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Chapter ch 46

Andrea felt like the world was collapsing on her. She clenched her hands in her lap, gathering strength to keep from screaming. “How… how did you know Adriana was in the hospital?” she asked Zack. “Ben just notified me. I asked him to keep an eye on Adriana and apparently Mason himself took it upon himself to let her know that the baby had become ill… apparently because he couldn’t reach you.” Andrea’s eyes filled with tears as Zack drove at full speed. “That’s a lie, I don’t even have a call from him!” she growled helplessly. “Did he…? Did he tell you what happened?” “No, just that she was admitted to the ER,” Zack murmured, taking one of her hands and squeezing it in a reassuring gesture that did nothing for her. Twenty minutes later, around eleven at night, they were running through the hospital hallways until they reached the ER desk. —Adriana Brand… that’s my daughter! —she exclaimed, stopping in front of him, and the nurse on duty typed quickly. —Cell seven, down the hall to the right. Andrea and Zack ran over there, and the moment Mason tried to get in their way, she pushed him aside. —You’re coming at the right time! —Mason growled. Thanks for reading LeeNovelas.com. —I’ll be here when I have to be —she snapped, approaching Adriana, who was crying in a crib. A doctor was still examining her next to her. —What does she have? —We think it’s colic… but she’s also vomiting and… well, we need to do more tests to rule out… —She’s lactose intolerant, Andrea said quickly, and the doctor looked at Mason in confusion. —The girl’s father didn’t tell us. —Damn it, Mason! How could you forget to tell the doctor that!? —Andrea growled. —Hey, that’s your job, not mine! If you hadn’t been hanging around with your boss, this wouldn’t have happened! —Mason spat at him. Andrea clenched her fists helplessly and turned to the doctor because she wasn’t going to make Adriana feel better by fighting with Mason. Remember. Read this novel only on LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. —She’s lactose intolerant, she’s on a specific formula… Was that the one you gave her? The one that came with her diet? —she snapped at him. —And how would I know! The nurse is the one in charge of that. The doctor took a deep breath and called a nurse to begin the treatment immediately. Andrea held the baby, who began to calm down and soon allowed the IV to be placed with the medication to hydrate her. At least half an hour passed before the baby finally closed her eyes and fell asleep more peacefully, and during all that time Mason kept throwing murderous glances in Zack’s direction, but since the doctors and nurses were watching the baby, he didn’t risk saying anything. Finally the doctor declared her stable and they left them alone so Adriana could rest before discharging her. “And how long are you going to stay as a shadow in the doorway?” Mason growled, then approaching Zack.“I’m not here for you, I’m here for the baby, and I’m here until Andrea needs me, so save your breath,” Zack replied coldly. “Well, since you’re here, how about you make yourself useful and do what you do best, which is to spend money. Go and pay the admission fee and you’ll be the hero!” Mason spat. Zack opened his mouth to answer, but then pressed his lips together and nodded. Maybe Mason’s stupidity and arrogance would work in his favor in this case without him realizing it. So he walked over to the front desk and paid the bill under Andrea’s health insurance. By the time he returned, they had already been given permission to take the baby and they seemed to be arguing about it. “You let her get sick!” Andrea hissed. At least let me take her tonight, she needs to be taken care of, she needs me… —Well if you hadn’t been out with your lover the baby wouldn’t be in bad shape —Mason snapped. —And what does that mean? That the nurse you’re accusing of negligence is going to give her bad milk again every time I leave? —Andrea claimed—. I don’t want to even think about it, Mason, but you knew! I told you so many times and so did your nurse! I told them, that Adriana was lactose intolerant! I don’t want to even think that you made her sick on purpose just to… to…! Andrea felt tears rise to her eyes because from Mason’s expression it was clear that he was capable of that and more. —I told you, Andy —he growled approaching her while he saw her hug the baby with a protective gesture—. I told you that you were going to end up coming with me one way or another. Either you leave your boss and come with me… —I’m never coming back with you! —Then you’re the worst mother in the world! You prefer your freedom and going around fucking your boss than looking after your daughter’s health! —he spat with contempt. —That’s not true! —Andrea sobbed. —I’ll tell you what’s true —Mason gloated—. I’m going to walk out that hospital door with the little girl in my arms and you can’t do anything because a judge gave her to me. —Are you sure you want to play that card? —The voice behind them made them turn around and they both saw Zack’s grim face—. It’s not in your best interest to threaten either of them. —You don’t get involved in this, asshole, it’s not your problem. If you had left when I warned you, you would have saved her a lot of tears —Mason growled and then stretched his hands out in Andrea’s direction—. Give me the girl. “No… Mason…” “Give me the girl or I’ll call the police!” “I’m not leaving my daughter alone with you to hurt her!” Andrea screamed. “Then you know what you have to do,” Mason hissed. “Walk right in front of me and get in my car.” Andrea gulped as tears fell from her eyes, but she knew she couldn’t do anything else. If Mason was willing to do anything to subdue her, she was willing to do anything to protect her daughter. She grabbed her bag as she headed for the door and Zack felt his world fall apart. “Andrea,“Let me go,” she whispered. “Adriana comes first, you know she comes first.” Zack let go of her arm with that helpless lump in his throat, watching the arrogant, satisfied smile on Mason’s face and the way he walked behind Andrea. She was leaving with him and Zack knew he had no other choice, but that didn’t mean he didn’t feel like a vital piece of him was being ripped out. The doctor approached, a little shocked by the scene and Zack turned to him. “A lawyer will be here first thing tomorrow to take your statement, for the sake of your conscience and that girl, I suggest you tell the truth,” he said before leaving. He got into his truck and disappeared into traffic. His heart felt tight, but he knew that both Andrea and the baby were in danger so nothing was going to stop him. He dialed a number on his phone and a few rings later his mother answered.—Son… Is everything okay? We’re really worried because we haven’t heard from you—Luana told him. Zack took a deep breath but had to be honest. —No, mom, I’m not okay. A lot of things happened here, he answered. Telling his mother everything that happened wasn’t the hardest part, but asking her to handle the situation with his father. Luckily, Mr. Nikola was in better health, his new used heart still wanted to keep working, so Zack felt partly calm about that. —I can’t go, mom. I can’t leave Vancouver until I know that Andrea and the baby are safe. —I understand. Don’t worry, I’ll make arrangements with your father— Luana told him—. And if you need anything from us, you just have to ask, you know that. —In fact… there is something. Can you pass me to Loan and Milo? —Zack asked him. —Which one do you need? —Both of them. And that was all that was needed, to ask, because Zack knew that a single word from him could put his brothers on alert in a single instant. When his car parked on that street it was already dawn. The cold was strong and there was not a single star. He looked at the half-lit house and scrutinized each window until he saw that figure appear on the second floor. Andrea looked around, at the dream room that Mason had commissioned for a daughter he evidently did not want. “The girl will sleep here, but your place is not in this room,” Mason said, approaching, but Andrea was not going to be intimidated. “Is this house soundproofed?” he asked her indifferently. “What?” Mason frowned, not understanding. “I asked you if this house is soundproofed, because I imagine that your neighbors will not be happy to hear my screams in the middle of the night if you so much as lay a finger on me,” she spat at him with contempt. I’m staying with my daughter, and you’re walking away from us because I swear I’m capable of hitting myself against a wall just for reporting you. Do you understand me? Mason made a helpless gesture… but it was only the first night. He’d had enough to break her, because if Andrea thought he was going to let her out of there she was sorely mistaken. He left without another word and she locked the door, sobbing quietly as she looked at Adriana in her crib. She was on the verge of despair when her phone started ringing and she answered it. “Zack… now is not a good mo—” “Look out the window,” he said and Andrea stood stunned for a moment before approaching his window. The truck was parked across the street and he was standing, leaning against it, looking in her direction. “I’ll be here, you just have to yell at me and I’ll go and get them out of there. Do you understand? I’ll be here.”

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