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Chapter ch 32

Andrea had no words to describe those days. They went home a lot, to see Adriana, but the baby seemed to be delighted with Zack’s parents. The cabin was perfect in every way, and what was supposed to be two days stretched into almost a whole week. Every day Zack and Andrea went out together to different places to explore. They talked about the world around them, family, their dreams and aspirations, about anything that wasn’t painful, and above all, they tried not to talk about their future together. Every night they sat together on the terrace to watch the stars, hugging and close to each other. They stayed there until one of them dragged the other inside, where they made love with as much passion as if it were the first time. It was in those moments that Andrea felt like she had found something special. Zack not only made her feel wanted, but also safe and protected. When they were together she couldn’t help but think about how incredibly lucky she was to have someone like that in her life. But finally the year was over. The New Year’s Eve party was very special, the Kellers were happy for all the time they had spent with Adriana and Zack was on cloud nine, as if he were living in the perfect dream. He was very excited showing off Adriana in her little elf dress, when he saw Andrea coming down the stairs and shivered. She looked gorgeous tonight, in a dress that showed off her curves and made her look like a princess. Her long, wavy hair was up and the locks that framed her face made her look very elegant. Her eyes sparkled in the soft candlelight, and her lips were a soft pink that complemented the deep red of her dress. “Lilacs and lavender,” Zack murmured, hugging her and enjoying her perfume. Her body gave off a floral scent that made Zack’s mouth water. He leaned in to kiss her and felt the world stop. Kissing Andrea was like tasting the best wine: sweet, smooth and intoxicating, stunning after just one taste. Andrea was soft, smooth and warm. Zack’s hands slid down her body, capturing the curve of her hips and the roundness of her ass. His lips felt her skin and her kiss, her breath against his mouth and the soft heat of her body touching his. Thank you for reading at LeeNovelas.com. —I love you, you drive me crazy, I really do! —he confessed and only heard her smile softly. His father was right: Andrea was a woman worth it, worth everything, so when they returned he had to decide what they would do. Another couple of days passed until they finally said goodbye, but not before Andrea begged Zack in every possible way to remove that trust in Adriana’s name. He promised to take care of it and left everything in Luana’s hands, because he trusted that his mother was the kind of person who always did the right thing. However, returning to reality, January coming, did not change anything for him,Except that now he was even more bothered by her insistence on staying in that empty apartment. It was eight o’clock at night when Zack parked the car in front of the building and helped Andrea to get the baby up to her floor. “You really can’t stay in my apartment?” she protested. “We’ve been living together for the last two weeks! Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites.” “And we’ve known each other for five, Zack…” she replied. “But here… Here you have nothing, Andrea; the baby needs more comfort,” he insisted with concern. “I know, Zack, but at least this place is mine. I know you don’t understand it, but even if I don’t have it, this place makes me feel safe, I can’t leave it yet.” Zack nodded. He had an obligation to understand her, Andrea had a distrust built into her psychology since Adriana’s father abandoned her that was not easy to forget. “Okay, but tomorrow when we go back to work we’re going to talk about all this.” We have to do something to change this place, okay? —he said pointing around and she nodded in agreement. She put her hands around his neck and kissed him on the mouth until that kiss became too much to control. —I better go now or we’ll end up breaking in the floor of this apartment —he threatened her with a smile and they said goodbye. However, neither of them had any idea that, while they were passionately kissing at the door of the house, another person was watching them. A person who went straight to knock on that same door, leaving Andrea petrified. —What the hell are you doing here!? —she snapped angrily seeing Mason in the doorway. —I promised you that I would come back to get you, Andy, you and the girl —he answered confidently. Andrea looked at him confused, as if he were speaking another language. —It’s too late for that now! she hissed. We are not yours anymore, Mason. He lowered his head and gritted his teeth, but ended up entering the apartment even pushing Andrea aside. —I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the past but now I’m determined to make things right if you give me a chance. I promise I’ll do everything I can to… —Shut your fucking mouth, Mason! —she snapped—. Save the explanations and the saliva because I’m not interested in anything you have to say. I don’t want to go back to you and neither does my daughter. We’re fine here and we’re going to stay that way, so stay away from us. Mason was silent for several seconds before speaking. —You have to know why I left… —I’m not interested! —A business deal went wrong, Andy! I owed so much money! I was going to go to jail… —And that justifies you leaving us with nothing?! You didn’t want to go to jail and that’s why you left us on the street! —Andrea spat resentfully—. You left me with my premature daughter in my arms, you wretch! I didn’t even have anywhere to lay her when I came to this house, because you didn’t even leave her crib…!You’re lucky I don’t kill you right here! Get out, get out of here! – I’m not going to leave! I had a bad time but now everything has changed, I have money! I made a new business deal that went well, so I have a lot of money now, we can be together again…!“NOT EVEN IF I DIE!!!!” Andrea shouted at him. “I wouldn’t go back to you for anything in the world, and don’t even look at my daughter, because if she’s still alive it wasn’t thanks to you, it was despite you…” Mason opened his mouth to respond with an insult, but at that moment the house phone began to ring. Andrea didn’t answer it, but her eyes widened when the call went to the answering machine. “Mrs. Brand, this is the director of St. Claire’s hospital. We’ve tried to contact you in the last few weeks but we haven’t been able to. I’m sorry to have to inform you of this, but the hospital’s administration is going to change in the next few days. You still have a debt of fifteen thousand dollars with us, but the new administration decided not to honor it. If you don’t pay it off by tomorrow, the new interest will probably double your debt.” Andrea turned livid with shock. “I’m so sorry, I really hope you can pay.” The voice note ended and Andrea put a hand to her forehead, trying to process that information. “Get out of here, Mason,” she hissed through clenched teeth. I have too many things to deal with and the last thing I want to see is your face. Get out! “So whose face do you want to see, Andy?” he growled as he approached. That jerk you have for a boyfriend? Did you forget you’re married!?” “No, I’m not anymore!” Andrea spat. “The sentence is about to come out and yes, I’d rather see him than you! Do you know why? Because he’s been more of a father to Adriana in two weeks than you have been in six months! Because even when I’m desperate because of the damn debt you left me in, I can only go to him! Or are you going to give me the fifteen thousand dollars I have to pay, now that you supposedly have so much money!?” She saw the furious grimace on Mason’s face and nodded. That’s what I thought! On the other hand, I know that he will help me, all I have to do is ask him. —Don’t push your luck, Andy… —Don’t call me Andy anymore, you bastard! And get out of my house! —she shouted, pushing him out the door—. Go away! Mason stormed out of there furious. It was a fact, Andrea was sleeping with that idiot, she just needed to find out who he was and get her hands on the matter as quickly as possible… And she also had to see about the fact that they were getting divorced. Luckily for him, there was one thing he hadn’t lied about: he had money now, he hadn’t gotten it in the most honest way, but he had the power to act, so much so that before two hours had passed he already knew who Zack Keller was and the address of his apartment. —Well… we’ll see what the young man has to say—he growled, heading his brand new Mercedes-Benz in that direction.

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