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Chapter ch 15

Andrea didn’t say a word as they walked to Zack’s apartment. The baby had calmed down a little, but they hadn’t. “Ready, we have the medicines, the formula, the baby… and the nerves!” Zack murmured as soon as they arrived. He opened the door to his apartment and Andrea tried not to be surprised because the living room of Zack’s residence alone was three times larger than all the rooms in his apartment put together. They gave the baby a bath, and Zack preferred to leave the diaper test for another day, because it was obvious that the baby was feeling bad. She wasn’t crying or vomiting anymore, but she didn’t want to sleep, she just wanted to be held. By three in the morning they were both like zombies, completely exhausted, but Adriana didn’t fall asleep, she only dozed a little and as soon as they tried to put her to bed she started to whimper. Zack went to take a bath to wake up, and when he tried to rock Adriana so that Andrea could take a shower too, the baby refused flatly. -Come with me princess! I love you so much, let mommy take a bath… – he encouraged her but there was no way. I don’t understand, why doesn’t she want to with me? I thought she liked me – he murmured worriedly. Andrea took a deep breath and tilted her head. -Well… maybe it’s because your clothes are cold, or she doesn’t recognize your smell – she reassured him-. Babies like to be warm, that’s why they like mommy’s chest more. Zack frowned and before Andrea could say another word, she had already thrown herself to the floor. Five push-ups, ten sit-ups, three chest blows later and the shirt off, Zack took the baby from his arms. -Ready, I’m warm now, come here my beautiful thing! Thank you for reading on LeeNovelas.com. The baby pressed her cheek to his chest and grumbled just a little before falling asleep again. Zack looked at Andrea as if he had completed the most important mission in the world and she tried not to look at him too much, but that was almost impossible because there was not a single part of that man that was not worth looking at. “Don’t drool, don’t drool…” she thought as Zack walked with the baby to one of the huge windows and she saw that sea of ​​tattoos that covered his torso and back. She had to make an effort to lift her feet off the floor to go take a shower, and thanked God that she could attribute all her sighs to tiredness. Needless to say, neither of them slept much that night, and if she was a scared first-time mom, Zack was undoubtedly a very scared fake first-time dad too. “I’m releasing you from your work obligations today,” she murmured as her eyes closed. -I had already thought about not going to work – Andrea smiled at him – My boss is not going to go anyway. Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. And that was certain, because a few minutes later, at dawn, she saw him fall asleep with the baby in his arms. By the time Zack managed to open his eyes again,It was already ten in the morning and the apartment smelled heavenly. Adriana waved her hand when she felt him move and Zack narrowed his eyes. “You sure slept well, princess, didn’t you?” He smiled at her. He looked around and brought the box of diapers closer. God willing! Fifteen minutes later Adriana’s bottom was whiter and more powdered than a geisha’s face, but that diaper was a perfect fit! Zack was filled with pride and lifted her up in his arms, very plump, to chase that delicious smell. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw Andrea in the middle of the kitchen, singing softly and wearing one of her t-shirts that reached her knees. She was disheveled and was the cutest thing in that apartment after the baby. “Please tell me what you did for a battalion, because I’m starving,” he murmured and Andrea turned around to smile at him. -I took your size into account – he answered, placing a plate full of waffles on the counter in front of him. He took the baby from his arms and if it was time for him to cover his pecs… they both forgot. A minute later Andrea saw him sigh and eat, eat and sigh, while he made faces at Adriana to see her laugh. -Thanks for helping me last night, she murmured-. It really was a nice gesture on your part. Zack shrugged. -Don’t even say it. What kind of fake boyfriend would I be if I didn’t help you when you needed me? – he replied. -Well, the truth is that many times not even real ones do – Andrea said thoughtfully, but as soon as she saw his intention to ask about it, she got ahead of him by pointing to a wall-. Hey, I saw some pictures of you. Were you an athlete? She saw him smile from ear to ear. —Yes, I already told you, I love fast things to do stupid things in the snow. I did snowboarding, skiing, luge, speedriding. I’ve done everything except hockey, and yes, I won several winter games- he told her. —Is that how you ended up in Canada? — she asked curiously. —No, the truth is that we came for Ben, so he could spend more time with his son- Zack murmured-, but that’s a long story that I’ll tell you later. What are we going to do today? Besides getting some more sleep, please. They decided to rest the rest of the morning and when they realized that the baby was already feeling very well, Andrea wanted to stop by the hospital to see Mrs. Wilson. — Honey, I’m very glad that you and Adriana have someone to take care of you, because I think I won’t be around for much longer- the old lady told her. —Don’t say that, Mrs. Wilson, I assure you that they will discharge you very soon- Andrea murmured with a heavy heart. – I won’t be going back to the apartment anyway, honey. A nice social worker came by and I think I’m going to accept that offer I turned down a few years ago, I’m going to a nursing home. Andrea’s eyes became moist and Zack could see how much she was struggling with that decision, but in the end she had no choice but to say goodbye.-I promise you that we will go visit you very often, Mrs. Wilson -he said to her. You will see that she will feel very good with other grandparents. By the time they left there, Zack saw her wiping away her tears and hugging her daughter as if she were her only defense against sadness. -You are very close, aren’t you? -he asked her. -Well… the day I arrived home and found it empty, she came with a topper full of stew -Andrea murmured-. It’s not fair that good people like her don’t have someone to take care of them, but as much as I wanted to, right now I don’t have a way to take care of her. I can barely take care of my daughter and myself… -She will be fine, Zack assured her-. Besides, I am sure that your situation will change very soon, when you are the best sports representative in the whole country. Andrea smiled at him hopefully and Zack took her home. He had to admit that it was hard for him to leave them in a place that only had a mattress and a crib, but Andrea insisted thatThe baby was fine now and they had to get back to normal. He spent that night looking at the phone. If they had told him that he would sleep less because he didn’t have the girl with him, he wouldn’t have believed it, but when his phone rang at seven, Zack almost flew over the furniture. He got ready immediately and half an hour later he was passing by Andrea’s building. “I know it’s a lot to ask, but can you please take her to daycare?” she asked him anxiously. “They called me and I have to appear at the court in an hour.” “Did something bad happen?” Zack worried. “No, on the contrary!” she answered. “I’m doing some paperwork and if I manage to complete it, it’s possible that I’ll get government benefits for single mothers, and that’s really important to me.” Zack took a deep breath, he would have liked to pay everything that woman asked for in the world, but she wasn’t the type to ask for anything. “It’s okay.” I’ll take you to the court and take the princess with me,” he agreed, because he also liked her to fight her battles alone. A little while later, while he gave the baby a hundred kisses before leaving her at the nursery, Andrea appeared before the judge. “I have studied your case, Mrs. Brand, and I have asked the police to investigate,” said the woman in a stern voice. “Your story has been corroborated. In case you didn’t know, I’ll tell you: your husband left the country five months ago and hasn’t returned. Since he hasn’t even claimed paternity of your daughter, I’m willing to grant you a divorce. We must wait the corresponding period of two months, but I guarantee that by February of next year you will be divorced.” Andrea thanked him and left there so relieved that for the first time in months she felt that everything was going well. Unfortunately, there were people capable of making even a saint’s day bitter, and that was exactly what happened when she left the cafeteria because she wanted to do something kind to Zack. -That was going too far, Andrea- she heard them say to her as soon as she got into the elevator. -Excuse me? – she murmured, turning around and seeing that several colleagues from work were with her. -Did you make the boss bring your daughter to daycare? -another one rebuked her-. That’s not done, honey. We all know that you fuck him, but if you think that making him carry your daughter will tie him down, let me tell you that it doesn’t work that way. -I’m not…! -she tried to defend herself but they interrupted her. -You have to accept it babe, these men are the ones who fuck in private and with as many as they can, but don’t think that he’s going to admit you in public-another one snapped at her-. Mr. Keller must have a lover in each branch and according to what they say he has many… branches. Andrea pressed her lips and fists. -I really appreciate your concern, ladies, but what happens between Zack Keller and I is only our problem- she hissed. -Well, we’re just telling you this to take care of you, Andrea,Because one day he’s going to show up with his real girlfriend and kiss her in front of everyone, and you’ll just be left as the unacknowledged lover of Mr.… But the woman couldn’t finish unleashing her venom, because barely had the elevator doors opened when Andrea felt her hand being yanked violently. Her body collided with something large and solid, and her mouth collided with another mouth, a wet, soft and dangerous one: Zack’s mouth.

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