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Chapter ch 21

Andrea gave Zack a questioning look as he took her hand and led her into one of the house’s gardens. Inside the small wooden gazebo, a table was set with a romantic dinner, music, candles, everything needed for the best marriage proposal, and he was as nervous as if it were a real one. The sky was painted a dark black with a few clouds, and the garden was full of dim lights. “Zack? Don’t scare me! What is this?” she whispered. Zack pulled out a chair for Andrea and they both sat down. “I’ll tell you now, just play along.” She settled back and looked at the beautiful dinner as Zack poured her champagne. “This looks delicious… but I feel like I’m going to choke on my food,” Andrea whispered, her eyes shining with anxiety. “Why do I feel like I’m going to choke on my food, Zack?” They looked into each other’s eyes and she saw that he was just as worried. “Because we’re at DEFCON 1, Cupcake!” he replied. “That means everything is normal, Thorcito!” she snapped at him in a low voice. “So which one is “Imminent Attack”!? Thanks for reading on LeeNovelas.com.” “DEFCON 1!” Andrea yelled at him in a whisper. “That one, dammit! DEFCON 1!” Zack replied. “My father wanted us to have a romantic dinner together, so he set it all up for us.” “Let me guess! With ulterior motives!” “And third and fourth!” Zack reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box. He opened it to reveal a gorgeous emerald ring. Andrea gaped. “My father just gave it to me,” Zack said in a low voice. “He demanded that I give it to you and ask you to marry me, right now, now.” —She looked at him in dismay and he grabbed her hand. —So here goes, would you help me pretend we’re engaged? Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. Andrea’s heart raced as she looked at the ring. It was so pretty, but the idea of ​​pretending she was engaged to Zack made her feel like a traitor. —Are you crazy? —she whispered in a barely audible voice—. Have we already gone from courtship to engagement? —It’s just a ring! —he murmured, forcing a smile in case they were being watched—. At most a little party to announce the engagement, nothing more! —Zack! —We’re here, Andrea! —He pouted and she bit her lip—. Just help me, please. You say yes, I’ll put the ring on you, my father gets happy and that’s it, it all ends here. Andrea clenched her fists in indecision. She didn’t want to disappoint him, but she couldn’t help but feel bad about it. “Okay…” she sighed, giving in. “Okay. I’ll help you.” Zack smiled in relief, his eyes filled with joy. He took the ring out of the box and placed it on Andrea’s finger. She stared at the sparkling emerald and felt a shiver run through her body. He gently lifted her up and brought her close to his body. “Shall we seal the scene?” he asked with an amused grimace and she nodded.An instant later Zack wrapped himself around her possessively and assaulted her mouth with a sweet, deep kiss. Andrea wrapped her hands around his neck and melted into those soft lips. He tasted of wine and wood, something sweet that sent a tingle down to her legs, making them give in. Zack had stopped smiling over her mouth after two seconds. She was so small that it seemed made just for him. She was so soft and so hot at the same time that he couldn’t help but feel something else awaken in him as he explored every corner of her mouth, and when he heard the first gasp of need he pulled away from her, surprised. “Shall we dance?” he asked, seeing that Andrea was as stunned as he was. “Um… yes. Of course.” It was easy to evade the whirlwind of sensations as they just danced in the garden, surrounded by the beauty of the stars and the tranquility of the night air. When the night came to an end, Zack and Andrea walked hand in hand back to their house, ready to make the announcement, although they imagined that they had already been spied on through the windows. When they told the family that they had gotten engaged, the uproar was almost universal. The twins congratulated them politely and coldly, but Milo and Loan almost lifted her on their shoulders as if she had won a prize. Mrs. Luana looked excited, but no one was prepared for Mr. Nikola’s enthusiasm. “This is the best news in the world! We are going to have a family wedding! Luana, get everything ready! There is nothing better than a wedding on Christmas!” the man exclaimed and Andrea felt her heart stop. She and Zack looked at each other for a moment and he turned to his father. “Dad, in any case, what is appropriate is an engagement party…” he said. “I know, son, but we both know that I am sick! Seeing you married would be the greatest joy for me!” exclaimed Mr. Nikola. They already have a daughter, there’s not much to wait then! Besides, we have everything we need here, we can have a beautiful and traditional wedding… As Mr. Nikola spoke, Andrea felt her legs turn to butter and a very heavy stone settle in her stomach. She could almost taste the aftertaste of anguish and bile in her mouth, because she could do anything but that. Come on, son, indulge me! If you want, we can have a small wedding, with just family and some friends to introduce my granddaughter! Zack gulped, but all eyes were on them and there wasn’t much he could do. He pressed his lips together for a moment and then forced a smile. “Okay, dad, as you wish…” “No.” That word came out uniquely and with more determination than Andrea had expected, causing everyone to look at her. “No?” Mr. Nikola murmured in surprise. “I’m sorry, but no,” she repeated and Zack approached her while Andrea shook her head. -Andrea… -It’s too early, he insisted before turning around and leaving.Everyone stood there silently watching her walk back to the terrace and Zack ran after her. Apart from the poorly concealed satisfaction on the twins’ faces, only one other face showed emotions and it was Luana’s before she turned to her husband. “Why did you do that, Nikola?” she rebuked him. “What’s wrong with that? I was just glad they were getting married!” the man muttered. “But you shouldn’t have pressured them! Whatever they do, they should do it in their own time, not yours!” Luana replied. “For God’s sake, they already have a daughter!” Noémi snapped. “Don’t get involved in this,” Milo growled. “But she’s right,” Nikola said confused. “They already have a daughter, I don’t understand what they’re expecting…” “It’s enough for them to understand it, Nikola,” his wife said tiredly. “It should be enough for you to have them here, with us. The only thing you’re going to achieve by pressuring them is to make things tense between them.” Is that what you want? -Of course not… -Well, assume you were wrong, I just hope this doesn’t complicate things. But the reality was that not even Luana could imagine the tension that her husband’s good intentions had caused. Zack left the house behind Andrea, but instead of stopping in the garden, he grabbed her hand and dragged her away from the house, along one of the tree-lined paths at the base of the mountain, stopped at a distance where they couldn’t be heard and turned to her. -You can’t say “no” like that in front of people! – he snapped nervously. -And you can’t say “yes” without consulting me because that wasn’t what we agreed on! – she replied, frightened. -And what did you want me to say to him?! – Zack growled. -“No”! You should have said “No” before me, Zack! -I thought we could solve it later, Andrea! You and I can solve anything… “Not this, Zack!” she shouted. “I can’t marry you!” “It’s just an act, it wouldn’t be real…” “We’d have to sign a paper!” “A fake one, Andrea, just to please my father…” he insisted. “Then we can get a divorce and…” “No, I can’t marry you!” she shouted because she didn’t understand his insistence. “Why the hell not!?” “Because I’m already married!” Those words left them both petrified and speechless for a moment. “Excuse me?” Zack murmured. “Are you married?” Andrea pressed her lips together and felt that tightness in her chest. “To Adriana’s father. I’m married to Adriana’s father,” she murmured softly. “The divorce has already been issued, I went to court the other day for that, but the judge told me that the process takes two months.” It does not become effective until February and it is not a procedure that can be-Luana replied. -For God’s sake, they already have a daughter! -Noémi snapped. -You don’t get involved in this- Milo growled. -But he’s right- said Nikola confused-. They already have a daughter, I don’t understand what they expect… -It’s enough for them to understand it, Nikola- said his wife tiredly-. It should be enough for you that they are here, with us. The only thing that you’re going to achieve by pressuring them is to make things tense between them. Is that what you want? -Of course not… -Well, assume that you were wrong, I just hope that this doesn’t complicate things. But the reality was that not even Luana could imagine the tension that her husband’s good intentions had caused. Zack left the house behind Andrea, but instead of stopping in the garden, he grabbed her hand and dragged her away from the house, along one of the paths surrounded by trees at the base of the mountain, stopped at a distance where they couldn’t be heard and turned to her. -You can’t say “no” like that in front of people! – he snapped nervously. -And you can’t say “yes” without consulting me because that’s not what we agreed on! – she replied scared. -And what did you want me to tell him?! – Zack growled. -“No”! You should have said “No” before me, Zack! -I thought we could solve it later, Andrea! You and I can solve anything… -Not this, Zack! -she shouted. I can’t marry you! -It’s just a show, it wouldn’t be real… -We’d have to sign a paper! -A fake one, Andrea, just to please my father…! he insisted. Then we can get divorced and…! -No, I can’t marry you! -she shouted because she didn’t understand his insistence. -Why the hell not!? -Because I’m already married! Those words left them both petrified and speechless for a moment. “Excuse me?” Zack murmured. “Are you married?” Andrea pressed her lips together and felt that tightness in her chest. “To Adriana’s father. I’m married to Adriana’s father,” she murmured quietly. “The divorce has already been issued, that’s why I went to court the other day, but the judge told me that the process takes two months. It doesn’t become effective until February and it’s not a procedure that can be done.”-Luana replied. -For God’s sake, they already have a daughter! -Noémi snapped. -You don’t get involved in this- Milo growled. -But he’s right- said Nikola confused-. They already have a daughter, I don’t understand what they expect… -It’s enough for them to understand it, Nikola- said his wife tiredly-. It should be enough for you that they are here, with us. The only thing that you’re going to achieve by pressuring them is to make things tense between them. Is that what you want? -Of course not… -Well, assume that you were wrong, I just hope that this doesn’t complicate things. But the reality was that not even Luana could imagine the tension that her husband’s good intentions had caused. Zack left the house behind Andrea, but instead of stopping in the garden, he grabbed her hand and dragged her away from the house, along one of the paths surrounded by trees at the base of the mountain, stopped at a distance where they couldn’t be heard and turned to her. -You can’t say “no” like that in front of people! – he snapped nervously. -And you can’t say “yes” without consulting me because that’s not what we agreed on! – she replied scared. -And what did you want me to tell him?! – Zack growled. -“No”! You should have said “No” before me, Zack! -I thought we could solve it later, Andrea! You and I can solve anything… -Not this, Zack! -she shouted. I can’t marry you! -It’s just a show, it wouldn’t be real… -We’d have to sign a paper! -A fake one, Andrea, just to please my father…! he insisted. Then we can get divorced and…! -No, I can’t marry you! -she shouted because she didn’t understand his insistence. -Why the hell not!? -Because I’m already married! Those words left them both petrified and speechless for a moment. “Excuse me?” Zack murmured. “Are you married?” Andrea pressed her lips together and felt that tightness in her chest. “To Adriana’s father. I’m married to Adriana’s father,” she murmured quietly. “The divorce has already been issued, that’s why I went to court the other day, but the judge told me that the process takes two months. It doesn’t become effective until February and it’s not a process that can be done.”He stopped at a distance where they couldn’t hear them and turned to her. -You can’t say “no” like that in front of people! – he snapped nervously. -And you can’t say “yes” without consulting me because that’s not what we agreed on! – she replied scared. -And what did you want me to tell him?! – Zack growled. -“No”! You should have said “No” before me, Zack! -I thought we could solve it later, Andrea! You and I can solve anything… -Not this, Zack! -she shouted. I can’t marry you! -It’s just a show, it wouldn’t be real… -We would have to sign a paper! -A fake one, Andrea, just to please my father…! he insisted. Then we can get divorced and…! -No, I can’t marry you! -she shouted because she didn’t understand his insistence. -Why the hell not!? -Because I’m already married! Those words left them both petrified and speechless for a moment. -Excuse me? -Zack murmured. -Are you married? Andrea pressed her lips together and felt that tightness in her chest. -To Adriana’s father. I’m married to Adriana’s father -she murmured in a low voice-. The divorce has already been issued, that’s why I went to court the other day, but the judge told me that the process takes two months. It doesn’t become effective until February and it’s not a procedure that can be doneHe stopped at a distance where they couldn’t hear them and turned to her. -You can’t say “no” like that in front of people! – he snapped nervously. -And you can’t say “yes” without consulting me because that’s not what we agreed on! – she replied scared. -And what did you want me to tell him?! – Zack growled. -“No”! You should have said “No” before me, Zack! -I thought we could solve it later, Andrea! You and I can solve anything… -Not this, Zack! -she shouted. I can’t marry you! -It’s just a show, it wouldn’t be real… -We would have to sign a paper! -A fake one, Andrea, just to please my father…! he insisted. Then we can get divorced and…! -No, I can’t marry you! -she shouted because she didn’t understand his insistence. -Why the hell not!? -Because I’m already married! Those words left them both petrified and speechless for a moment. -Excuse me? -Zack murmured. -Are you married? Andrea pressed her lips together and felt that tightness in her chest. -To Adriana’s father. I’m married to Adriana’s father -she murmured in a low voice-. The divorce has already been issued, that’s why I went to court the other day, but the judge told me that the process takes two months. It doesn’t become effective until February and it’s not a procedure that can be donespeed up. Zack felt like he was kicked in the stomach. He had thought Adriana had been careless, perhaps a reckless night, but he certainly hadn’t expected Andrea to be married to the baby’s father. He didn’t know exactly how that made him feel, but it wasn’t getting the best of him. “Maybe it’s not easy for you to speed up, but for someone like me anything is possible,” he said, ruffling his hair without looking at her. “I can send Ben and in two days he’ll have your divorce decree ready…” “No…” “And then we’ll get married…” “No…” “It’ll just be a protocol thing, my father will be happy and when we get back to Canada we can have a div…” “You’re not listening to me, Zack! I’m not going to marry you!” she screamed. Not even if the papers come out tonight! I’m not going to marry you! You and I agreed to a courtship, even an engagement, but not a marriage! That’s why I agreed to come!” -No, what you and I agreed on was ten thousand dollars for you to come with me and do whatever it took to make my father happy! – he snapped at her furiously and Andrea felt like she was losing her breath. You’re here because I’m paying for your services! You’re working for me, and if my father says we’re getting married then we’re getting married, Andrea! Do you understand? If that man had hit her, literally if he had hit her, with his hand, it would have hurt Andrea less. But those words had closed her throat in one go, cutting off her voice while the only thing she felt was that hateful tickle of tears behind her cheeks. “You’re here because I’m paying for your services!” It was true, how could she have allowed herself to forget it? She nodded with trembling lips and hugged her body, turning her back to head towards the house, and Zack closed his eyes with a groan because he wanted to swallow everything he had said but there was no way now. He looked around, breathing heavily, trying to control that anger mixed with regret. “Andrea…!” he shouted, running after her, but by then the girl was already entering the house, looking for her daughter. Zack stopped at the door and saw her smile at the baby while she talked to her brothers, as if the argument they had just had and the horrible words she had said to him had never happened. And when she looked at him, Zack felt a tightness in his chest that was difficult to describe, because for the first time since he met her, that smile from Andrea for him was not sincere.

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