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Chapter ch 25

There, he didn’t know, but he was sure it didn’t mean anything good for him. Andrea saw his face darken in a second, and Zack’s arm went around her waist as he leaned over her. “What’s going on?” “Nothing good, Cupcake,” he growled, and Andrea looked at the twins talking excitedly to the newcomer. “Who is it?” she asked softly, but then remembered that Zack didn’t usually bring women into the house, so it couldn’t just be an ex, it was “the ex.” Zack sighed. He knew he had to tell her. “It’s Giselle,” he said quietly. Andrea was silent for a moment, and then spoke. “You were right, your sisters weren’t going to stay that quiet,” she murmured. “They had enough imagination to bring her. Are you afraid she’ll make a scene?” Zack nodded. She had never feared this moment, because there was no reason for her family to meet Giselle, after all they lived on opposite ends of the world, so her appearance there was no simple coincidence. She knew that if Giselle was there it was to cause trouble and she didn’t want to cause a scene at the party. “They really brought her. They brought her to make me face my father… I can’t believe it… Thank you for reading on LeeNovelas.com.” “We won’t let that happen,” Andrea said. Zack looked at her and could see the determination in her eyes. He knew she would do anything to make sure his evening wasn’t ruined, but he was willing to do the same. At that moment, Giselle looked around the room and her gaze met theirs. She saw Zack immediately and her eyes narrowed. She began to walk towards him while her face turned into a mask of controlled arrogance. “Well, well… I didn’t expect this.” “Get out of here, now,” Zack growled in a low voice, but Noémi immediately raised hers. “Zack, don’t be rude. Giselle is a guest… Remember. Read this novel only on LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites.” “She’s not my guest and she has no business being here!” he said, putting Andrea behind his body, but squeezing her hand because he was sure that was what kept him from grabbing one of his sisters by the neck. “What the hell did you bring her here for?” Andrea realized that the Kellers were watching them and unfortunately they didn’t take long to approach. “Zack, there’s no need to be rude! Giselle was visiting the city by chance, and we thought it was rude not to invite her,” Chiara muttered, and the Kellers looked at each other in surprise and confusion upon hearing that name. “Well, neither of you had the right to invite anyone!” Zack snapped at his sisters. Not to mention my daughter’s christening! And not to mention her! I want you out of here, Giselle! NOW! Giselle’s face fell in a second and all that arrogance turned to anger as she looked at the twins. Apparently they weren’t the only ones fooled that night. “You have a daughter!?” she snapped.At a signal from her mother, Loan cleared the room and closed the doors, while Milo carried the baby in a corner of the room. Giselle’s face was upset and furious. “How come you have a daughter, Zack!?” She hissed, looking at the girl. “What the hell did you do? Did you go out and impregnate the first bitch who came your way to have a child when I lost ours?” Zack pressed his lips together in rage at the look of disbelief and surprise on his father’s face, but someone else raised their voice. “I don’t think so, the dates don’t match,” Noémi smiled. “He should have been cheating on you long before with his lover because our niece is already grown up. Unless, of course, she’s not yours, Zack…” “Noémi!” Luana snapped, raising her voice, but the twins didn’t even flinch, because they had already gotten exactly what they wanted. “Is that what you were doing?” —Giselle asked with tears in her eyes. Were you cheating on me with this one? After three years of relationship you were supporting another woman, another family! And so you think I wasn’t going to lose the baby!? Andrea saw how Mr. Nikola’s face turned petrified, dismayed by that accusation, and when he looked at his son there was only pain in his eyes. —Is that true, Zack? —she asked with disappointment shining in her gaze. Did you have two… parallel lives, two families? —Dad… —It’s not true—Andrea’s voice was heard firmly, as she pushed Zack aside and looked at her father. This isn’t my fault, it’s my fault. I made a mistake a year ago at a company event… —Andrea! —Zack exclaimed, he had no idea where that had come from, but she squeezed his hand tightly and stood in front of him, using her body as a shield. —It’s okay for them to know, it doesn’t bother me —she said looking into his eyes. Don’t think badly of him, Mr. Nikola, Zack had too many drinks at a work event, I knew he had a girlfriend, I was the one who should have walked away, but I didn’t. On his part it was just a mistake with consequences, but he didn’t cheat on me or have a double life or anything like that, he didn’t even know what he was doing… —But he did cheat on me! —Giselle snapped. —Spit out your dignity before you choke on it! —Andrea hissed at her, facing her—. If he cheated on you it’s because he learned it from you! Stop saying that you lost your baby, you didn’t lose it, you aborted it, that’s why Zack left you! —That’s a lie! —That’s what your doctor will say when asked, or at least what appears on your health insurance papers, Scheduled Abortion with emphasis on the word Scheduled. So don’t come here playing the victim, it doesn’t suit you. —He was my boyfriend! And you, like a bitch, slept with him and got pregnant! —the woman yelled at him. —Stop it, Giselle! —Zack growled fiercely, pushing her away from Andrea. —It’s true! I did all that, but I did it, Zack had nothing to do with it. He only did the right thing, which was to take responsibility for the baby, nothing more—Andrea murmured, seeing the frustration and helplessness on Zack’s face,But at least her father’s had relaxed noticeably. This is all my fault. Please don’t be angry with Zack. Giselle glared at Andrea and then at Zack. She opened her mouth to say something, but it seemed like someone else was interested in talking. “You don’t want my father to get angry with your golden egg laying rooster? Of course not! Or are you going to tell me that you got pregnant for something other than the money my brother has?” “And why don’t you just shut up!?” Zack roared at her. “Aren’t you satisfied with having ruined my daughter’s baptism!? You just agreed! Either she’s not mine or Andrea got pregnant to get money from me? What exactly are you two looking for?” Noémi raised her chin defiantly. “We have the right to know the truth! Dad doesn’t deserve to be deceived! Have some shame!” Zack watched as his father brought a hand to his chest in pain.and she felt like she was losing her temper. —The only thing you have the right to do is stick your tongue up your butt cheeks because if there’s a human being who doesn’t know shame, it’s you! —Zack growled at his sister—. I want you out of my house! Now! Chiara stepped forward to answer her but in an instant Luana was in front of them. —Chiara, I think it would be better if you and your sister go get the car and return your guest to her hotel… —Mom…! —And by the way, find a room to stay in, tomorrow I’ll send you your things — her mother finished and the twins looked at them astonished. —What are you saying, mom!? Are you kicking us out… at Christmas!? Because of Zack and his bitch!? —Noémi spat at her and in a second Luana’s hand had crossed her face with a slap. —If you took a second to look at your father you would realize how bad you made him, but you haven’t done it simply because you don’t care, Luana hissed in disappointment. —We’re all trying to save him trouble and you two couldn’t care less if he has a meltdown over the scandal you’re making. I want you out of my house, now! The twins couldn’t hold back their curses, but they turned around and Giselle went after them, but not before giving Andrea a murderous look. Zack watched them go, feeling relieved and guilty at the same time. He was ready to face Giselle, but Andrea had taken it upon herself to protect him from the confrontation with his father. He couldn’t help but feel a surge of gratitude towards her, because if Nikola wasn’t worse off it was because of her. However, it was too much to ask for him to be okay. —Dad, dad look at me… —Zack asked him, scared when he saw him loosen his tie. The three sons surrounded them immediately and Andrea noticed that her eyes were red, so the lack of air probably meant that her blood pressure was through the roof. Without saying a word, she took the baby from Milo’s arms and placed her on the man’s lap. “You have to calm down, Mr. Nikola,” she said softly. “If you don’t calm down, Adriana will be very scared… try to calm down… everything is okay…” They saw him get lost in the little girl’s eyes, who smiled at him trying to reach the handkerchief in his pocket and soon after her breathing had normalized, although it was obvious that she was very sad. “Is she going to be okay?” Zack whispered to his mother, and as soon as she nodded he stood up, taking Andrea by the wrist and dragging her out of the house. She stumbled after him, leaving that disaster behind, but from Zack’s face it looked like there was another one coming, and when he pushed open the door of that shed and dragged her inside, all kinds of scenes not suitable for minors flashed through Andrea’s mind. “Would you like to explain to me what the hell that was!?” Zack roared, pulling her hand and violently slamming it against his body, and Andrea’s heart raced as if she already had a feeling of everything that was going to happen there.

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