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Chapter ch 44

He didn’t take two seconds to answer. “Hello, love of my life, torment of my soul, desire of my heart…” “You can be such a jerk when you want to, James!” Zack snorted. “But I love you too. What happened? My assistant told me it was urgent.” “Yes! You called me to put a rocket in my buttocks and I’m answering you the same way!” his friend laughed. James King and Zack had studied together at Oxford University, now he was running one of the branches of Kings Holding Corporation while his older sister, Sophia, was running the Boston branch. Zack knew her and respected her a lot, but he preferred to deal with his friend first. “Listen, Sophi called me, she says she got an urgent project for a youth brand of trench coats,” James explained. “I sent her the photo you sent of the boy and she says she liked his “aura” or whatever.” So if you get to Boston with the boy before five tomorrow afternoon, the contract is yours. Zack almost jumped with excitement. —Ready, I’ll call your sister! Did I already tell you that you’re the sexiest boy in the world!? —Don’t tell me, I know you traded me for Ben, but I still love you, James protested and they talked a little longer before hanging up. The conversation with Sophia King was quick, professional and definitive. Half business and half personal favor. The payment for the advertising campaign wasn’t exorbitant but they had to start somewhere and fifty thousand dollars for a day of photo shoot was no small thing. Thanks for reading at LeeNovelas.com. He could expect Ben to put his face on so as not to interfere, but the reality was that they were very short on time. He grabbed his trench coat and immediately got into his truck. Shortly after, he held his breath and knocked three times on Andrea’s door. She opened the door, all disheveled and panting from the exercise, but froze when she saw him. “Listen, don’t start yelling!” he warned. “I know I said I wouldn’t get in your way, but I just got a call with a proposal that’s not only important but urgent.” Andrea saw that he was genuinely anxious, so she let him pass. “What happened?” “The group you’re considering for Baby Storm’s advertising… Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites.” “Kings Holding Corporation.” “That one! They got an emergency ad from a company that wants to advertise trench coats for young people,” Zack told her. “If we get him to Boston by tomorrow, he can have his first advertising session and his first brand. But we have to move now!” Andrea blinked, impressed. “OK… do you have the information?” “In the car. You can check it on the way to see Mrs. Stormhold,” Zack told her. “Shall we go?” Andrea pursed her lips. She still didn’t trust Zack on a personal level, but she knew he wouldn’t lead her into a bad deal. “Give me a second and I’ll wash my face,” she said, hurrying over, and he rubbed his hands together while smiling. A minute later they left the house and Andrea didn’t hesitate to get into her truck. She wasn’t looking at him,She was strategically checking the paperwork, but she was still sitting next to him. “Already? So fast?” Mrs. Stormhold asked in amazement. “I can’t believe you got a contract so fast!” “It was more luck than anything else,” Zack smiled. “A request came in all of a sudden and of course we thought of him before anyone else, but we have to travel.” “Yes, of course,” Gideon replied excitedly. “I’ll get us a flight that leaves tomorrow at twelve noon. Try to rest, because we’ll have a very busy night,” Zack told her and shortly after they said goodbye. Andrea was excited. She had seen how much they would pay the company for the advertising and she knew what her share would be. When they got off in front of her house, Zack was already nervous again. “Listen… you don’t want to stay with Adriana, it’s okay. I can take care of it,” he tried to tell her. “I appreciate it, but Gideon is my client and it’s right for me to accompany him,” she replied. Besides, since it’s an emergency shoot, I imagine it won’t take long, right? “I hope not, two days at most,” Zack calculated. “Okay then, I’m going to pack my bag.” He waved goodbye and watched her climb the stairs until she arrived safely at her apartment. Andrea looked around, she had a lot of furniture to organize and a house to clean, but fulfilling her first advertising contract came first, so she packed her bag and tried to rest. She knew that the next day she would spend the whole morning with Adriana, making up for how much she was going to miss her with kisses and hugs and Zack asked Ben and Mr. Gazca to keep an eye on the girl’s admission to daycare in the morning. At noon they boarded a private flight and by the time they arrived in Boston the mood was sky high. They were quickly accommodated in a luxury hotel and the advertising company sent a limousine for them. A very beautiful woman came out to greet them. She was obviously older than Zack, but she looked stunning in her business clothes. “Zack, darling, I’m glad you arrived safely. And especially that you brought me this prince!” Sophi greeted him excitedly, looking at Gideon. “I wasn’t wrong, he’s perfect.” Sophi greeted the athlete and his mother kindly and then turned to Andrea. “And you must be his manager,” she said, shaking his hand. “Andrea Brand, a pleasure.”She had seen how much the company would be paid for the advertising and she knew what her cut would be. When they got off in front of her house, Zack was already nervous again. “Listen… you don’t want to stay with Adriana, it’s okay. I can take care of it,” he tried to tell her. “I appreciate it, but Gideon is my client and it’s only right that I accompany him,” she replied. “Besides, since it’s an emergency session, I imagine it won’t take long, right?” “I hope not, two days at most,” Zack calculated. “Okay then, I’m going to pack my bag.” He waved goodbye and watched her climb the stairs until she arrived safely at her apartment. Andrea looked around, she had a lot of furniture to organize and a house to clean, but fulfilling her first advertising contract came first, so she packed her bag and tried to rest. She knew that the next day he spent the whole morning with Adriana, making up for how much he was going to miss her with hugs and kisses, and Zack asked Ben and Mr. Gazca to keep an eye on the girl’s admission to daycare in the morning. At noon they boarded a private flight and by the time they arrived in Boston, their spirits were sky high. They were soon accommodated in a luxury hotel and the advertising company sent a limousine for them. A very beautiful woman came out to greet them. It was noticeable that she was older than Zack, but she looked stunning in her business clothes. “Zack, darling, I’m glad you arrived safely. And especially that you brought me this prince!” Sophi greeted him excitedly, looking at Gideon. “I wasn’t wrong, he’s perfect.” Sophi greeted the athlete and his mother kindly and then turned to Andrea. “And you must be his representative,” she said, shaking his hand. “Andrea Brand, a pleasure.”She had seen how much the company would be paid for the advertising and she knew what her cut would be. When they got off in front of her house, Zack was already nervous again. “Listen… you don’t want to stay with Adriana, it’s okay. I can take care of it,” he tried to tell her. “I appreciate it, but Gideon is my client and it’s only right that I accompany him,” she replied. “Besides, since it’s an emergency session, I imagine it won’t take long, right?” “I hope not, two days at most,” Zack calculated. “Okay then, I’m going to pack my bag.” He waved goodbye and watched her climb the stairs until she arrived safely at her apartment. Andrea looked around, she had a lot of furniture to organize and a house to clean, but fulfilling her first advertising contract came first, so she packed her bag and tried to rest. She knew that the next day he spent the whole morning with Adriana, making up for how much he was going to miss her with hugs and kisses, and Zack asked Ben and Mr. Gazca to keep an eye on the girl’s admission to daycare in the morning. At noon they boarded a private flight and by the time they arrived in Boston, their spirits were sky high. They were soon accommodated in a luxury hotel and the advertising company sent a limousine for them. A very beautiful woman came out to greet them. It was noticeable that she was older than Zack, but she looked stunning in her business clothes. “Zack, darling, I’m glad you arrived safely. And especially that you brought me this prince!” Sophi greeted him excitedly, looking at Gideon. “I wasn’t wrong, he’s perfect.” Sophi greeted the athlete and his mother kindly and then turned to Andrea. “And you must be his representative,” she said, shaking his hand. “Andrea Brand, a pleasure.”They were quickly accommodated in a luxury hotel and the advertising company sent a limousine for them. A very beautiful woman came out to greet them. She was obviously older than Zack, but she looked stunning in her business clothes. “Zack, darling, I’m glad you arrived safely. And especially that you brought me this prince!” Sophi greeted him excitedly, looking at Gideon. “I wasn’t wrong, he’s perfect.” Sophi greeted the athlete and his mother kindly and then turned to Andrea. “And you must be his manager,” she said, shaking his hand. “Andrea Brand, a pleasure.”They were quickly accommodated in a luxury hotel and the advertising company sent a limousine for them. A very beautiful woman came out to greet them. She was obviously older than Zack, but she looked stunning in her business clothes. “Zack, darling, I’m glad you arrived safely. And especially that you brought me this prince!” Sophi greeted him excitedly, looking at Gideon. “I wasn’t wrong, he’s perfect.” Sophi greeted the athlete and his mother kindly and then turned to Andrea. “And you must be his manager,” she said, shaking his hand. “Andrea Brand, a pleasure.”On the contrary, the pleasure is mine. Please come in, all the stylists, makeup artists, wardrobe… anyway, will take care of Gideon soon,” Sophi smiled. “Andrea, I put your name and Mrs. Stormhold’s on a couple of chairs with a privileged view, so make yourselves at home,” she said and then looked at Zack. “And you come with me because I have a surprise for you.” Andrea couldn’t help that surge of jealousy when she saw her hanging on Zack’s arm, especially since he looked like an obedient puppy following her all the way to her office. Andrea didn’t want to do it… she really didn’t want to, but she couldn’t help but sneak away and follow them. “Do you like what you see?” Sophi asked wheedlingly as she closed the door and Zack was left spellbound looking at the photo he had asked for. “Of course, it’s… beautiful, perfect! God Sophi, you’re incredible!” Andrea clenched her fists and swallowed all her comments, because he was finally single and could call anyone beautiful and perfect. She turned around and ran to the set, and when the moment of truth finally arrived and the photo shoot began, all her attention was focused on that. Luckily Gideon was a natural smiler. When they told him to smile, he burst out laughing and the shoot turned out easier than expected. It was obvious how comfortable he was in front of the camera, he definitely had a knack for these things, so his mother was bursting with pride. Andrea must have been too, but every now and then she turned her head to look at Zack, who was leaning against a column at one end of the room. Apparently the “surprise” that the owner of the company had given him had made him very happy. The photo shoot was going well, but the reality was that each outfit change made them delay and by two in the morning the only one who looked fresh out of the oven was Gideon. Mrs. Stormhold was dozing in her chair without anyone bothering her and Andrea was on her thousandth coffee to last until the end. She was so tired that she didn’t even notice that she was also falling asleep in her chair. She didn’t even notice that Zack quietly put one next to her and sat down while his cheek fell on her shoulder. When he heard the first purr he put an arm around her shoulders and held her close, arranging her so she could rest. “Calm down baby… calm down… I’ll take care of it…” he whispered in her ear every time he saw her trying to wake up. And the truth is that Andrea didn’t know anything more about herself until the soy was already high. She sat on the bed and as incredible as it may seem, she was hungover from so much coffee. Her stomach hurt and she just wanted a bath, but she was just about to get out of bed when she froze. He only had his underwear on… He wasn’t in his room… Zack was lying next to him… He had no clothes on either… “Jesus Christ! What happened here last night!?”

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