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Chapter ch 34

Andrea’s heart was pounding like it was going to jump out of her chest. “How… how did he leave, Ben…? Why?” She tried to find a reason in her head, but it seemed impossible. Had he left? Had he left her? How…? Why…? “Do you… do you have any idea why he left?” she asked, her eyes filling with tears and the lump in her throat making her voice dull. Ben frowned, worried. He would have preferred to avoid that question, but it was inevitable. “I don’t know,” she confessed. “He just got on the plane and left. Did something happen between you two?” Andrea couldn’t hold back her tears as she shook her head. She felt helpless, hurt, disappointed. “No… the truth is, I have no idea what… what could have happened? I didn’t think Zack was that kind of person.” “And he’s not. He didn’t say anything to me, but I assure you he’s not a bad person!” Andrea nodded, although she was very frustrated. She didn’t understand how such an important person in her life could suddenly disappear. However, being alone was nothing new for her. At that moment, like so many times, she was just forced to keep going. Thanks for reading on LeeNovelas.com. —Me…? Can I keep working here? —she asked. Ben looked at her with compassion. —Of course I can, don’t worry —he said—. You can still work here. I’ll help you with everything you need, so let’s get busy, it’s the best. We have a lot of contracts to win. Andrea nodded as she wiped away her tears, but she obeyed. She felt a deep emptiness inside her chest, but she had no other option than to pick up her pieces and get to work, because bread wasn’t earned alone. On her new representative desk she found several files of young athletes to contact, and that same day she began to plan her recruitments and contracts. Several days passed in which Andrea didn’t even know she existed. Once again Adriana was her only driving force, the only little piece of love that never ended and that’s why it was the most important. In those days it was completely impossible to get in touch with Zack and she felt as if a piece of her had been torn out without warning. Her damn memories were becoming more and more vivid, while her pain and absence were increasing. Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. She worked desperately, hoping that time would finally bring her the lethargy that loneliness caused, and thanking that Mason had not bothered her again. However, a little over a week later everything changed. Andrea was in her apartment, on a Saturday morning she received an unexpected visit, and as much as she hated Mason, she would have almost preferred it to be him with his threats. “Who are you?” he asked, seeing the man in the impeccable suit in front of her. “Mrs. Brand, my name is Basil Gagnon, I am the lawyer of your… ex-husband,” said the man with a cold accent. “I am here to deliver a lawsuit.” Andrea felt her heart stop as she looked at that envelope.“What… What is this?” Andrea asked as she looked at the document. “It’s a lawsuit from Mr. Mason Lee to get his daughter back,” the lawyer said. Andrea gasped. “You mean Mason wants to have Adriana?” she asked in a small voice. “But… how is that possible? He has no rights over her, much less over her custody.” “I’m sorry, Mrs. Brand, but Mr. Lee is willing to fight for the child,” the lawyer explained. “The first court hearing is in two days, and we will request a paternity test…” “Wha… what? But he has no rights!” Andrea shouted desperately. “Mrs. Brand, if the paternity test comes out positive then Mr. Lee will have every right to claim his daughter,” the man said without flinching. “I advise you to find a good lawyer to defend your interests… although against me, I highly doubt you can win.” “That’s not fair! He can’t do that!” she snapped furiously. He abandoned us without even meeting Adriana! He stole everything we had… But the lawyer shook his head. “Unfortunately, this is not a robbery trial but a custody trial,” he said. Andrea felt like she was going to faint, losing her self-control completely. “But he has never been there for her… I have always been the one who has raised and cared for her,” she said in a desperate tone as tears came out of her eyes. “He can’t take my daughter away from me!”“It depends on the case,” the lawyer said coldly. “We’ll see you in court in two days, Mrs. Brand.” He turned his back on her and Andrea stood there in the doorway, stunned, unable to speak. Mason had said he had money now and this man looked like a very distinguished lawyer, so did she stand a chance against him? No, maybe not her, but someone else did, and she couldn’t let Adriana be taken away. Andrea sat on the floor for a moment, crying and cursing her luck. This was the last straw for her broken heart. She didn’t know how she was going to survive if Adriana was taken away from her, but she wouldn’t leave any stone unturned. She changed the baby in an instant and left the house. In the time she’d been with Zack she’d heard where Ben lived, so three buses and an hour later she was at his door. “Call Zack,” was the first thing she said as Ben stared at her in shock. “Andrea…” “Call Zack now! I have to talk to him!” she insisted. I’ve been waiting until today for an explanation, but I can’t wait any longer! If he really left me, if he abandoned me, then he should have some balls and tell me! Ben held his breath, but Andrea’s expression was determined. “Listen, I don’t know if this is the best thing to do…” “Ben! He won’t answer me, but this is urgent! I have to talk to him! And if he sends me packing, fine! But at least I need an explanation because I’m not going to be left wondering for a second time!” she exclaimed. “So it’s your choice, you call him or I’ll camp at your door!” Ben sighed deeply, he knew there was no other option. He picked up the phone and called Zack. Andrea swallowed nervously as she dialed the number. She had to trust him, he had more than proven to her that he was a good man, an upright man, whatever had happened, he wouldn’t abandon her at a time like this. Within minutes the man answered the call and Zack’s voice on the other end of the line made her shiver. She could feel her heart beating rapidly in her chest as she held the receiver to her ear. For a moment it felt like there was an eternity between each second, an eternity filled with hope and longing, but also fear and worry. Finally, after what seemed like an hour, Zack spoke. “Hello…” “Zack…” Andrea said in a shaky voice. “It’s me, Andrea…” There was nothing on the other end, just a helpless sigh. “Do you need more money?” he asked so softly it was almost kind. “Ben can help you, I gave him instructions to help you with whatever you need.” Andrea felt tears well up in her eyes as she opened and closed her mouth, unable to speak. “Why… why did you leave? Did you think I was going to ask you for more…?” she whispered in a choked voice. “No,” he replied sadly. I left because you were right, Andrea: December couldn’t last a thousand days. It was nice, it was very nice and I wish you the best, but December is over. You and I have very different lives, and each one of us must get on with his own.Ben saw Andrea’s hands shaking and tears running silently down her cheeks as she put down the phone. She wasn’t even listening to what Zack was saying anymore. Why? She had always known that this had an expiration date, she had just allowed herself to forget it. She handed the phone to Ben and headed for the door, hugging Adriana with all her strength as she sobbed. “Andrea…! Andrea, don’t go like that! Andrea!” Ben shouted, but inside the apartment his own child was crying and he couldn’t leave him alone. When he saw her disappear down the stairs he just picked up the phone and put it to his ear. I don’t know what you did, but you screwed up, Zack. You screwed up big time!

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