrow morning. And so the plan began, but it was not the only thing they had to do. There were hundreds of pieces to move before the big day and by chance the two policemen had sympathized with them. The next day when Andrea left the room she was not tired but tense. In the living room there was broken glass on the floor and she put the baby in her stroller so as not to risk falling and hurting her. “Do you think that’s how you’re going to solve things?” Mason hissed as he watched her go towards the door. Andrea pressed her lips together and turned around. Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. “Don’t waste your breath and threats, Mason. Here everyone does what they think is best. You find it interesting to coerce me and I find it interesting to not allow you to…” “I want you to stop working! Now!” he spat, approaching with a threatening gesture. Andrea raised her chin and shook her head. “And for what? So that I can’t prove to a judge that I’m capable of supporting my daughter?” she growled. If I’ve learned anything from all this, it’s that financial independence is essential in life. Don’t depend on anyone, and no one will put a leash on your neck. So no, I’m not going to stop working.—You’re not going to be able to do this forever! —She reached for his face with one hand and squeezed his cheeks until Andrea felt a painful cut against her teeth. —Let me go, Mason! —She tried to struggle but he cornered her against the door. —That guy is going to get tired of this little game someday! And then he’s going to get a woman with a less conflictive life! Men don’t like to get involved with women with children! —She spat at him with contempt. —Do you want to bet? —Andrea stammered, hitting the door hard with her fist from the inside and immediately a voice was heard outside. —Vancouver Police Department. Open the door, Mr. Lee. —What the fuck is this!? —Mason growled, letting go of Andrea and opening the door. —Do you want me to report you for harassment? —He snapped furiously, looking at the guards. —It’s not harassment, we’re not here for you but to assist Mrs. Brand. You know our motto: “Maintiens le droit”, so we’re here to preserve your rights — Byren said while Grady looked at Andrea’s reddened face. —Are you okay, Mrs. Brand? — he asked. —Yes… my husband here was just explaining to me that men don’t want women with children — she hissed. —Oh, don’t worry about that! — the officer laughed. Mr. Keller has already established that he loves you even with a husband, so you can rest easy. Shall we go? Andrea pushed Adriana’s stroller out of the house and was barely through the gate when Loan had to hold Zack by the arm because even a few meters away the reddish marks of Mason’s fingers could be seen on Andrea’s cheeks. —What did that bastard do to you!? — he roared furiously. Let me go, Loan! —Calm down, it was nothing —she answered putting Andriana in his arms because she knew that was the only way she wouldn’t cross the street to break Mason’s face. —Get in your cars —Byren ordered them—. Wait for us two blocks to the right. The Keller boys pushed Zack into their car and shortly after the patrol car stopped next to them. —Mrs. Brand, please look this way… and now this way… that’s it —said O’Grady taking a couple of pictures —. We’re going to file a report for domestic abuse, now go get some rest. See you tonight, Mr. Keller. Zack thanked them and shortly after they passed by the office building on the way to the apartment. Adriana immediately started playing with Milo and Zack dragged Andrea to her room. —Let me see you —he growled lifting her chin. —Zack, it really was nothing… — Andrea tried to get away but he shook his head. “Of course it was something! That bastard dared to lay his fingers on you! I’ll kill him!” he hissed helplessly as he gritted his teeth. Andrea ran a hand through his hair and pulled him closer to her. “Zack, you have to calm down…” “I can’t believe you’re telling me that,” he said desperately. How can you ask me to calm down when that man dared to hurt you? “Because I can’t let you do anything stupid.”We’re in the middle of a trial, we need to see this through to the end… there’s a lot at stake here. Adriana is at stake. Zack looked at her with narrowed eyes. He knew she was right but helplessness was eating away at his soul. “I know, but I can’t stand to see that bastard touch you!” he growled, resting his forehead on hers and closing his eyes because he felt like he was going to explode from remorse and guilt. “And I can’t stand it because I know it’s my fault, Andrea. If I hadn’t left, if I had been with you, this wouldn’t be happening.” Andrea took a deep breath. “Don’t think about it, you can’t remedy the past,” she murmured. “No, you can’t change it, but you can learn,” he said, taking her face gently. “I’m sorry, Andrea, from the bottom of my heart I tell you, I’m sorry, I should never have left.” That was the biggest mistake of my life, because I walked away from the woman I love, from the daughter I love… And the worst of all is that I wasn’t there to protect you… that’s why I feel so guilty and all I want is to ask for your forgiveness. Andrea felt her heart racing. It wasn’t easy for her to trust again, but every tremor and every gesture of rage in that man’s voice was sincere.—I know, Zack —she said in a small voice—. I know you wouldn’t have allowed any of this, but you left and things happened… —And I’m going to fix them! I swear to you on my father that I’m going to fix them! —he assured her before kissing her lips desperately—. I love you more than anything in the world, Andrea… please forgive me for having abandoned you. Their eyes met and Zack waited anxiously for an answer from her. —Forgiving you is easy, Zack… but trusting you is something else. —Then start with this: Trust that you will see me every time you look out that window. Trust that I am a wall away, a wall that I would not hesitate to knock down. Trust that I am not going to leave. I can make my passport into Band-Aids if that convinces you… Andrea’s lips trembled and Zack hugged her tightly and their hearts raced. Their mouths met in a torrid and desperate kiss, full of nostalgia and desire. Zack kissed her passionately, deeply, as if he wanted to show her with each contact of his mouth how much he loved her. Andrea felt herself melt in the arms of that man who was so important to her and she gave herself completely to that magical moment. Everything that had happened between them, the good and the bad, seemed to be magnified with a single kiss and the warmth they felt for each other was palpable. The intensity of the feelings that Andrea provoked in him was something indescribable for Zack. His hands ran over every contour of her body as if he wanted to record those moments forever. Zack knew that he could not spend any more time without her, without feeling her so close. “Go take a shower,” he panted, pulling away abruptly. Go take a shower, Cupcake, because if we do this for ten more seconds I’m going to end up doing to you what I shouldn’t.” Andrea swallowed, trying to hold back that smile, because her knees were also weak, and went to the bathroom. Zack ruffled his hair for a second before walking out into the living room. Milo was sleeping soundly on the couch while Loan was enjoying her turn with the baby. “I just got off the phone with O’Grady,” Loan said upon seeing him arrive. “There’s news about the house…” Zack’s phone started ringing at that moment and he answered immediately when he saw it was Ben who was speaking. “Zack… you have to come, here’s that guy’s lawyer, Mason Lee,” Ben told him. “He’s demanding to see the baby.” Zack growled under his breath and ran to the door. “Call Gazca! I’m on my way there!” Zack said, but before he could get there he turned around and woke Milo up. “Loan, you’re in charge of Andrea and the baby. Milo, you’re coming with me, I need you to run an urgent errand.” And it was really urgent because his next plan depended on it.

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